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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in cosmic synchronicity (60)


Be like a fearless chihuahua

You may have heard of the miniature chihuahua who runs fearlessly toward a ferocious dog many times his size.  Nobody taught this little dog that he could be eaten in a morsel or injured in any way.  All this little dog sees is another dog.  He sees him as his equal in the moment and does not judge.  This dog does not think or rationalize, for these are distinctly human traits.  What is my point here?

It is normal for the unconditioned person to stay present as the observer of the mind.  You can be deeply grounded in your physical body and only see mirror reflections of self in all others whom you view as equals.  In such a case, no matter what you perceive outside, nothing can shake your peace of mind, nothing can shift you out of a state of unconditional love, self-acceptance and fearlessness. Many people only imagine this state of being. What about you?How would you like to feel? Where am I headed?

The script in the mind shapes the path of your thinking and the evolution of your behaviour.  You may be fearless for short periods, then fall back into conditioned emotional reactions.  Rest assured, being aware of behaviour empowers you to change what you outgrow and opt to step outside the mind.   Its the moment to awaken.  The process of revelations is part of Cosmic Synchronicity.  


Who chooses among the possibilities?

Quantum physics teaches that human beings sense the truth of their existence through infinite perspectives of consciousness.  The movement of objects presents in terms of possibilities. You may ask who or what chooses among these many options? What happens as you discover you have creative control over your experience?

Consciousness itself unfolds based on free will.  Experience systematically narrows possibilities.  The observer is not included in impressions of quantum physics.  The subject is more fundamental.  Humans perceive things based on memory.  They view self in time and space to narrow possibilities.  To move beyond the senses allows you to experience things that remind you much exists beyond what you are taught to believe is real.  Have faith.  Trust.

When you view the self as separate, or as an object in consciousness, then you have not yet let go of the subject-object perception.  Direct experience reminds you everything is an extension of you.   As you step outside illusion, you no longer feel separate from anything.  A force within feels an awakening of absolute freedom.

In essence, you reconnect with who you are from consciously engaging in non-ordinary states-of being.  This awakens states of consciousness you temporarily forget.  You can detach from perceptions you pick up in the physical that distract you and contribute to dis-alignment.  You connect with guides to steer you back on track.

It is said an effective way to manifest your own dreams is to realign with Source energy and help others to help themselves.  Every moment, you are a more conscious participant in the cosmic shift of consciousness.  You create your reality and manifest the ego and quantum self as part of Cosmic synchronicity. Help others-get there from here. 


Allow feelings to guide you

The intensity of your desire and intention, and how long you focus, influences the impact on your perceved reality.  A thought activates an energy vibration.  You may sense it or may not discern it all. Yet, you feel it.  To what degree you allow your feelings to guide you determines what happens next.  You may relate to this process.

Take for example how a woman invited a seminar opportunity into the scope of her awareness. She did this by hearing about certain material and resonating with its energy vibration.  As synchronicity worked its magic, she discovered a related event and planted a seed in the mind. She kept stumbling across references to the author of the material and books on the place where the conference would be held.  The universe was sending her messages.

Over the next week, she read another book by the author and connected directly with a kindred spirit who appreciates the material. They exchanged ideas on the event and sensed it sounded meant to be. Low and behold, accommodation and travel plans fell into place as they knew they would. Nothing occurs without inviting the thought and allowing it. You are always in the right place and right time for miracles because you create them.

These women tuned their vibrational frequency of being to align with their vibrational frequency of desire.  In essence, they are conscious of what they attract and imagine a situation into being.  They sensed it already is, focus on the present, feel they are going and do. Their feeling enegy matches the vision; a case of Cosmic Synchroncity.


What brings you closer to the truth?

The truth exists beyond any words.  Some people ask how is living according to personal truth supposed to affect their perspective and circumstances?  Thoughts and asking someone else what you are meant to feel is not listening to the self.  Insight beckons to you who is ready.

The truth of who you are is the truth of what everything else is.  As you choose to explore beliefs and mental attitudes, you open up to feel inner shifts of coinciding energy vibrations. You move from being unaware to choosing consciously every idea and experience.  The core of you feels its way through life. As you let go of beliefs you outgrow, you simply join the dots inside you.

Many people come to realize how they are unconsciously clinging onto thoughts that do not serve them. Rigid mindsets prevent you from being the flow. If you believe in serendipity (accidents), you prevent yourself from sensing the symchronicities that connect all you meet and do.   As you move to realize accidents do not exist, you see through the quagmire to ways of allowing and resisting.  The truth of why you are here seems forever changing, but is it really?

As you choose to let go of what you outgrow, you remember to feel who you are.  You also respond to impressions coming to you from all forms of life, from worlds of spirit, intuition and beyond.  You  begin to sense all you do or do not do is part of Cosmic Synchronicity.  When ready, you move beyond seeing coincidences.  You realize chance encounters do not exist.

"Truth is a deep kindness that teaches us to be content in our everyday life and share with the people the same happiness."- Kahlil Gibran


What if you have no expectations?

You are where you are to open the heart to what exists for you.  This is an opportunity to recognize everything is a reflection of who you think you are.  Some people sense what they experience is what they know themselves to be.  To know requires no thought or belief.  You choose to be fully empowered or to postpone that.

Ponder how your body is a filter, a conduit, that transmits energy into forms you discern in the physical.  You can sense when your attention is distracted from what feels balanced.  The invisible or unmanifested, grounds you. It often only grows apparent through discerning aspects of times and space.  Allow yourself to sense everything.

You may be in a situation where changes you perceive around you are distracting you from what you experience inside.  What if you are not seeing clearly when you look outside the self? What if alignment is only truly experienced as you remember what it feels like to feel beyond self-imposed limitation?

Remind self nothing happens to you.  Everything actually happens through you.  No person senses this exactly as you do in this moment.  It may invite you to debate reality and then release energy that no longer serves you. 

Ultimately, conflict does not exist unless you imagine it. To detach from all expectations changes everything.  Choosing consciously means focusing your attention on peace, love and joy. Life is pure Cosmic Synchronicity.