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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in cosmic synchronicity (60)


What is a multi-dimensional actor?

As you choose to raise conscious awareness higher and higher, you sense entertainment arises from within.  There is less the inclination to seek tapes, movies and external tools as you create your own iving experiment.

Not everyone has the same level of awareness, the same perspective or, same desire to be free.  Part of you knows there is no reason to force anything.  Each person carries his own frequency and creates a coinciding experience.

On different levels, everyone's perception of reality is changing.  How you view these changes and how you respond to everything exernal also changes. This process involves the multi-dimensional self even if this is not grasped on a conscious level. As you expand inward, you sense multiple selves present diverse perspectives.

The more you open to what is inside of you, the more comfortable you are with everything that is happening. You experience the revelation that there is nothing to fear. You choose to be on the leading edge of contrast and still hold within you the spiritual awareness that you exist to explore being and create. The expansion enables you to learn what forgetting and control feel like. You gain insight into limitation and transform. No mistakes exist.

You remember how it feels to be patient, understanding, loving. You naturally transmute fear. Revelations open consciousness. Your creative ability reveals to you that you are in more than one perceived place right now. 

The realisation that you joyfully choose to be where you are now empowers you to remove your own veils of separation. You realize every thought and feeling serves you. This is all aligning in Cosmic Synchronicity.  Some people sense this is feeling of Source energy, the opposite of resistance. To know self is to be consciously aware.


What if rather than becoming, U already R?

Many people have forgotten a lot as the result of having their inherent abilities unplugged.  If someone told you that your conditioned idea of standard two-strand DNA was originally twelve-strand DNA, would that floor you?

You may be familiar with images of crop circles that resemble three- and six-stranded of DNA.  What if energy is shifting to multiply your DNA strands and giving you opportunities to remember more now? Imagine that.

One perspective is that something exerts control over the minds of society and your choices determine the nature and extent of your own awakening. In order to open to realities beyond your current scope and perception, you are invited to explore more deeply your own view of reality, including emotions and inner highways of consciousness.

Life transforms from the moment you accept what you are given.  Be willing to explore sides you hide from your conscious self.  You may think you know what you are, yet at a conscious level, you still deny facits of the truth. 

It is never too late to remember energy, frequency and vibration are sending you messages from within and from everything you project.  This is part of attuning to Cosmic Synchronicity.   In essence, the real you does not become anything. You accept or reject what you already are.  Nothing is out of reach for unless you believe that.


Set yourself free

As you recognize yourself as you truly are, you would never desire any change.  You give full attention to what is. There is no perception of boredom, no reason for worry.  You strengthen awareness and forget past and future.

Imagine you are already serene, content and all you experience is aligned with the full beauty of life.  You evolve to sense what you think about in the very same moment. That is, when you permit the mind to create any sensation other than love, acceptance and gratitude, you shift into that vibration, and so it is unless you shift back to love.

What does it mean to set self free? One view is it means you are willing to re-align with the centre of who you are, the core of everything, to dissolve pain and realize emotional and other illusions cease to exist. To recognize infinite, inner power is to realize you transform perception of apparent setbacks into major advantages.

You also sense the potential for increasing awareness indefinitely, to transcend ego awareness, and to move into cosmic consciousness.  This is the endless love and peace you begin to associate with Cosmic Synchronicity.


What if knowledge seeks limitation?

The real learning takes place after you sense you know everything.  To listen in the mind requires you learn what it means to feel silence and timelessness.  To hear deeply invites you to share things directly from the heart. 

Let's say innersight means knowing what you think and why. To be open to feeling and accepting all you are every moment does not mean you are not subject to limitation.  Yet, you also create opportunities for freedom.

Lao Tzu says, 'Those who have knowledge, don't predict. Those who predict, don't have knowledge.'  One underlying premise is that knowledge is nothing.  If you are serious, consider what intuition is not.

Intuition is unrelated to personality.  One perspective is intuition is the capacity to tune into universal mind or, the grasp of oneness.  In other words, it is that place where expanding love is all there is now and fully known.

 To reach this, many people experience a process of self-disclosure where integrity and transparency present as base states or core frequency.  At the same moment, Cosmic Synchroncity reminds you of unwavering trust.


Allow energies to flow

Part of you feels on the verge of great things.  Part of you believes in life, fears death and clings to linear time. Yet, just because the mind believes something to be true, does not ensure it is. Discernment reveals what matters.

Another part of you already feels great, even perfectly balanced. This part of you senses a physical body is not all there is.  You feel energy pulses within vibrate back and forth.  Personality adjustments happen as you are ready.

Infinite choices exist.  The interdependence of all matter, forms and formless connections remind you a variety of influences shape what you manifest.  You control your destiny.  You decide to create what you believe is real.

As you allow energy to flow, you may sense the room where you are is no more material than the body you project.  You co-create and remember the feeling of waves of gratitude.  It acknowledges Cosmic Synchronicity.