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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Allow feelings to guide you

The intensity of your desire and intention, and how long you focus, influences the impact on your perceved reality.  A thought activates an energy vibration.  You may sense it or may not discern it all. Yet, you feel it.  To what degree you allow your feelings to guide you determines what happens next.  You may relate to this process.

Take for example how a woman invited a seminar opportunity into the scope of her awareness. She did this by hearing about certain material and resonating with its energy vibration.  As synchronicity worked its magic, she discovered a related event and planted a seed in the mind. She kept stumbling across references to the author of the material and books on the place where the conference would be held.  The universe was sending her messages.

Over the next week, she read another book by the author and connected directly with a kindred spirit who appreciates the material. They exchanged ideas on the event and sensed it sounded meant to be. Low and behold, accommodation and travel plans fell into place as they knew they would. Nothing occurs without inviting the thought and allowing it. You are always in the right place and right time for miracles because you create them.

These women tuned their vibrational frequency of being to align with their vibrational frequency of desire.  In essence, they are conscious of what they attract and imagine a situation into being.  They sensed it already is, focus on the present, feel they are going and do. Their feeling enegy matches the vision; a case of Cosmic Synchroncity.

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Reader Comments (14)

You speak so eloquently of the absolute grace and beauty of the unfolding of synchronistic events which occur when one is in alignment with true soul essence. In this state of being completely open, aware and conscious of living each moment in the now, the universe conspires on our behalf and we indeed create our own reality. When you set intentions, trust your inner voice and are receptive to the messages, opportunities present themselves which allow you to follow the song of your heart. In the dance of matching vibrational energies with a kindred spirit, cosmic synchronicity is activated and divine creation transpires. Believe that magic happens and dreams really do come true!
January 28, 2010 | Unregistered Commenter~ Azra ~
This is why trance dancing is so powerful, where one gets excited in a circle, perhaps flowing around a fire or some sacred object, and begins to chant or sing while holding an intention in one's heart and mind. They can then enter the dream and see it happen and is therefore summoning an event to appear on the Horizon.

Then there is the good old pep talk in a locker room where the Coach creates a whirlwind of energy through a convincing speech and whips their players into a frenzy to make the desired outcome come true.

Then there is the stereotype of the witch creating magic with her cauldron where each ingredient represents something, and together with the images in her mind and the words she uses, intends an energetic response to manifest.

It all comes down to believing in what we are seeing within and what we are saying. The thoughts and the feelings created directs the energy for synchronicties to become orchestrated. Meditation is then a tool to quiet the mind where all your energy can then be focused on the task at hand where one's desires are intended to come true.
January 28, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNatural Moments :)
Talking about "Law of Attraction", eh?
January 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRizal Affif
Azra, going into that space that reconnects you with who you are. This timeless space is available to you every moment. Many people are conditioned to doubt, resist or fight against the flow of things. They block themselves from experiencing this space. To be conscious of moving is to sense the door you need to walk through. You empower everything in your experience, the truth or illusion, love or fear, peace and joy or something else. You choose the nature of your frame of mind. As you decide to open the door of opportunity, you can get beyond every belief, every hypothetical setback and experience that place without any expectation. This is where magic happens as you choose to go within and set yourself free. You sense fully what is there. The joy defies words.
January 29, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Bern, some people ask, 'how goes a given wonderful thing happen to me?' They may hesitate to believe stages of their lives can seem like fairytales. In truth, a person need not rub a magic lamp or assume 'miracles' are anything out of the ordinary. Your frame of mind and state of being determine whether you release the light. To see, feel and experience the truth of your limitless being is not meant to seem extraordinary. People often sense filled with unanswered questions because they resist the flow of energy and how things actually are. Human beings are taught to believe what is not possible rather than invited to experience the truth for themselves. To consciously let go of beliefs brings you to a corridor of doorways. Each one opens into worlds and dimensions to remind you of timeless inner beauty. To align self with what is means you grow conscious that inner conflict and doubt dissolve.
January 29, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Rizel, people are aware of different levels of questions, different details. Certain things which have been temporarily forgotten are rather desirable for you to remember. Related revelations remind you to feel good now.
January 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLiara Covert
It is amazing how when we are aware and all is aligned that we invoke that which we desire into being.
January 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMark
Mark, the amazing thing is, human beings always invite into being precisely those things which are in vibratory alignment. As a person realizes it is possible to be a more deliberate creator, they grow more conscious of their own thoughts, the vibrations they are sending, and how they resonate or not with beliefs and desires. This example seems extraordinary only until a person accepts who he is and harnesses inner power and potential. Imagine how the world evolves as everyone realizes this is possible for everyone every moment?
January 29, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Liara, you have illustrated so clearly how we create our lives. "The joy defies words." Yes; bliss filled with wonder and certainty and amazement and "of course" are all part of it. ;) Belief is key, which naturally includes trust and release. To release includes a letting go of what we see in front of us or what we are conditioned to tell ourselves. The reality before us is just one reality, and we can choose (according to the power of our belief) any other reality we desire. It truly is the most exciting thing...! Life is MEANT to be lived in this way, and we truly ARE creators, and if people need to label, package and sell our abilities as a system or way that needs to be learned (such as Law of Attraction), that's fine. But if we stop and think about it, we really are simply relearning what we already know. Daydreaming and intentional planning with determination are simply passive and active versions of this same thing. Bernie's examples include several forms of focusing our attention, and repetitive focusing (such as daydreaming) and continued action (such as making plans with full faith that things will work out) are variations. Personally, I'm more like Azra: I believe in magic, and see it happening all the time! :)
January 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJulie
One can also say that all events and all forms seen and unseen are synchronized even if one is apparently unconscious of one's ongoing momentary requests. Everyone, has feelings, and so they are attracting situations to match their feelings. They are broadcasting their vibes whether they acknowledge them or repress them. When one doesn't take control or responsibility of their feelings, then one becomes lost in the clock and wheels of fate. Fate, like synchronicity, brings to us the things we want to experience and learn from. It's just that Fate can happen over and over again till we feel the request fully, whereas attracting our desires through our conscious feelings allows us to explore new aspects of ourselves which can then be released when we take the meeting to heart.
January 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNatural Moments :)
@Natural Moments: YES. :)
January 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJulie
Julie, a person experiences what he creates with thought energy. As you imagine something is already happening, the energy and excitement you feel invites it into being that much faster. You vibrate in the vortex of joy where you summon and allow the upliting experience to flow through you. So long as a person imagines something in the future, that idea hovers somewhere out there. The awareness of how it feels in the moment is postponed. Consider athletes who listen to the music of their routines before they perform. Their creative visualisation brings the perfected experience to the present and makes feelings of 'doing' much more real.
January 30, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara .. I know that if I have few distractions, which have been a near impossibility recently, then my powers of concentration are much better and that intensity of desire and intention come to the fore.

The connection of things happening and once that connection is made, then that link is made and keeps popping up .. thought process, hearing it, seeing it and all leading you along towards your goal. Then that decision comes around and is right.

Thank you - Hilary
January 31, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
Hilary, the universe presents friendly reminders to you that you are on track or not. How you interpret these energetic signs depends on you. When you feel good about your decisions, then this reflects you are aligned with where you want to be. When you do not feel good about certain decisions or situations, then it is conceivable you are not recieving the available messages about love and acceptance. Every situation arises in your scope of awareness based on your energy vibration. How you perceive is a choice. Remember it is always possible to gain insight into love and sense blessings where you are. The nature of your conditions evolve with your perception, growing confidence and inner knowing.
January 31, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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