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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in cosmic synchronicity (60)


Cory Herter, pineal opening, DMT & Sacred G

Cory Herter shares stories of what led him to have over 300 NDEs, and profound contact with beings on the Other Side.  He empowers others to awaken to the electromagentic spectrum and share knowledge about regenerating energy that is within reach for everyone.  You can pick up invisible energy within environments. This relates to the pineal, DMT and your connection to Source.

What would you say if your pineal gland is activating, if the energy within you is being unleashed and you have the ability to reclaim inner power on levels you have not yet even imagined? What is your dream?  What if learning more about the spiritual senses transforms state of being and consciousness? You are ready to experience existence and reality on completely new levels.  All of this is part of a wave of revelations you begin to associate with expanding perception and attuning to Cosmic Synchronicity.


How do you feel the implications?

If ever you have known anyone on the threshold of leaving this world, then you may feel invited to contemplate new levels of meaning in impermanence.  For some, to reflect on death is to explore new degrees of freedeom. Yet, many people are conditioned to believe it is hard to ponder death and freedom.  When you attempt to evade fear, or ignore facing death, somehow, both seem worse than they are.

Every moment, you have opportunities to gain insight into mind as more than physical processes in the brain. A different perspective says the mind is a threshold to boundless freedom and boundless realities. It is where you are faced with true self, core judgment, and the implications of choices made throughout your physical incarnation.  And yet, such a review is also possible while still being alive.

Consider how you view responsibilities, how you collect them, to what degree you feel you control them or feel they actually control you.  How do perceptions mezmerize and deceive you into creating misplaced prioirities? Maybe only those people who grasp the fragility and impermanence of life truly recognize how precious it is.   In truth, impermanence is ironically the only lasting possession.

Everyone has free will to make the most of time he is given. To what degree you ponder life and death opens a panoramic reveiw.  Nothing distrubs you unless you choose. To love unconditionally and serve collective humanity is part of Cosmic Synchronicity.


How do you get where you are going?

Humans are often conditioned to think, 'faster, better, cheaper.' That is, they are taught to seek short-cuts to their destinations, keeping those ends in -mind. Where you are headed is something the mind is determined to define, orient and steer. What if other perspectives beckon? The heart suggests you feel your way and disregard the logic. What if short-cuts to increased awareness do not exist?

Let's say your own experience is required to know what truly works. In other words, you only gain insight into who you are from making decisions and experiencing the consequences.   This includes the emotions that feel good and those which do not.  Each experience is meaningful for you have potential to gain from it.  You decide the what, when how and whey as well as when.

Another perspective is that getting somewhere is based on mind-focused, linear thinking.  The heart knows you are already a somebody as you are, where you are, and there is no need to go anywhere.  In this sense, the mind may tell you you are going nowhere fast.  Step away and reflect on the truly beautiful, loving soul are right now.  Revelations are part of Cosmic Synchronicity.


How are you a transmitter?

What would you say if you began to feel like a transmitter, a relay station for incoming and outgoing energy vibrations?  Like any instrument, the accuracy of transmission depends of the receptiveness and awareness of mind and brain and links to the Source.

Even now, your creative expression is inspired by the strengthening of your inner hearing.  What is this? It is what happens as you remember how to shift focus from the external to internal mental plane.    It is how you experience telepathy, divine inspiration, and other kinds of soul-level communication.  To tune into the reservoir of universal thought is to attune to the wise voice of silence.

Human beings will ask, where do dreams, inventions and inklings originate? One view is everything emerges as energy and sound from nowhere.  You call soul into action and resist the flow or not.  When there is no hindrance, it flows to unleash Cosmic Synchronicity.   


Learn to let go of what you are not

So many people cling to labels and identities that are not them.  You may temporarily forget what is.  You may sense you are asking questions and fillng in the answers based on conditioned beliefs. Only as you detach from beliefs do you feel what else is there.

In truth, your life purpose is not uncovered at a given moment. It is not fixed or linear.  What you are is ever-changing.  You are an extension of universal, divine light.  You know limits do not exist. There is no way to minimize real experience. To reconnect with the limitless being you are, is to remember everything is a droplet of a cosmic ocean. You align with what you have always known.

The unconscious path you are on involves expanding consciousness and moving beyond what you are trained to view as your ego self.  To align with truth and beauty elevates states of consciousness and being.  Ideas, thoughts, beliefs or concepts vanish. They burden existence and prevent you from merging with the flow.  To move into extension and perfection opens to Cosmic Synchronicity.