Manage the internal

Liara Covert, Ph.D
Insight of the Moment
"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all." - Liara Covert
*Mastering Time
365 Paths to Love
Contact us (paperback)
Be Your Dream
Transform Your Life
Cosmic Synchronicity
As a child, you begin to build an identity based on what you are told about yourself. As a teen and adult, this identity is reinforced unless you explore love and discover what it is beyond conditioning. Stories and images begin to stir the imagination, to create expectations for and assumptions about love in relationships. When you judge someone as lovable or loving, you create a sense of separation from love. The process invites you to lose yourself.
Everybody feels unconscious guilt or discomfort if he has not uncovered true nature. You come to sense you cannot forgive anything you think is real. Anything you think is real temporarily seems to own or control you. As you begin to forgive yourself, this slowly dissolves the guilt and what is unreal falls away. Its not what you do outside in the external world, but what you do inside that matters. pay attention to your thoughts.
Anything that disturbs you is a call for love. Once you begin to trust that you are loved, you can transcend the world and see it as an illusion. You loosen up that separation and feel interconnectedness or oneness more. As you allow yourself to disappear in oneness, you realize there is no you because you are everyone. Whatever you see is the Self in a different form. When you lose yourself, you actually find yourself, that which you are seeking is here.
Eventually, you go back to the being you have always been. The observer and the observed arise from observation. The third factor is the cohesive quality of pure love.
Unless you realize the essence of true unconditional love, whatever you do in life is not satisfying. Notice you can fool a human being about love but you cannot fool an animal. They are attuned to deeper sensing. Watch how they sniff you with more than the physical nose. They see through illusion and experience love through every cell of the body.
In essence, every question is a seeking of love. The reply is always the same. Ultimately people only wish to confirm 'all is okay.' The need arises from something deeper than the words. Whatever emotion you are feeling, all you want is peace, contentment or security. All of this is encompassed in love that is being here. Lose yourself. Embrace true nature.
Your will and imaginaton direct the subtle energy that is you. You are not limited to conventional (frontward or backward) directions. Notice what happens as you adopt the role of observer, focus and move inner energy differently. You raise its velocity, feel physically energized and require less sleep.
As an exercise, mentally visualize yourself turning around without moving the physical body. Feel the joy and other sensations associated with being free like the wind. Suddenly, you feel them. You are wind, air and flow. You mentally direct the subtle energy that is you and move it effortlessly. What do you find?
Consider how it feels to stop searching. Notice what is happening as you stop striving to discover or prove yourself. The mind may convince you this is self-defeating, that you are running away, but from what?
Slowly, something inside reminds you things unfold and come at you from all sides. There is nowhere to go. Another option exists- to stop observing extremes. The watcher evaluates experience. As you feel the watcher disappear, urges to do or be things falls away. Life transforms itself. Awareness simply is.
You may have heard of the miniature chihuahua who runs fearlessly toward a ferocious dog many times his size. Nobody taught this little dog that he could be eaten in a morsel or injured in any way. All this little dog sees is another dog. He sees him as his equal in the moment and does not judge. This dog does not think or rationalize, for these are distinctly human traits. What is my point here?
It is normal for the unconditioned person to stay present as the observer of the mind. You can be deeply grounded in your physical body and only see mirror reflections of self in all others whom you view as equals. In such a case, no matter what you perceive outside, nothing can shake your peace of mind, nothing can shift you out of a state of unconditional love, self-acceptance and fearlessness. Many people only imagine this state of being. What about you?How would you like to feel? Where am I headed?
The script in the mind shapes the path of your thinking and the evolution of your behaviour. You may be fearless for short periods, then fall back into conditioned emotional reactions. Rest assured, being aware of behaviour empowers you to change what you outgrow and opt to step outside the mind. Its the moment to awaken. The process of revelations is part of Cosmic Synchronicity.