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Insight of the Moment

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What brings you closer to the truth?

The truth exists beyond any words.  Some people ask how is living according to personal truth supposed to affect their perspective and circumstances?  Thoughts and asking someone else what you are meant to feel is not listening to the self.  Insight beckons to you who is ready.

The truth of who you are is the truth of what everything else is.  As you choose to explore beliefs and mental attitudes, you open up to feel inner shifts of coinciding energy vibrations. You move from being unaware to choosing consciously every idea and experience.  The core of you feels its way through life. As you let go of beliefs you outgrow, you simply join the dots inside you.

Many people come to realize how they are unconsciously clinging onto thoughts that do not serve them. Rigid mindsets prevent you from being the flow. If you believe in serendipity (accidents), you prevent yourself from sensing the symchronicities that connect all you meet and do.   As you move to realize accidents do not exist, you see through the quagmire to ways of allowing and resisting.  The truth of why you are here seems forever changing, but is it really?

As you choose to let go of what you outgrow, you remember to feel who you are.  You also respond to impressions coming to you from all forms of life, from worlds of spirit, intuition and beyond.  You  begin to sense all you do or do not do is part of Cosmic Synchronicity.  When ready, you move beyond seeing coincidences.  You realize chance encounters do not exist.

"Truth is a deep kindness that teaches us to be content in our everyday life and share with the people the same happiness."- Kahlil Gibran

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Reader Comments (9)

We find our selves entering Truth through the gates and fences we have built between us and the objects we are uneasy with. The barriers obscure the truth. If something comes to mind, and we don't investigate it to its core, then one continues to be blinded to the truth. When the core of the sensation is felt by facing each feeling that comes our way, the truth is revealed. Ultimately, the Truth says that whatever we place our attention upon, we are seeing and experiencing our selves. This is a reunion with Love. Therefore, truth is love.

If we resonate with something, whether one labels it as positive or negative, etc., it is an invitation to re-discover Love. If one takes each moment in with Heart and dissolves the barriers that the mind creates, we are only left with a feeling of completeness. We can give all the images, all of the sounds, all of the sensations our full attention since they are speaking to us. Something speaks to us all of the time. We can put our attention there and feel it till it evaporates....where we will be only left with the Truth and the One Self.
What is interesting about the light movement, is that many reject the dark. People equate Light with Love. Yes Light is Love, but Dark contains Love. Love eminates from between the two and is within the two. It is the center point between Yin and Yang. Love has no opposite. Light and Dark work together to create form and the experience that we want to have. Therefore they are tools for perception. Dark is like a shell or the membrane that provides contrast to Light and much more. It is only one's perception that makes one superior over the other.

Therefore the Truth is above light and dark, and everywhere in between.
A greater Truth can be felt and experienced when Nothing is rejected.
Yes, I have difficulty explaining to an inquiring friend of mine; I told him to experience himself, because explaining Truth is impossible; too bad most people thought everything could be explained :p
January 25, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRizal Affif
Bern, human beings are often conditioned to accept certain things and reject or fear others rather than sense everything is interconnected and complimentary. Some people sense everything is equal, that nothing is superior or inferior. As you imply, truth is felt through experience. It defies words and expresses all you need.
January 25, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara .. I had one of those epiphany moments yesterday when I suddenly realised what cosmic synchronicity is – everything coming together .. & it came about as I was sorting some new room decorations out for Mum, twiddling around, watching the ice skating on tv and suddenly the word came out – they skaters were so synchronised = oh yay!

Perhaps now I can start to understand more easily and not get bogged down by feeling I cannot understand and therefore can’t get to grips with things – it has made a difference – an enlightening: surprise surprise! So thank you .. got there eventually .. well obviously only the starting point – but at least it’s somewhere!!

Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories
January 25, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
You said:
" ... human beings are often conditioned to accept certain things and reject or fear others rather than sense everything is interconnected and complimentary. "

I see this in the "observant" Jewish community all the time. So many people start with a rigid set of "trues" and "falses", and then fit (or force) everything into that structure. When I question something, or G-d forbid, say that so-and-so long-dead Rabbi was wrong about something, the horror is palpable. If you question the accepted structure, they seem to fear the whole thing will crumble. My take, however, is that if the structure is so weak that honest questioning and even complete rejection of one or two men's opinions will destroy it all, then there are inherent flaws in the whole thing and perhaps it should fall. Even if those men among the sages -- they could have been and often were -- wrong.

Ironically, I don't believe that the structure is that shaky, and I believe it can withstand the questioning and the house-cleaning of some erroneous ideas/opinions and emerge even stronger. But my rejection of certain ideas places me in the position of a doubter -- but it seems to me that the fearful ones are the real doubters. I may question the words of people -- they are questioning the viability of the entire religion!
January 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLindsay
Rizal, as you imply, direct experience speaks for itself.
January 27, 2012 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hilary, from the point where you realize everything is 'coming together, ' you are actually moving into a state of greater self acceptance. You know you love and accept your true self fully at the moment you know everything is already together and there is no separation.
January 27, 2012 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Lindsay, the common thread through everything is love. To love unconditionally is not limited to a particular religion. As you let go of beliefs about boundaries, separation and a rigid ideas of who is right or wrong, you allow what is to reveal itself. In reality, it is forever present, yet the mind interprets it and clouds the silver lining. What can come and go is impermanent. What is real never dies. The heart is fully aware. The mind is shrounded.
January 27, 2012 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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