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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Who chooses among the possibilities?

Quantum physics teaches that human beings sense the truth of their existence through infinite perspectives of consciousness.  The movement of objects presents in terms of possibilities. You may ask who or what chooses among these many options? What happens as you discover you have creative control over your experience?

Consciousness itself unfolds based on free will.  Experience systematically narrows possibilities.  The observer is not included in impressions of quantum physics.  The subject is more fundamental.  Humans perceive things based on memory.  They view self in time and space to narrow possibilities.  To move beyond the senses allows you to experience things that remind you much exists beyond what you are taught to believe is real.  Have faith.  Trust.

When you view the self as separate, or as an object in consciousness, then you have not yet let go of the subject-object perception.  Direct experience reminds you everything is an extension of you.   As you step outside illusion, you no longer feel separate from anything.  A force within feels an awakening of absolute freedom.

In essence, you reconnect with who you are from consciously engaging in non-ordinary states-of being.  This awakens states of consciousness you temporarily forget.  You can detach from perceptions you pick up in the physical that distract you and contribute to dis-alignment.  You connect with guides to steer you back on track.

It is said an effective way to manifest your own dreams is to realign with Source energy and help others to help themselves.  Every moment, you are a more conscious participant in the cosmic shift of consciousness.  You create your reality and manifest the ego and quantum self as part of Cosmic synchronicity. Help others-get there from here. 

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Reader Comments (7)

One way of looking at free will, is that we have one of two choices to make in each Moment. We can choose to be or not to be, or to connect to source or not to connect to source in each Moment. Therefore, with each step we take we can continue on with seperation, or we can open up to expansion. If we choose seperation, which is a contractive mode of operation in a temporarily closed system, then it appears that it is the ego that is doing the choosing. If the option to open one's self to greater possibilities is chosen, then it can be attributed to divine will where the god within has chosen to move into a new dimensional experience. I guess it could be debated that when expansion is experienced, there are numerous probabilities. But this could be an illusion. The path taken next is based on one's personal vibrations and the opportunites down differing roads to reflect those attractions. The strongest magnetic attaction lures us in. Therefore, there was only the choice to take a new road or not to take a new road. Of course there are other possibilites at every junction. In parallel or alternate universes, other roads are taken instictively when neighboring tensions dissolve around us, giving us personally a new vibration. For example, if a friend forgives something about a past or future event, then those associated with this persons energetic release of bound up energy, changes the course of history to come, bringing people down new paths of discovery in differing realities.
January 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNatural Moments :)
I like the energy and the thoughts here.
I am embarrassed to admit it, but some of your writing is too complex for me to understand fully at this point in time.
I'd like to be able to comment intelligently, but there may be posts that I can't do that on.
When I can, I will leave some words of appreciation, and when I can't, I will remain silent. It won't mean that I am not reading.
January 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAurora
Aurora, different levels of awareness allow you to absorb ideas without knowing how or needing to explain. Certain concepts confuse people because the related experience does not seem appropriately or adequately described in words. Each person feels his way through encounters and situations and makes the best sense he can. Rest assured, there is no right or wrong way of understanding. You get what you need at a given moment. To be here reveals the energy resonates with you. We welcome your presence in whatever capacity.
January 29, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Bern, as you imply, possibilities are limitless. It is the desire of the mind to catch a figurative cloud and pin it down. Your conscious understanding of the process is unnecessary for it to continue. Energy always flows.
January 29, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Thank you, Liara:)
January 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAurora
Hi Liara,

The human consciousness is like a science project at times. We try different things to see what works, we reinvent ourselves, and reconvene at a different state of consciousness. We begin to know ourselves in all of our states of being.
January 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAlexys Fairfield
True indeed!

Thanks for sharing this.
January 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterC. Om

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