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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in cosmic synchronicity (60)


You have perfect timing

Everything you think, do and feel has perfect timing for your own unfolding process.  You expand and contract based on feelings you generate, based on whether you choose to block the flow of what comes naturally.  As you choose to analyze, judge or second-guess the self, you limit what would otherwise be infinite experience.  What you experience is a reflection of what you choose to be now.

As you step back, you can decide that everything offers blessings, benefits, and draws you into your own forgotten sources of wisdom.  To sense that you are precisely where you need to be is reassuring. Notice you have opportunities to be elsewhere, but choose here. How does it feel to remember more of how to align with you?  This is part of the harmony of Cosmic Synchronicity.


Everything is inside you

Many people temporarily forget that everything they require is inside them. This is where dreams are devised and from where plans to realize them are projected. You point things out to yourself directly through your visualized sensations. You imagine a whole range of emotions and manifest them into being as experience through different dimensions of reality. Why then, search outside at all?

Part of you resists believing, sensing or knowing that what you experience is contained within the mind.  This same part of you hesitates to accept that your karma or energy has anything to do with discomfort that is unfolding in your scope o awareness. You may empathize with another or, disregard his plight as being in any way related to you.  Could it concern self-love and forgiveness?

Even now, your own teachings emerge from the wisdom mind.  This is not a dream.  You feel what you seek through the palm of your hand.  As you go deeper into the nature of the mind, you discern answers.  You discover they unfold themselves without prompting as you are ready.  This is yet another stage in higher consciousness evolution.  It is part of attuning to Cosmic Synchronicity. 


Do not fix what is not broken

The reflection of your world is changing based on how you interact and experience everything.  Notice where change is possible in your life.  What do you radiate out, through you? To go within is to reconnect with the divine connection.  The truth of who you are is peering back at you.  Right now, you experience aprocess that lets you know if you are out of alignment so you choose to re-align.

Ask yourself why you are prompted to fix what is not broken, to feel that something about you requires improvement? What if you let go of thoughts, ideas and beliefs that judge you to be less than you are?  Those things you see in the mirror reflect directly about your self-esteem and degree of self-acceptance.  To assume you are too something or not enough, is a misplaced belief you can change.

From the moment you stop exerting effort to be you, you stop pushing against the current.  You realize it is not necessary to go upstream to experience peace and to reconnect with who you are.  This is effortless.  You may forget you cannot help but be you. Let go of what people tell you that you should be, of those things you are conditioned to want.  Be receptive to Cosmic Synchronicity.


Where do you go from here?

It is human conditioned nature to pinpoint a linear path, to orient the self using time and space and get bearings.  One perspective would say such action actually distracts you from present awareness.  Some people use the mind and others feel with the heart.

Consider how you respond as you realize that no words can describe it, no example or analogy can identify it.  To sense where you are is not deluded or hidden except by something within.  To sense the implications of no limits suggests where you are and how you truly feel does not fit into any category. Progressive revelations are all part of your growing awareness of true Cosmic Synchronicity


Sense everything is helping you

Some people are quick to assume that things are not going their way. They permit doubt to arise and negativity to take root.  These kinds of emotions simply distract you from quat is going on beyond what you see.  What about those things you do not yet see?

Whatever your apparent circumstances, you are not consciously aware of the big picture.  That is, you do not sense every step that is unfolding, how they are all interconnected, and how supernatural forces are actually engaged in empowering you to realize dreams.

Remind yourself that thought energy is very powerful. Yet, when you set your intention and direct your focus, the vision in the mind does not immediately materialize. Why? There may be issues you are invited to work through as part of the process of making it happen.  There may also be certain steps that are initiated as part of a longer process.  Remember to feel the the vibration of trust.

As you choose to sense everything is helping you, then your perspective completely transforms. Consider that if deep in your heart, you desire a different situation, a new relationship, another job or focus, then certain current conditions are going to fall apart before something new unfolds.  Your life is going to change. Prepare to be amazed.  It all relates to the magic of Cosmic Synchronicity.