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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in conscious (26)


Awaken to the Truth

(Image Galactic Awareness Sacred Geometry by Nathalie Daout)

Notice that to feel truly alive is to be aware of everything that enters your conscious experience, to recognize visceral signs, signals and inter-connectedness of All. It is knowing each perceived challenge or obstacle is a cleverly orchestrated gift and wake-up call we offer ourselves to experience cosmic energy (Love) more fully.  Observe what happens as it dawns everything is a call for or message about love.


Feel into the expanded Truth

Notice the Truth is in plain sight, yet only those energetically ready are willing to see. The Sci-fi genre has long echoed we exist as limitless energy in a holographic universe. Human life is like a huge Holodek on The Starship Enterprise. We change body, costumes, culture, roles, relations, environment, to explore possible outcomes, before making a choice grounded in space-time reality.
Ever reflect on a quantum computer or a simulation? Participate in a performance rehearsal or a practice game so you could iron out quirks, create the best scenario when it counts? How might unseen actors simulate global events with a quantum computer? What if each human is already a quantum computer with immeasurable power and potential? What if fully activating multidimensional systems enables shifting into divine resonance beyond the game? Recall the classic Wizard of Oz story where the man behind the curtain uses machines to create false realities to scare Dorothy, the Tin Man, Scarecrow and the Lion. It works well numerous times until Dorothy's dog Toto opens the curtain and reveals the illusion. This triggers an awakening in Dorothy & her friends. They change how they see, reclaim their power. Dorothy learns her red shoes always held power she seeks. Like her, we can access inner power Now. Consider the possibility the entire 3D physical Universe is illusory. If all we think we know is within the simulated 3D realm we engage in, then intuition guides us to what exists beyond it. As we grow and trust self more, rather than seek answers outside, we go within, and remove veils we place over our own eyes. This brings us new clarity.More of us are growing aware of a divergence in awareness and consciousness. Its like splitting Earths: one for those who still play unconscious games of self-created limitation and another for those who expand into diverse timelines and interact in different dimensions to return and influence our collective 3D experience. As veils dissipate, the deeper Truth revealed is that by activating and upgrading innate systems, we access more realities, frequencies and timelines naturally. Awakening is about shifting into collective consciousness, knowing we need no external tech interfaces to facilitate what we already do in some realms ourselves. As we ease into extended aspects of self in varied frequencies, we consciously move through the sound and light spectrum like a cosmic radio dial. Exploring dreams and altered states allows us to feel into and start unleashing infinite potential. Being aware and charging our electro-magnetic signals enables us to faciliate huge shifts beyond words.

5 Revelations about priorities

Ponder 5 Revelations or ah-ha moments that require no thought. Breathe the way into each one, sensing the growing connection you have with yourself, heartfelt priorities. 

1. Feel why having money is not true wealth

2. Tune into love as the ultimate success.  Unconditional love and trust are conscious intelligence that unfold as we live through the heart.

3. Accept you have no time. The present is the only real time. No past or future exist. We are not results of the past. We simply are.

4.  Consciously connect with the Earth, whatever this means. Discover that once it begins nothing can stop it

5.  Notice as we take responsibility for our thoughts, we take responsibility for every choice and experience. 


Retrain your body to breathe

Everyone breathes but as it is, very few people breathe fully or make connections betweeen how they breathe and their day-to-day behaviours, addictions or other issues. No wonder retraining the body to breathe is gaining momentum and growing more popular than basic yoga or meditation. When ready, a range of breathwork practices enter your scope.

Why take steps to decode our breath? It reveals much about the state of our bio-psycho-social health and empowers us to take responsibility for our lives on a whole new level. Breathing training boosts lung volume and prevents the loss of respiratory capacity. It helps us connect emotions with breathing rhythm and heart rate. What if we could strengthen our posture, heart and spinal health? Breathwork makes us more flexible and resilient and it facilitates the body’s natural self-healing powers. Ready to dive right in?

What if I highlight that breathwork helps us to heal tension, manage chronic pain, fear, depression and anxiety disorders when drugs and other traditional methods are ineffective? It improves our moods, emotions, and sleep states. In addition, breathwork helps us to expand awareness, confidence, intuition, self-esteem, self-appreciation, and self-love and acceptance.

Further, gaining insight into the breath supports heart health and boosts mental health. It allows us to hack into our immune system, our nervous system and our brain, to reclaim or regain control over issues such as high blood pressure, inflammation, asthma, chronic stress, chronic fatigue, and a variety of addictions.

Conscious Breathing techniques trigger the release of opioids (natural pain killers and anti-depressants), as well as dopamine and serotonin (“happy and calming” hormones—neurotransmitters of pleasure, motivation and memory). And they also reduce cortisol levels (the stress hormone) the repeated release of which can itself become addictive.

And what about eating disorders? breathing training helps improve digestion and it supports weight loss. Ever wonder where our weight goes as we lose it? Studies show that most of that weight is eliminated through the breath!

So how do we discover the nature of our habits? Poor breathing habits, especially in children, are known to cause unhealthy development and disturbing changes in facial muscles, joints, bones, and teeth alignment. Our ancestors had naturally healthy breathing habits, and they all had straight teeth! So, even the state of our teach is a clue to our breathing habits and deeper issues that may be unconscious!

Many people also ask whether breathwork can assist with healing emotional issues. Breathwork training clears stale stagnant energy from our system. It helps us to access, manage and release suppressed emotions, to control our nervous system and alter our brainwaves. We can recall how this feels and tune into the natural rhythm by retraining the body to breathe. Breathing properly allows us to relax and energize ourselves on demand. What if engaging in breathwork could change our vibration, outlook and attitude? Even a spark of curiosity arising prompts one to explore this more. Get ready to uncover the unexpected, experience life more fully and breath in ways that enable feeling more alive.


Breathe into that potential

Self-love is a way of realizing our true potential. Yet, how do we know if we love ourselves fully? What does this look like? What is a practical way to explore what may prevent fully loving ourselves?

We each have the tools at our fingertips to see who we truly are and put our gifts into practice. What if we could uncover and release repressed trauma and let go of underlying causes of addiction that hold us back? What if breathwork is a tool to enhance our creativity, and sharpen our intuition and access mroe confidence?

Engaging in cathartic breathwork is a way to get to know and decode our emotions, and uncover hidden blockages.  Such blockages can be tracked back to unconscious beliefs which have come to run us. They are also affecting us on a mental, physical and other levels.  

When honest, underneath stress, people often discover a general discomfort with life.  Ask yourself if you are living fully, acting on your feelings and intuition or logic. What does being truly authentic mean to you?Do you hear; I’m not listening to  myself; I’m not as creative as I want to be?  People often come across breathwork after other therapies have not helped them. It is a way to empower ouselves.

Major differences exist between group breathwork and doing it one-on-one. Everyone experiences each differently.  In a group, you get that amazing collective energy and you can feed off other people. Some people also feel overwhelmed by group energy. Private sessions are another option. Anyone who feels uncomfortable or finds it hard to settle and to let loose in group settings, often benefit from a one-on-one session.

Our next Cathartic breathwork event is November 23 from 1-4pm in Caloundra, Sunshine Coast. Book on Eventbrite- or contact us directly.