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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Awaken to the Truth

(Image Galactic Awareness Sacred Geometry by Nathalie Daout)

Notice that to feel truly alive is to be aware of everything that enters your conscious experience, to recognize visceral signs, signals and inter-connectedness of All. It is knowing each perceived challenge or obstacle is a cleverly orchestrated gift and wake-up call we offer ourselves to experience cosmic energy (Love) more fully.  Observe what happens as it dawns everything is a call for or message about love.


Moving Forward

Every moment, the choice exists as to how we perceive the energy within and around ourselves.  We do not perceive the world as it is, rather we perceive the external based on the state of our internal environment. As consciousness expands, we receive, decode, transmit energy differently.

Moving forward, each of us decides consciously or unconsciously how to function.  We decide whether to allow our perception of the external world to shape how we feel and function or, recognize that how we breathe, feel and vibrate shapes our sense and experience of everything.

Come what may, change is always within reach.  One area of life is interconnecetd to all others. Being present is about living with more clarity, confidence and harnessing unseen power.  Whatever prevents living more fully can be identified and transformed through conscious recognition. Everything can be related to the rhythm of the breath.  Attentive listening is key. 


How does it all relate?

Different angles and vantage points give you the ability to expand perspective.  Notice how open you are to listening to diverse views. Find the right perspective and the answer arises. You begin to see what is always available to you. It is often useful to consider a situation from a broader perspective. What you see and what you are not yet seeing is closer than you think. Every question you ask is already answered.

In essence, deeper knowing exists everywhere. Everything is interconnected. Nobody can bring this to your conscious attention. Confirmation arises within when you are ready and receptive. It all part of the the big dream that speaks to you. Layers of dreaming make up your life. Every thought and feeling is as real as you decide.  Touch the face of the stars. Do what feels right.  In the wink of an eye, the opportunity is over.


Get back with with the flow

In the mind, you think its possible to be out of sync or out of the flow of what feels right.  Emotions block the experience of now.  Here, being in the flow is the only reality.  This is feeling peaceful amidst whatever arises. Illusions arise in a sense of past and future.  This is out of sync with true nature.

Human beings get emotional because they allow the mind to judge.  Judgement distracts you from the natural flow of energy vibration that grounds and harmonizes your energy being.  

To see the beauty of nature in silence is part of the process of remembering what you are.  You awaken to see through your own filters.  Recognize inter-connectedness with One Humanity.

What is required to wake you up? What if everything you do is a catalyst for deep awakening?  Simply be willing to expand perspectives.  Nothing is mutually-exclusive or separate.  Everything points to deeper seeing.  The physical senses are Self-limiting yet point to wider experiences available  to you.

You connect with inspiration in cosmic revelations, dream visions, and creative spontanaiety.  As you work through and let go of blocks, a rush of energy and inner knowing allows you to sense divine plan. One related tool available to you is my ebook, Soul Work: 50 Exercises to align mind body & spirit.