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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in compassion (49)


10 Things to reflect on about Love

Here are 10 Things to reflect on about Love:

1. Each person is a unique expression of Love

From this view, love is not an action, not a commodity that we give or trade. We cannot leverage this kind of love, barter or exchange it as currency. We cannot brag about having more or less Love than another being because the Love we are is incomparable.

2. True Love is sometimes misunderstood as affection and attachment

As we feel our way into this kind of Love, we can no longer view it as an external factor or affected by external events or actions.  Whenever we view love as external, we encounter conflict with external conditions.

3. Love can mean letting go of attachments

This is an invitation to let go of the conditioning that objects and affection are scarce so we are taught to cling to what we have. In clinging to our preferred people, objects and experiences, we overlook examples of the infinite within and around us.

4.  Love is about releasing fear and hatred through forgiveness

This is a reminder that as we recognize our enemy's potential for Love, we connect with this individual's heart centre and hostility loses power.  As we awaken to relationships as a mirror, we can also begin to see that what we choose to resistor judge in others is what we resist loving fully about ourselves.

5. Sometimes Love may require you to accept nothing exists for you to do

A higher level of understanding of Love imply embracing the pwoer of wholeness, which is all-inclusive.  This involves a 'leap of faith' or trust consciousness.  This said, different degrees of understanding are all valid.  Some people need to be taught how to survive or helped in some way. Thus, Love can be an expression fo empathy and compassion also.

6. Silence can be the greatest expression of Love

Inner wisdom reminds us that infinite wholeness is the Source energy that commands life, shatters it and rebuilds it according to universal laws. To be an observer allows us to tune into the power of synchronicity, to sense separation from creation is illusion. This gives us broader understanding and we grow conscious of the nature of Love as immortality.

7. You are an extension of the Creator not a created 'Thing'

This is a reminder about the illusion of separation we are taught to imagine in the mind.  When we accept that we are simply a droplet in the cosmic ocean, we know the creator makes no mistakes and we are simply a smaller version of Source Energy. 

8.  As Love, you embody the activating power of further creation

9. Love is a vibrational DNA imprint, universally resonant with all of life

10. You have the right to honor within yourself all that Love brings you


The root of everything

Getting to the root of who you are involves true courage.  This is not the heroic kind, putting your life or reputation on the line, that western society has come to focus on.  Its about remembering how it feels to speak openly and honestly, fearlessly putting our vulnerability on the line. 

In other words, we must be willing to take responsibility, set an example for living authentically.  Otherwise, we simply create and encounter a mirror of our own deception.  When was the last instance you risked being vulnerable and disappointed? How did that turn out for you? 

Practicing true courage involves selectively sharing your vision with people who support you, not downplaying your dreams. Its about allowing tears or emotions to flow as they will, not hiding your true feelings as society so often teaches.  Only when we know our own darkness well can we be present with the darkness of others and relate to them with compassion on equal footing.

If the root of everything is genuine connection, then everything you think, do or say either strengthens or weakens this connection.  The topic certainly merits some attention.  What if you feel energized or drained based on the degree you feel seen, heard and valued, based on the freedom you give yourself to offer input without fear of judgment?

Through her research, Brene Brown reveals that only one thing separates people who feel a deep sense of love and belonging (connection) from people who seem to be struggling for (or running from) it.  This is the depth of belief in worthiness.  True connection arises from an equal exchange of energy. How do you share or exchange energy to derive your self- worth? What are your behavioural patterns telling you about the nature of connection in your life? 

If we want to fully experience connection, we must act as if we know we are worthy of it.  We must also recognize being who we are doesn't require us to change. It simply requires self-acceptance to guide our life choices. Take an inventory of how you feel. Let go of who you think you are supposed to be. Olny seeing through the falseness can you embrace who you are.


5 Tips to live whole-heartedly

Many people tell themselves they wish to change something about their external conditions, or change something about the external world.  Its also common to desire to change something about the behaviour or attitude of others. Who or what is really ever getting out-of-hand? What is the role of control and surrender in your life? Reflect on five tips to live whole-heartedly;

1. Live more joyfully

Wherever you are, whatever you do, allow yourself to feel and express more joy.  So often, a distinction is made between work and play, time to be serious and relax time to be light-hearted. What if you could laugh and play your way through life? What would this look and feel like? 

2. Model the behaviour you wish to see in others

The external world is a mirror.  As Gandi says, Be the change you wish to see. Imagine life experience is less about doing than being.  Thus, its not what you do or accomplish that matters, but rather, the vibration you send out with behaviour. How often are you fully present?

3. Nurture a loving and compasionate attitude

Regardless of what you encounter, reach deep within for forgiveness and understanding. The temptation exists to allow other emotions to hijack your attention and influence your behaviour.  Know you control how you respond to everything.  Growing mindful naturally shifts your focus, empowers you to reclaim inner power. you had unconsciously given away

4. Recognize every relationship is an opportunity

What if every relationship invites you to see the best in everyone? Only one relationship exists. How you feel about yourself is mirrored.  Be a living example love and acceptance. Do you choose to see and recall the best in everyone, even during moments emotions or illness take over?

5. Demonstrate and create the highest version of Who You Are

Some people feel they exist to learn lessons, climb a hierarchy, meet challenges, realize dreams. Come what may, rediscover what integrity or being true to yourself feels like.  


The gift that keeps on giving

This holiday season, many people are overwhelmed about what to give others as a gift.  Watch what happens as you give the gift of yourself, that is your time, your effort, compassion and acceptance. Discover why giving the gift of love is the gift that keeps on giving.  What goes around comes around.  

Giving freely of yourself is being open to receive gestures of love from unexpected sources.  As you truly love, you make choices with heartfelt insight.  Being honest with yourself is doing the right thing.  Love and accept love in all forms seen and unseen.  Recognize all everyone does invites you to love.

Take life to new levels.  See love as the new currency.  You are creating and living a love-propelled economy.  Here, mutual appreciation nurtures and sustains all.  Love is a gift. Discover you are the gift you give yourself.


4 questions to live more fully

Take each moment as it comes.  Live openly and honestly with wisdom and compassion. Being fully human is being open to recognizing and realizing innate potential.  Be open to exploring what the external world reveals to you right now. Ponder five questions to live more fully;

1) How can you see the world as it is, rather than through the filters of the mind?

2) How can you base your actions on Reality rather than on desire or fear?

3) How can you live such that you are in-tune with Reality rather than tuned out (& imbalanced)?

4) How can you see Reality for yourself (be awake)  rather than exist in muddy water?