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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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10 Things to reflect on about Love

Here are 10 Things to reflect on about Love:

1. Each person is a unique expression of Love

From this view, love is not an action, not a commodity that we give or trade. We cannot leverage this kind of love, barter or exchange it as currency. We cannot brag about having more or less Love than another being because the Love we are is incomparable.

2. True Love is sometimes misunderstood as affection and attachment

As we feel our way into this kind of Love, we can no longer view it as an external factor or affected by external events or actions.  Whenever we view love as external, we encounter conflict with external conditions.

3. Love can mean letting go of attachments

This is an invitation to let go of the conditioning that objects and affection are scarce so we are taught to cling to what we have. In clinging to our preferred people, objects and experiences, we overlook examples of the infinite within and around us.

4.  Love is about releasing fear and hatred through forgiveness

This is a reminder that as we recognize our enemy's potential for Love, we connect with this individual's heart centre and hostility loses power.  As we awaken to relationships as a mirror, we can also begin to see that what we choose to resistor judge in others is what we resist loving fully about ourselves.

5. Sometimes Love may require you to accept nothing exists for you to do

A higher level of understanding of Love imply embracing the pwoer of wholeness, which is all-inclusive.  This involves a 'leap of faith' or trust consciousness.  This said, different degrees of understanding are all valid.  Some people need to be taught how to survive or helped in some way. Thus, Love can be an expression fo empathy and compassion also.

6. Silence can be the greatest expression of Love

Inner wisdom reminds us that infinite wholeness is the Source energy that commands life, shatters it and rebuilds it according to universal laws. To be an observer allows us to tune into the power of synchronicity, to sense separation from creation is illusion. This gives us broader understanding and we grow conscious of the nature of Love as immortality.

7. You are an extension of the Creator not a created 'Thing'

This is a reminder about the illusion of separation we are taught to imagine in the mind.  When we accept that we are simply a droplet in the cosmic ocean, we know the creator makes no mistakes and we are simply a smaller version of Source Energy. 

8.  As Love, you embody the activating power of further creation

9. Love is a vibrational DNA imprint, universally resonant with all of life

10. You have the right to honor within yourself all that Love brings you