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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in awakening (128)


The Truth is in Plain Sight

Notice the subtle consciousness has many layers to it. Spirit has many layers. As you get rid of all the baggage in your life, from decluttering things to letting go of what else you outgrow, it dawns who you are and why you exist beyond that. We all came from the same Source energy that holds everything together. During dreams, meditation, spiritual practices or while under hypnosis, pure radiance may feel like the Sun, but its not hot. Radiance is simply total love, bliss. Our concept of God, the Divine or words cannot express even a tiny thread of the totality. Soul is simply a tiny spark of light growing in awareness. A room or situation only exists because we collectively decide it does. Everything is an illusion. We are the producer, actor, director and scriptwriter of a holographic reality. As we go along, we are student and evolving light of ever-present awareness. Our script of reality is revised energetically by us. Our thought and feeling energy determines every moment of our lives, our perception and role in the story we tell ourselves. Our true power is unlimited. We are our own witness, judge, jury. We create experiences to deepen understanding and awaken to what we already feel in the heart. We are unknowingly attracted to certain forms of art or identify with certain shapes more than others. They “resonate” with us in different ways, because these shapes have a certain effect on our unconscious minds and the pace of awakening to deeper Truths. They guide travel through dimensions and evoke visceral feelings to find ourselves. We decide what we exist to learn. We choose parents, environment, the best situations to allow us to uncover the wider Truth. As you move through and discard adopted roles, labels, situations, you may feel like an antenna or receiver that exists to decode/ generate/ share incoming energy to other people in this world. Open channels are like stones that skip across pure water. They reverberrate energy in their midst. The shift from belief (in doing) to knowing and awareness (of being) is key to reclaiming innate power and freedom. If you cannot handle the growing intensity of incoming energy (translated into layers of illusions surfacing to burn away), Soul chooses to leave this world. Amidst apparent global changes, the same power of mind that creates fear and anxiety about the future also grounds you in this moment. Fear is nothing and only determines what you unconsciously allow. Fear of existence, fear of losing, fear of not being enough, any fear can control you if you allow it. How to transcend it? Fighting against it simply creates more conflict and can evoke suffering. Moving through pereived life challenges enables you to conquer fear. Rising up expands your perspective. You begin to see people around you fear nothing, create desperation in the mind and then manifest based on this vibration. The same powerful mind can be shifted into conscious creation. The sound of silence is playing right now. Tune into that and the bigger picture. Wholesness is not something to work toward or achieve. Pure presence is always here. Beyond self-image, one is limitless.  The Truth is Self-evident (In plain sight).


Integration Time is Now

(Image of Earth Resonance Sphere geometry from Template-Source Ceremony Code 4)

Notice beyond co-hallucinations of 3D reality, we are informed by streams of light, fields of codified cosmic data, that nourish limitless being. The breath crystalizes Spirit into form, reinforces the visceral experience of oneness. Focusing on our own breath guides us back to authenticity and helps integrate a whole new cosmic level of energetic knowing. To receive, decode and transmit codified cosmic data depends on the recognition of disharmony and willingness to release all that which is inauthentic and unreal. The resulting energy shifts allow new life experiences and expanding perceptions to enter conscious awareness. Our recognition and integration of light codes is based on the power and frequency of our authenticity. As we let go of what we outgrow, we deconstruct old repressive waves, recalibrate energetically, reactivate electromagnetic circuitry, integrate coherent cosmological transmission, our birth into time and space. I integrate the knowledge and understanding of Source that is open to me.


True Freedom is Self-evident

Notice True Freedom is not about resistance, and is not earned or achieved. True freedom is an awareness that arises as you realize you are God. This is Self-evident. Why you know thySelf, all is revealed. Freedom cannot be taken away, manipulated, or threatened in any way by external forces. True Freedom is. It is embraced or blocked (resisted) in our own mind. The growing awareness of this initiates an alchemical process that affects life choices and situations as well as the expansion of multi-dimensional human experience. Shape your worth in image of God.True essence is mirrored by inner light, or infinite presence that is Divine Being. As we begin to see everything as a version of God, every interaction becomes an act of worship. Energy shifts as one surrenders the ego to God consciousness. Imagine what its like not to be caught up in anything but fullness, joy, service, empowerment, or acts that do not require reciprocity. We move from a materialistic system to an altruistic one. This freedom from neediness, is the realisation is you are already everything. This revelation precipitaes the feeling experience of True Feedom. All bondage relates to ego consciousness. The only path for relief from suffering is to turn inward to the open heart and realize I AM That which I have been looking for- the faceless, imageless presence. The act of self-recognition can happen in an instant. The moment we let go of the demands the external world says we require, it dawns True freedom is here all along. This dream is made up of our own projections. Once we awaken and become co dreamers of the cosmic dream, the world becomes a sea of blessings. These are not made up of our wishes, but rather inconceivable things that often go unrecognized. The very wanting of reality brings forth that which we do not initially see. Recongize the supreme reality that radiates on the phenomenal plane. This moment beckons for us to gain an unrestricted, unlimited insight into who we are. Be open to a level of mind that transcends artificial divisions such as language, decentralisation or ideas of separation of any kind. Awaken to True Freedom. All life is suddenly an act of grace. (image: Golden Beings of Light)


Fast track a new way of Being

Notice what happens as we tune into the Source power that has designed the cosmos. When mind is totally present, we receive information from the external world, from within and from wider superconsciousness. Insights stemming from these levels of consciousness are often forgetten in the modern, disconnected world. Those who experience altered states realize far more exists to us than the monkey mind, physical body or conditioned, limited views of realty. Imagine you could navigate life in a much more graceful and grounded manner, a life than can be of service to the planet in a conscious and expanded way. The more multi-level, multi-sensory and multi-dimensional intelligence we access and apply to the apparent external problems, the easier it is to surf through. The nature of problems we face are virtually impossible to solve from the level of ordinary consciousness. Ego consciousness is a developed state based on projections and belief systems, fears, desires and culture. The ego prevents expansion because it blocks information it resists or does not want to know. Most people in ego consciousness choose subconsciously not to develop intelligence beyond the level which allows them to fit into society. The aspects we cannot make sense of or problems that seem beyond us can in fact be easily solved if we are willing to recieve and decode all the information that is available to us. From the moment one recognizes that one is an inhabitant of the cosmos which is made of vibrational information, humans are no longer helpless in a situation that seems beyond their control. HUmans take responsibility for their role in creating everything and reclaim power to alter perception and reality. Consciousness is often limited to the study of neuroscience while what is overlooked is this supertool is accessible to all to deepen understanding of the Self. Modern yoga exists for us to recognize consciousness is the energetic basis of reality. If we simply find ways to relate to our peers, we stay in the darkness of our own fear of greatness. We must be willing to transcend language, imagery and models through which we are taught to live. A higher level of symbolic understanding requires deep self-acceptance, letting go of what we outgrow and seeing everything based on vibrational frequency. We are developing a psychic technology within that allows us to access, download and integrate information that enables us to solve issues created by our own low-level mind. We also created the Matrix to awaken and catapult out.


Let the cosmic flow be your guide

Notice receiving frequent messages from the stars & star systems exhilarates like a refreshing ocean wave that transports you in time and space. Geometry codes emerge inside as if from nowhere to accelerate lightbody activations and guide interdimensional travel. Light transmissions are heartfelt and vibrate silently, loud and clear. Conscious expansion is altering DNA, awakening multi-dimensional experience, and reminding us of what it is to be and feel truly alive. (image credit: National Geographic)