Get ready for Authentic Love

(Digital art by Tatiana Plakhova)
Notice the universe has a way of getting you to exactly the right place the moment you are meant to be here. Everything we do or do not do readies us for authentic love, if only by causing our hearts raw enough to reach deeper, more grounded connection. A genuinely intimate relationship requires not simply our hearts, but our aliveness, awareness, our integrity and discernment, and our capacity to be both open and to protect ourselves with boundaries. When awakened, love awakens us to engage deeply, to look into and through ourselves. True courage is about inviting what is painful into our heart, no matter how much it may hurt. Love turns us toward the more challenging aspects of life and ignites true intimacylike a fusing of rainbow glass. Getting truly intimate involves fearlessly experiencing all aspects of self, recognizing everything to mirror none other than true being. Now is the opportunity to do the work that liberates us from our own disillusionment. As challenges seem to escalate, this is not for us to rise above or otherwise avoid related difficulties. Rather, its an invite to delve into them, to see ourselves as we are in an ever-deepening intimacy. Being intimate with ourselves is going beneath the surface to explore the core of our fear, to discover the awakening potential of emotional connection and freedom that arises.