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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in awakening (128)


Awaken Hidden Abilities

Notice awakening is growing aware of ego identification and realizing self as something other than the false self, which is a common assumption. Awakening is not only an intellectual understanding, but a realization, energetic shifts in perspective. Stages of awakening involve dramatic shifts of consciousness, the activating of subtle senses and energy systems that you may not have known existed. Just as going from the dream state to the waking state can involve a major shift of identity and perception, awakening to true nature can involve shifts in relationship, lifestyle, home, and more. It is another way of being and receiving, decoding and transmitting energy. So long as one lives an ego-driven life, one is not awake. As cosmic energy flows freely, it speaks in vibration and symbols beyond 3D explanations. Telepathic and other natural abilities come online. The universe reveals more than ever before.


Be in Harmony with Soul

Notice we live in a moment unlike any other, an energetic turning point. More humans are beginning to think for themselves. Every social system based on illegitmate authority is falling apart. The hypocritical nature of Scientific and Religious organisations is growing more apparent. Educational and other institutions are losing the loyalty of followers who have been dependent on these institutions to sustain a world in what was assumed to be grounded in fairness, justice, ethical responsibility, and morality. We see before us the disintegration of society as it used to be known. The increasingly obvious illegitimacy of authority has lost the support of those who begin to see things as they are. In order to support a system, people have to be willing to give power away to system, and believe it serves their best interests. As people awaken and reclaim sovereignty, many systems lose their power. Religions, Nations and other structures have lost legitimacy due to visible corruption within legal, political and other systems. We see failure of the capitalistic system to even follow its own rules. No organizing principle now holds traditional families together. Relationships are falling apart if they have no basis in sustained consciousness that can function freely, openly and transparently through Love. Without shared recognition of wider reality that transcends idealogies now proven false, relationships have no true foundation. All bonds weaken where trust and sense of connection dissolve. The wide perception of observable reality is like competition gone mad, a mental, economic, psychological war against all. We have temporarily forgotten or deactivated capacity to love, to unify consciousness: the true underlying reality of our Being. The false belief in egoic forms of ideology and heart disconnect creates closed minds which are at war with one and other and within the psyche, making it hard to heal relationships or communities. As consciousness comes to know to itself, people recall what it is to be true and respectful to each other, and create new ways of Being in harmony with the Soul.


Awaken to deeper remembering

Notice we exist to awaken into full spiritual remembrance. We have opportunities to know different stages of Consciousness. Everything is reminding us that we are much more than we think. Tuning into inner knowing shifts our Present Consciousness. As we come to realize pure consciousness exists beyond time and space, through varied states of awareness, we explore aspects of self in our own reality Our Stored Consciousness holds all the experiences in every lifetime at any age and we can access these aspects of ourselves, ask them to come forward to share wisdom. We then travel through realms of our Alternate Consciousness, where key decisions created other versions of ourselves in alternate realities. We can interact and gain insight from alternate selves. Moving through our Parallel Consciousness, we are active in other bodies on Earth in other eras of Earth’s history. Each energetic exchange leaves all aspects of ourselves in a higher vibration. Interacting with our Interdimensional Consciousness, we experience the knowing of being in other life forms or dimensions again for exchange of energy and insight. As we embrace our Eternal Consciousness and pause to experience that transformational energy, it dawns we merge and are All That Is. Each HUman being is an awakening Avatar. Each of us is a creation and mirror of God. To know Source exists, is to know we are each droplets of Source with potential to activate and sustain optimal functioning.



Harness your true power

Notice sometimes we get a wake up call that itself triggers shifts in consciousness. Certain events draw our attention to what can no longer be ignored or avoided within ourselves. Nightmares can get your attention to face whats buried in the unconscious, yet the same energy can be seen detected as vibration to present in form as a reminder of your true power. Changes happen within you that prompt you to make more dramatic or conscious changes in different areas of your life. It dawns its up to us to unleash our own freedom. In doing so, we increase our life energy and allow what is bursting within to emerge.


Get ready for Authentic Love

(Digital art by Tatiana Plakhova)

Notice the universe has a way of getting you to exactly the right place the moment you are meant to be here. Everything we do or do not do readies us for authentic love, if only by causing our hearts raw enough to reach deeper, more grounded connection. A genuinely intimate relationship requires not simply our hearts, but our aliveness, awareness, our integrity and discernment, and our capacity to be both open and to protect ourselves with boundaries. When awakened, love awakens us to engage deeply, to look into and through ourselves. True courage is about inviting what is painful into our heart, no matter how much it may hurt. Love turns us toward the more challenging aspects of life and ignites true intimacylike a fusing of rainbow glass. Getting truly intimate involves fearlessly experiencing all aspects of self, recognizing everything to mirror none other than true being. Now is the opportunity to do the work that liberates us from our own disillusionment. As challenges seem to escalate, this is not for us to rise above or otherwise avoid related difficulties. Rather, its an invite to delve into them, to see ourselves as we are in an ever-deepening intimacy. Being intimate with ourselves is going beneath the surface to explore the core of our fear, to discover the awakening potential of emotional connection and freedom that arises.