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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in spiritual practice (2)


5 Tips to allow destiny to emerge

As one grows more conscious, one's true destiny reveals itself.  Yet, how do we know what no longer serves us? Consider these five tips:

1) Listen to the heart. What truly resonates?

2) Pay attention to your dreams. Everything is a metaphor.

3) Tune into the world around you. What is mirroring back?

4) Be aware of body signs & signals. Notice sensations arising.

5) Sharpen perception. Subtle senses are activating


5 Tips to uncover your purpose

Many people are seeking new sense of purpose or deeper connection to what they cannot put into words.  You may feel restless, undecided about some path or course in your life. Consider these five tips to get in touch with what you are truly yearning for.  It speaks for itself:

1) Walk in nature.  Tap into your ability to attune to the grace of this moment. Everything is always speaking to you and selective awareness blocks out different frequencies or messages.

2) Do yoga.  Basic stretches or more advanced contorsions can squeeze what you are seeking out of your being.  When the student is ready, unexpected teachers and teachings appear.

3) Declutter your life. Now is the perfect time to pass on or get rid of what you outgrow or are no longer using.  This applies to physical things as well as outdated beliefs and ways of living.

4) Adjust the dial.  Whatever you typically listen to, allow yourself to hear what you tend to miss or overlook.  Listen to a new station or crowd.  Notice real reasons you tune out or tune in.

5) Appreciate silence.  Discover peace and tranquility are not only found during particular conditions.  They are ever-present, core states of being always accessible to everyone.