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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in alignment (48)


You are so on your way

The larger part of you is unmanifested.  That is, you can be in love without being in a relationship.  You can be confident and secure without obtaining external approval.  You can experience well-being and balance without medication.  Your state of mind emerges based on fear.  The essence of being is aligned with what feels good. Notice how you grow aware of presence and internal guidance.  Consider what you currently depend on, to what degree this is artificial, and how this is changing due to your awakening. 

You may wonder when your inner knowing and fearlessness fade and why? This happens as you begin to have more faith in what other people think and say than you do in your internal guidance system.  If you disregard your vibration, intuition, and what feels good, you disconnect from what makes you who you are. 

 As you allow yourself to explore what resonates, you do not worry about others not understanding, or not seeing things as you do.  You no longer guide yourself based on anything external.  You no longer compare anything and the inner judge fades from your scope, silencing the mind.   Your align instead with the silver lining you identify easily in every situation.  Abundance and unlimited potential are your constant beacons.


Things always work out for you

Consider that the reality you currently perceive is meaningless. Imagine that what you experience is simply bouncing off the reality that part of you is not ready or willing to see.  To know that everything always works out for you is to feel aligned with things that offer no physical proof. Higher consciousness requires inverted or inward seeing and degrees of faith not grasped by the human mind.  Subliminal info flows.


Choose to align with who you are

Notice the focus of the ego mind. As you choose to feel things that do not enable you to feel good, you forget you also have choices to change focus, reframe perceived transitions.  What you miss is not what seems to be leaving or changing beyond your control.  What you miss is not people or conditions, but the security and love you associate with them.  You control how you feel about everything every moment.  

As you release resistance, you align with who you are, the unlimited source energy and unconditional love ego denies.  To focus on anything other than the feeling of being connected with the essence or source within is to postpone alignment.   As your vibration shifts, your destiny shifts. Ease your experience in the present.  What are you waiting for? Do the best you can now. Allow alignment to reveal itself.


Appreciate a-ha moments

You never consciously know exactly whom you are going to meet during your journey through life, through airports, bus or train stations, or wherever else you may roam.  And yet, one thing you can be sure of is that everyone you meet is part of your path to aligning with synchronicity.  Why does this matter? How does each experience propel you further into a collision course with who you are?

Every moment, you are growing to appreciate a-ha moments, those subtle revelations that empower you to understand why you make certain choices and how they are quietly helping you be and accept all that you are right now.  What would you say if this is orchestrated from the depths of your innermost heart? Everyone is helping you remember how to blossom more consciously.  Transform Your Life.


How is everything a teacher?

One way to sense where you are is to view everything as a teacher.  Ask yourself what you choose to learn about self in this moment.  Feel the flow within, the music of your soul.  How does it guide you? Why do you feel you gain from being where you are?

Notice that whatever you feel frustrates or disorients you is actually inviting you to shift back into alignment with who you are. As you attune to how everything is energy, you begin to feel your way to the truth. Decide that what appears not to be working truly is.  Choose to view things from new vantage points. You can do it!