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When the pupil is ready, teachers will appear

It may be unconvincing to tell people the world they think they perceive isn't real. This approach may be construed as your judgment.  If you've done this, you may have discovered how everyone doesn't agree. When you're ready to learn more about life in this world and other dimensions, you will naturally attract people who offer much to teach you. As they say, 'when the pupil is ready, teachers will appear.'

As you learn, digest and apply information you absorb, you will find you sense you're being passed from teacher to teacher. As you're ready to expand your horizons, new people will enter your life in a timely fashion. As you stay open to possibilities, you will grasp how an idea or thought is the same in any language. Only the words or gestures used to express it will differ. You can begin to realize thoughts are the universal form of communication. How you transmit thoughts can also evolve.

If you grow to see your physical body as a vehicle, then you can grow to understand that your consciousness can also travel and communicate without your body. Its not so far-fetched. After all, as someone watches you sleep, your mind is succeeding in convincing you that you are in a dreamworld. You will be receptive to whatever mental states and visions you're ready to handle.  How do you feel right now?

As your faith in your intuition strengthens, you'll sense you're on the right path as a teacher. You help yourself and other people who benefit from sharing your journey.

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Reader Comments (6)

Amen! Great thoughts, ageless wisdom!
October 26, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMark
Hi Mark,
to recognize ageless wisdom means you already raise yourself up to a higher level. As you direct conscious awareness outward, your world takes shape based on what you project via your senses. As you focus inward, you begin to realize what you really are. You value things you do not see before and connect with the Source within.
October 26, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterLiara Covert
I enjoy your blog very much. It is chock full of golden nuggets for the soul. I find too that like attracts like. I tend to attract the most unusual teachers in strange ways. I am very grateful when my teachers appear to me. I seem to be on a very difficult and strange path. Very hard to actually describe.

Thank you again for sharing your wisdom.
October 26, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterTitania
Titania, rest assured, thoughts don't always translate easily into words. Human life is all about deciphering feelings and evaluating levels of intuition. Your path will be as exhilarating as you choose to see it. No rules exist except those you define or absorb from outside yourself. Whenever you desire change, you send out energy and vibrations that invite new experiences. Nothing has to seem strange. After all, you ask for everything you get in this life, whether or not you consciously realize it.
October 26, 2007 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Everyone needs a tutor or a coaching person. The expression, 'When the pupil is ready, teacher will appear' is true. Its a true liberty to anyone who may be in bondage of ignorance. Therefore, if you think that education is expensive, try the Ignorance, but remember this: When the pupil is ready, teacher will appear. The Cost Doesn't care!
May 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMarlon V Garcia
Marlon, appreciate your input. Another perspective is we are each students and teachers at different stages of our lives. To open the heart is to feel the way into whichever role is most suitable at a given moment. Its intriguing to recognize we are each role models and mentors whether or not we are paid and whether or not this is openly acknowledged. We are each serving others consciously or unconsciously.
June 1, 2012 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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