Honour Being in-Limbo

Liara Covert, Ph.D
Insight of the Moment
"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all." - Liara Covert
*Mastering Time
365 Paths to Love
Contact us (paperback)
Be Your Dream
Transform Your Life
Cosmic Synchronicity
Notice Covid-19 forces us to confront our deepest fears, especially the prospect of death and losing all that we hold dear. Yet, what if we choose to view the global Covid-19 situation as an opportunity to look deep within, uncover what scares us most, integrate our shadow and heal?
The first breath we take is the beginning of our human life experience. Our last breath taken before vacating the body is Divine Grace. What if we could accelerate our revlations, breathe easier through adversity and realize deeper truths while still in the body?
Every movement within Creation is a breath of three (Father, Son & Holy Spirit) referred to as the Great Cosmic Breath. There is the inhalation (a contraction), there is the exhalation (an expansion) and finally the space between the peak of inhalation/exhalation, the period of transition.
All life follows this trinity pattern of breath. Some people view this as perceptions of past, present and future.
Earth’s 24 hour day is a full cycle of breath:
Lunar /cycles also mirror reflect the Great Cosmic Breath:
Earth’s 365 year solar cycle – marked by the Equinoxes & Solstices – reflect a full cycle of breath:
What can we learn from these three aspects of Great Cosmic Breath ?
As Creation flows in the rhythm of Great Cosmic Breath, then if we too flow WITH the breath by releasing our need for control, we naturally align with creation, live in harmonic resonance with ourselves and everything.
We find peace within, harmony in our waking/sleeping cycles and we transcend struggle as we allow creation to move through us. Cosmic breath becomes our guide, and we sense it as intuition. This is the voice of the universe that awakens us to our divine potential.
From the INHALATIONS within our lives we learn the importance of rest, relaxation & regeneration that supports our growth and healing. As we reach the peak of the inhalation, the TRANSITIONARY period between the in and the out breath, this is the time of complete stillness. It is the moment of just being, it is the moment of spontaneous healing, the moment of miracles and the moment of pure bliss.
The EXHALATIONS within our lives emerge from the transition… if stillness was embraced in the transitionary moment then we embark on living the exhalation as an expression of spirit through us. We dance with life as we become the dance. Health, well-being, joy and abundance flow from a place of natural grace and ease as all of creation moves through us on the exhalation.
Breath is our teacher. When we surrender and let the breath of spirit flow through us, breath speaks to us in the language of field and in a voice that our higher-self yearns to hear.
Spiritual Breathing is the art of breathing fully. This awakens you to the Great Cosmic Breath rhythms of the moment, the day, the season and the year. Spiritual Breathing is not just a practice done in the moment of meditation, but is a mindful practice that becomes an integral part of your life and a practice that incorporates every breath from birth to death, both conscious and unconscious.
Spiritual Breathing is our natural way of breathing when we move beyond the confines of our social conditioning, belief systems and transcend the ego.
To Spiritually Breath is to breathe fully, to ‘know thyself’ and change how we see / co-create in new realities.
Inviting you to work with us through Zoom, on-line to decode your own breath, tune into the language of your own changing energies, imbalances, resolve misunderstandings and heal.
It is common to ask, "what should I do?" and "What do I want?" The desire may be a job, transition, opportunity, relationship or something else. Be aware you do not perceive your own best interests. A deeper look reveals goals on many levels conflict.
Notice underneath all appearances, all voices in the head are the ego. The judge who makes the rules is the superego. The ego either follows the imagined rules and knows rage, or breaks rules and lives in fear. Most people live according to belief in their own rules and make all decisions based on them.
Something deeper is calling you. It is not a voice in your head. Its unrelated to what you absorb through the physical senses. It is the call of your heart. You cannot know where this silent guide is leading you or what the outcome is to be. The whole experience requires surrender and complete trust of the unknown. This unfolding is beyond choice. It is the divine flow.
Listen closely to the call that is deeper than the mind, the emotions, deeper than anything anyone can explain. As you act out of motivation deeper than personal, egoic gain, you are orienting to what is natural, and what simply feels right. All tests of the ego invite you to be true to selfishness (egoically based on fear and desire) or to be true to selflessness (based on nature and pure love that is true being). Live without resistance.
During pivotal moments, or periods of transition, it is common to reach out for advice about next steps to take. Guidance can be helpful to empower you to get your bearings, to gain confidence in yourself, or even open you up to existing abilities you are not initially aware of. As you come to trust yourself more, begin to follow your own clues. Notice what happens:
1) A-ha moments come fast and furious - you no longer have to plan where you are going or what what you are doing next. Its as if people, places, conditions all present in your life, with perfect timing. And so it is. The universe is silently reading your mind without you saying anything.
2) Questions arising are answered - you regularly find yourself dreaming answers to questions arising in your head. Its like the inventor comes alive or you ease into the vortex of solutions without doors. The what always comes before the how. A peaceful heart reveals the how.
3) You only see synchronicity - you no longer think about randomness or coincidences. Phrases like, "small world" or words expressing doubt or sarcasm gently fade from your vocabulary. You feel every synchronicty is a stepping stone to the next waiting your conscious recognition.
Every choice you make has infinite possible outcomes. The mind gives you the thought of movement on a timeline. Dreams you envision unfold based on perceived time or, you move through the essence of the timeline and are aware of what is as it unfolds and know the outcome before it arises. Your perception and awareness determine the nature of transitions from 'here to there.' Notice how you think and feel. This influences a smooth or rocky transitions. Sense nothing and everything. Its interconnected inside. How does it feel to Be your Dream in this moment? Notice how shifting your vantage points affects the dream.