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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in acceptance (117)


Let Skeletons out of the Closet

Notice a common assumption about expanded consciousness is that this is about developing Siddhis (paranormal power), magical shifts in perception, instant manifestation, ability to travel or jump interdimensionally, access multidimensional realities at will, and all the appealing yet untouchable aspects of "enlightenment." In fact, what is apparently supernatural simply blossoms into the new normal only through deep inner work that allows illumination from within. This is the White Lotus opening or Secret of the Golden Flower of wisdom. True Nature arises through deepening self- awareness and a journey to self-mastery. It is about making the unconscious conscious, letting the "skeletons (shadows) out of the closet", growing aware of different aspects of self; traits, behaviors, and feelings, how we respond to what happens to us. Its also understanding that every thought and feeling we have every moment is shaping the direction and experience of our life. Unseen energies naturally shift and change physical conditions as we fearlessly examine conditioned structures of the human mind; its patterns, underlying trauma, electromagnetic and other blocks. Without honest and thorough self-examination, we unconsciously recreate the same dysfunction and imbalances in our world. Man does not suffer from external forces as much as from his/her own dysfunctional mind. The common thread in all dysfunctional relations is an issue of power. Until we have a conscious and loving relationship with self, we cannot experience "love" elsewhere. Our true purpose is not to direct or influence the behaviour of others using ego. Rather, it is to inspire the divine impulse of love to arise and flourish in others in resonance with our own inner radiance.


The Key to Being Authentic

(Image credit: Fractal Enlightenment)

Notice as you begin to love yourself fully as you are, you begin to grow aware of the illusions you created to shelter yourself from pain, those situations you created to uphold a false sense of self. As you begin to see through your own dishonesty, the stress and struggle it has been to uphold it, the lies told by others around you also reveal themselves. The more aligned you grow with your own integrity, the harder it is to stomach / accept the falseness around you. It dawns you never actually let go of situations or relationships. Rather, they fall away as part of you consciously shifting into higher vibrational states. You shift the focus of your attention away from unconscious living to conscious co-creation. The more in tune we become with our feelings, and act based on goodness, the faster we expand into the best version of self. A higher vibration echoes congruence, authenticity, self-respect, self-trust, self-love, -acceptance and will to surrrender to the universe. Deepest being knows help or support is always given to those who ask when they are true to themselves.


Allow Soul Truth to reveal itself

Notice everything is always here yet everything is not always seen as it is in true colour. All secrets reveal themselves through the evolution of consciousness. Nothing is hidden that will not be made known. We gradually bring our own light to our shadows, to what we are willing to accept and integrate into our version of reality. As frequency shifts happen, the layers peel away to revel the core. When ready, we grow aware of what had been rejected, take steps to retrieve Soul fragments; Everything I have taken from others, I consciously return with Love. Everything that has been taken from me I now reclaim. Know the Soul is greater than anything that seems to be missing. This is the Path to recognizing our own wholeness.


Surrender to the breath

Notice what it is to surrender to the breath. This requires courage During meditation, you focus on the breath to confront yourself with your problems again and again in the mind until you finally understand the absolute need to let goMindfulness aligns our priorities and behaviour in business, community and relationships. Unconscious choices keep us striving, experiencing lack of success, lack of acceptance restlessness and discomfort.  Being in harmony with yourself is about getting into harmony with universal laws.  This makes all the difference in having dominion over life and what you make of it.


Bridge fragmented aspects of self

Notice the first step is to wake up enough to see what is actually going on within yourself. Nature is a soundboard and guides us to see our true colours. To dive deep into infinite waters allows us to expose illusions and rejected aspects of our being. The deeper we go, the less fazed we are by waves, currents, unexpected storms and obstacles appearing on the Path. Developing a compassionate relationship with self and others allows spontaneous joy to arise along the journey. It does not matter so much where you are so as who you are with. Loving and accepting yourself more fully allows you to find courage to create rainbow bridges, integrating all sides or fragemented aspects of Self.