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Entries in Susan Shumsky (5)


6 Tips to Get on Track

From the moment we feel restless, stagnation or something hindering our progress, we may sense we are off track in areas of our life. Rest assured, strategies exist to strengthen relationships and get back on track.  Here are  6 action-oriented tips to offer new clarity.

1.  Do some free-writing

An effective starting point is to ask yourself some questions aloud, put a pen in your hand and allow your hand to respond immediately without thinking.  This is sometimes called automatic writing.  It is a way to communicate with a higher part of yourself that sees your life choices from a position of relative objectivity. Part of you is aware of what is really bothering you, yet another part of you is not listening. This is a way to begin making the unconscious, conscious. 

2. Pay attention to your night dreams

As we pay attention and strengthen dream recall, it is helpful to write details.  The more we do, the easier it gets.  Techniques exist to jog the memory.  Although dream dictionaries can shed some light and also be entertaining, sometimes working with a skilled dream analyst is also beneficial.  In this way, we see deeper meaning in symbols. If this approach to shaking life up stands out, get excited for a new, related Inspirational Mentor Interview coming soon.

3. Meditate

Different ways exist to meditate;  engaging in gardening, yoga, pilates, whatever evokes joy and relaxation. It is a process shifting from the experiencer to the watcher of our thoughts and what is unfolding in our lives. A useful practice is to create a quiet space or immerse in nature.  They key is to be willing to see and feel events from a new point of view. Meditation is not about quieting the mind but rather, recognizing we are not our thoughts, not our emotions, not our mind, we are the Soul. The ego-driven purpose can differ from the Soul purpose. If meditation rings true, invite reading Interview with Susan Shumsky: Maharishi and Me

4. Explore breathwork

Breathwork is a powerful approach to self-exploration and healing. A facilitator guides us individually or in a group to consciously control the breath as a means to alter mental, emotional and/or physical state.  It can compliment different approaches we take to get to know ourselves and make choices that create a more purpose-driven life. Breathwork draws insights from modern consciousness research, anthropology, transpersonal psychology, Eastern spiritual practices, and mystical traditions.  If this sparks interest, read Interview with Dan Brule.

5. Engage in Regression

Some revelations arise and change work can also be done during regression.  Fears are released during this process and insight is given.  However its up to each of us to take information on board and apply it to our lives.  It may turn out that you grow aware of repeating patterns from childhood conditioning and may be ready to dismantle old programs. In order to heal, we must be willing to feel. We offer this as a service as an optional tool in our coaching program. If this resonates, also invite reading Interview with Karen Joy and Interview with Anne Jirsch.

6. Commit to Holistic Coaching

Liara offers a coaching program that empowers clients in twelve areas of their lives. If  this peaks curiosity or stirs something within, this is a sign to contact us for more info about our free 30 min consultation.  Discover if one of our programs feels right. We can learn from and model others until we feel more confident trusting ourselves fully.  If motivational stories inspire something, invite reading Interview with Drew Tracy.


Top 30 Books to Accelerate a Spiritual Journey

Many people appreciate a guide for their own awakening or spiritual journey.  While every path is unique, it is reassuring to know that many books exist to empower you to allow a new world to appear through your own eyes and subtle senses. 

There’s a big difference between people that read loads of books, and people who integrate spirituality into their lives. Being Spiritual is about living with mindfulness, kindness, compassion, forgiveness, and engaging in practices that help you listen deeply and live in greater harmony. Otherwise, you simply add to a mental knowledge base.  Living through the head cannot open the heart, change your energy vibration or transform your life from inside out.

So, empower yourself. Choose one or more of these books below—as they all offer timless wisdom.  Make a point of reflecting on the food for the senses.  Some include journal exercise or you can buy accompanying workbooks.  Read passages slowly.  Breathe deeply.  Allow yourself some quality time and watch what arises within you.  As you find authors whose words resonate with you, find other books and online talks or events that enable you to grow further.  After all, this is a choose-your-own-adventure and you are the protagonist.

In Transform Your Life: 730 inspirations, I offer glimpses of individuals who have directly or indirectly helped me see myself and the world differently. The following is a list of 30 books to help you awaken, appreciate life differently and accelerate your spiritual journey.  Some of these are included in recommendations for further reading in my new Mastering Time book. I invite comments from readers about books that help expand their perception and change their lives. 

1. Whatever Arises, Love That by Matt Kahn

2. The Leap: The Psychology of Spiritual Awakening  by Steve Taylor & Eckhart Tolle

3. The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer

4. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

5. Proof of Heaven by Dr. Eben Alexander

6. Hero by Rhonda Byrne

7. What God Said: the 25 Core Messages of Convesations with God that will change your life and the world by Neale Donald Walsch

8.  Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda

9.  A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson

10. The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield

11. Awaken Your Third Eye by Susan Shumsky

12. Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

13. The Empath's Survival Guide: Life Strategies for Sensitive People by Judith Orloff 

14. Mini Habits (Smaller Habits, Bigger Results) by Stephen Guise

15. Defy Gravity by Caroline Myss

16. A Course in Miracles by Helen Schucman (Foundation for Inner Peace)

17. Being Mortal  by Atul Gawande

18. The Essence of the Upanishads by Eknath Easwaran

19. The Power of Now & A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle

20. Energy Medicine by Donna Eden

21. Be Love Now (& Be Here Now) by Ram Dass

22. The Healing Self by Deepak Chopra and Rudolph Tanzi

23.  The Serpent of Light Beyond 2012 by Drunvalo Mechizedeck

24. Journeys in to the Heart by Drunvalo Mechizedeck and Daniel Mittel

25. Isira (Autobiography) and Awakening You by Isira

26. The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

27. The Mastery of Self by Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.

28. The Miracle of Mindfulness by Thich Nhat Hanh

29. Gifts of ImperfectionDaring Greatly by Brene Brown

30. Altruism by Matthieu Ricard


Shumsky Interview: Maharishi and Me

I am delighted to offer you an interview with Susan Shumsky, the author of Maharishi and Me.  This is an author who shares heart-felt insights based on her own direct and profound experiences.  Her book offers riveting glimpses of a guru who's life is often shrouded in mystery. Thanks for consenting to this interview.
Since I my 2009 Interview with Susan, much has happened in her life.

You have published a number of books and your life continues to expand in different directions.  How would you describe what is unfolding in your midst? How does it feel?

I would describe planetary trends as going in a powerful positive direction. With each year that goes by, more and more people are seeking spiritual experiences and practicing meditation and other yogic methods. If you compare the atmosphere of the earth in the mid-20th century with the atmosphere now, there is no comparison. The collective consciousness of the planet has risen significantly to a much higher octave vibration. Spiritual experiences that used to take months for a seeker to achieve, now it only takes a few minutes. People are more aware of issues of ecology, holistic health, organic foods, and the dangers of toxic agents to our planet. We now live in a different world. And positive trends continue to rise with every passing day.

Blessed be for those positive trends and shifts on collective perception and self-understanding. May it continue.

In all your years in the presence of Maharish Mahesh Yogi, why choose now to release Maharishi and Me? What is timely about your shift of perspective or your writing of this unique biography?

I began writing Maharishi & Me in 1998–20 years ago. Within a couple of years, it had exploded to 700 pages. It has taken 20 years for my agent to sell it to a publisher. I must admit it was because, internally, I didn’t have the right attitude about the book. And therefore when my agent sent the book proposal to editors, one of them said he didn’t think I could "pull it off.” Other editors said that Maharishi was passé and no one was interested in him anymore. But once I came to an internal revelation about my relationship with Maharishi and connected that to the larger picture about the traditional master/disciple relationship in the far East, I finally realized the correct theme of the book. Then my agent managed to sell it to Skyhorse Publishing in New York.

That 20 year period certainly speaks volumes about your passion and trust in the process.  As you say and observe, the level of collective consciousness on this planet is rising. People relate to things at their level of consciousness and perception. It appears that higher octave we have reached is a tipping point that makes this planet more receptive for what this book offers.

You also point out the topic of guru and discipleship is not widely understood or accepted in the West.  What would you like to share about your experience that shattered myths in this regard?

People think that living with a Guru is a guru-vy love fest of valentines, daffodils, butterflies, harps playing, and angels singing. But the truth is the master/disciple relationship can be an ego-shattering, mind-crushing experience. That’s because the traditional definition of “enlightenment” is known as “egoless.” And the traditional definition of “nirvana” is “extinguished.” Maharishi often likened himself to a carpenter, and his disciples to pieces of wood. Imagine how you would feel being a piece of wood and getting carved up into pieces. That’s not a fun image. When we have to step outside our comfort zone, out of the little box we’ve been living in, that’s an uncomfortable experience — and that’s an understatement. It was incredibly intense to live with Maharishi on a daily basis. An emotional roller coaster with extreme swings between heaven and hell.

Wow! Lots of misplaced assumptions are made based on a lack of understanding.

The opening quote in your book is, “Not everyone remembers their own birth. But I do,” is a very profound statement. In my own case, breathwork has enabled me to recall not only my own birth but pre-birth experiences, such as being a womb twin survivor (WTF), and soul-level views of experiences  unfolding before and since.  I call this time-travelling. I wonder if you can pinpoint a particular turning point in your own life that enabled you to see from this world from a very different angle.

There have been many turning points in my life. One was when I first learned how to practice Transcendental Meditation, which brought me back from the brink of insanity and transformed me in profound, meaningful ways. Another was when I found another powerful meditation method, which I now teach. It’s called "Divine Revelation.” That method changed my life again. With the profound inner connection I made with my higher self, ascended masters, and radiant beings of light, never was I alone again.

I love how meditation techniques offer each of us windows into the Soul if we are willing to venture into unfamilliar territory. Curiousity is sparked by the idea of a process that can trigger divine revelation. I'm sure many of seekers are eager to contact you to learn more about this meditation method.

Yet, for the time being, what advice do you have for people craving or seeking altered states of consciousness?

Don’t take drugs or plant medicines. It’s only a temporary bandaid and not the way to achieve true higher consciousness. Find a genuine spiritual teacher and learn how to meditate and how to experience unbounded awareness within. 

Interesting you share this view. Growing curiosity about altered states of consciousness has created a huge market for drug-induced spiritual travel-related experiences.  These are promoted to raise awareness. Individuals who taste the infinite this way also always seem to be struggling to 'get back there.' 

Maharishi and Me offers glimpses into your remarkable spiritual journey. Please share one or a few experiences that you feel stand out and how they affect you in this moment.

There were so many experiences I relate in the book. But what stand out most are experiences of profound elation and waves of bliss, contrasting with experiences of profound humiliation. It was a wild ride swinging from ego-expansion to ego-deflation on a daily basis. And as a result, I eventually found what I was seeking. I found myself.

Beautiful.  Straight and to-the-point. Funny how Westerners are so often taught to make complicated what is simple. It can feel like simple is harder than complex as it requires honesty and a willingness to see through your own thoughts.

Why Maharishi and not another guru for you?  Any why do you sense he drew the Beatles and other famous people? 

I was reading the Buddhist scriptures, the Tibetan Book of the Dead, Autobiography of a Yogi and books by Alan Watts, such as The Way of Zen. In Watts’ books it said you have to find a “meditation guide.” Good luck finding a “meditation guide” or anything remotely similar in Berkeley California in 1966. But, after trying to meditate on my own, a fellow art student finally took me to the Transcendental Meditation center in Berkeley. As soon as I saw the photo of Maharishi hanging on the wall, I immediately knew this was it. This was where I would learn real meditation—not just ephemeral experiences afforded to me through psychedelic drugs. 

Maharishi was like a celebrity magnet. He drew famous people into his life like a magnet draws iron filings. He was the happiest person I ever met, and his aura was incredibly charismatic and hypnotic. Anyone who met him, if they were open to the experience, they would feel waves of divine unconditional love radiating in their direction. With just a glance Maharishi transmitted waves of bliss that people could feel viscerally. 


I love the Tibetan Book of the Dead. Your response makes it clear that timing is everything.  The same goes to say when we read. This interview encourages us all to trust the timing of all events and encounters unfolding in their lives. Reading here can only be synchronicity. We only ever encounter what we invite into our lives.  Many people are familliar with, "ask, and it is given"  What you so wisely imply is that the soul asks and the ego-mind gives itself the experience to realize what it is not so we can realize what remains. Silence says so much.

Please share insights you gained from living in India and abroad as part of your evolving journey with Maharishi.

It was great to live overseas. People from the USA tend to be america-centric in an arrogant way. They seem to have a superiority complex about this country. Little did I know how beautiful, peaceful, artistic, and cultured other countries were. After spending a few years in Europe, I never wanted to return to the USA. But eventually Maharishi sent me back to the USA.


Indeed.  When you tell yourself you are creating a new life, it feels right to take advantage of that.  Makes being away from the familliar worthwhile.  You certainly make the most of wherever you are to learn and grow.  Your books attest to that. Your readers appreciate your gifts to this world.

As for this book, You include a number of photos.  How do you feel about the timeless experience of meditation alongside images of events frozen in time?

My book is not linear. It goes forward in time for awhile but then goes back and forth, jumping to different time periods. So when you’re reading it, if you think if it seems frozen, it will thaw from time to time. And anyway, regarding the photos, nostalgia is fun. There are about 100 fun, nostalgic photos in the book.


As it is said, " a picture paints a thousand words" (or more). Love the feel of playfulness in the book's presentation.  Jumping around in time as you do gives readers a deeper understanding of Maharishi from diverse points of view. It feels more real somehow, like readers are engaged in dialogue within the book ourselves.

Is it possible to compare your experience in the presence of Anandamayi Ma and other enlightened souls  or would you say their energy feels different?

My experience of the many enlightened beings I have met in this lifetime are very similar to each other. They all have that joyful, powerful, charismatic vibration that transmits to people around them, and which they receive by osmosis. Being in their presence elevates our consciousnes, lifts our spirits, and fills our souls with joy.  



Filling the Soul with joy absolutely changes everything.

Why do you imagine people often feel they must go away to an ashram or some far off place to find themselves?


When you go somewhere far away from the daily numbing routine of the mundane world, you are immediately taken out of your old patterns, habits, beliefs, and hangups. This can be helpful in the pursuit of spiritual awakening.


And what about your own experience? Could your awakening have happened anywhere other than India and through experiences with/ about the Maharishi? 

Since I take people on tours to sacred destinations throughout the world through my Divine Travels company at, I know the value of visiting places with high vibrations and being in the company of like-minded spiritual people. Being in that higher vibrational atmosphere encourages and enhances spiritual experiences.


Like so many of our readers, I can so relate to the power of unseen energy.  It seems to work miracles until we are open to the deeper insights within ourselves.

What do you feel draws so many celebrities to TM? What about the general public?

It’s a simple meditation that works effectively for people. Just about anyone can do it. Maharishi used to say that if you can think a thought, you can practice Transcendental Meditation. That’s because thinking a mantra is like thinking any other thought. 


Love your references pages. Any particular film, book or reference really leave a mark during your research? How much of this is also out-of body (OBE) experience or time travel to re-experience different perspectives of a perceived past?

The following books have a lot of information about the Beatles in India, and I recommend them: The Secret of the Mantras by Richard Blakely, All You Need is Love by Nancy de Herrera, and Dear Prudence by Prudence Farrow. I don’t do OBEs and don’t time travel. I just have a good memory about the events that happened when I was with Maharishi. And I am a very exacting researcher who dug deeply into the topic and read many books and articles about events in the book that I didn’t personally experience firsthand.


Thanks for your meticulous way of fine-tuning details. This comes across very well. What highlight would you like to leave with our readers about this book. Why is it an important book for them to experience? 

This book brings into question everything people think they know about how a spiritual master acts, what enlightenment is, how a spiritual master works with his disciples, and how to spot an enlightened master. The book asks many questions by not asking those questions and gives answers by not answering them. The reader is left with having to answer all these questions him or herself. It’s a mind-blowing book that takes the reader through an emotional seesaw where, at the end, the reader is left with “What just happened?” “Can this be real?” “What a ride!"


Please share anything else you feel is relevant to our readers. 

The master/disciple relationship is not what you think it is. You’ll find out what it’s really about by reading the book Maharishi & Me.

Thanks again Susan for taking a period out of your busy schedule to share such valuable insights.  Readers can purchase Maharishi and Me from retail outlets as well as on-line.  Invite readers to check this out and share testimonials on this page.


New Shumsky Book: Maharishi & Me

Know the masses of Dreambuilders Australia Blog readers are eager to hear about book recommendations.

Great news! Susan Shumsky has a new book out as of February 20th called Maharishi and Me. Invite you to send the link to her promotion page to everyone you know. She has written a huge number of books,offers a wealth of insight on spiritual matters and shares views perspectives with engaging wit and humor:

You may recall I interviewed her on this blog in 2009 related to her book Divine Revelations:

I participate in Susan Shumsky's book launch because I support the way she empowers others to live fully.  She also  runs the Divine Travels Company to invite people to sacred places which trigger their own spiritual revelations.   



Susan Shumsky & Interview on Divine revelations

I initially grew aware of Dr. Susan Shumsky through her writing and grew fascinated with her spiritual journey. I am grateful she takes the opportunity to share insights from her experiences during this interview;


What was it like to reside in remote areas of the Himalayas and Alps for 7 years?

When I lived in the ashram, I meditated from 5 to 20 hours per day. I would go into my room and not appear for up to 8 weeks at a time. I would have the food brought to my door. I would observe silence and not utter a sound for up to 4 months at a time. I would fast for up to 2 months at a time. I observed celibacy for decades. So I was an introvert. And that is definitely an understatement.

How did you end up on the staff of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi? Is this unusual for women?

I ended up on his personal staff because I asked him. He had both men and women on his staff. Men were more in the limelight. Women worked more in the background.

I served on Maharishi's personal staff for 7 years. That was an amazing experience. I was swinging from of the highest intensity of bliss of heaven, to the deepest intensity of suffering of hell. Heaven, when my guru gazed at me or gave me that special, powerful wave of grace and bliss that is transmitted from master to disciple. Hell, when he ignored me or scolded me. This swing from heaven to hell is the master's way of inflating and destroying the ego in turns, until the disciple becomes egoless.

Why is Transcendental Meditation (TM) useful?

TM teaches people how to go into a deep state of meditation and experience transcendental consciousness, otherwise known as turiya (the fourth state of consciousness), samadhi (stillness of mind and body), or sat chit ananda (absolute bliss consciousness). There are over 500 scientific studies done on this practice, including everything from reversing heart disease to creating a more harmonious atmosphere and reducing crime rate in cities.

I no longer teach TM. I teach Divine Revelation--a spiritual teaching founded by Mahavatar Babaji, the Yogi-Christ mentioned in Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda.

At what stage did you begin to assume the role of spiritual teacher?

I have taught meditation since 1970. But I have taught Divine Revelation since 1986. Divine Revelation helps people hear the voice of God, learn how to distinguish between the true divine voice and other voices in your mind, and attain God realization.

Please share events that sparked your perception of Divine Revelations;

Even though I spent 22 years in an ashram of the famous spiritual master from India, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, I never received one divine revelation during that time. Once a year, my guru and his closest disciples went into silence for 7 days. We would stay in our rooms and meditate and fast for those 7 days. When he came out of silence, he would gather with a handful of people, and he would say something like, "Mother Divine spoke to me and she said..." He would then describe what Mother Divine had told him during his silence.

When you are living with a guru from India, often you think that he is a very evolved soul, on a much higher plane than you are. That is what I thought. I worshipped my guru and believed him to be like God. I thought that I could never attain a level of consciousness like his. And I could never conceive that Mother Divine would speak to me directly. Little did I know that all I had to do was ask.

When I lived in the ashram, I loved meditation, and I enjoyed profound spiritual experiences every day. These experiences helped me establish a powerful level of awareness that has served me throughout my life. That was the upside of my decades of meditation in the ashram. However, there was also a downside.

As a faithful TM practitioner and teacher, and as a devoted disciple of my guru, for 22 years the TM creed was hammered into my brain: TM is the only path to enlightenment. Maharishi is the only enlightened master. TM is your only chance for spiritual evolution. If you don't practice TM faithfully, you are doomed to lifetimes of suffering.

Just like many other TM teachers, I was thoroughly convinced that I was on a higher, "more evolved" level than the teeming masses. I firmly believed that I was vastly superior to the insignificant, irrelevant, trifling swarm of ignorant, unevolved humanity, whose measly awareness waded through muck and mire-far outside the gates of the
insulated, unsullied paradise/ cocoon/ safety/ bubble/ heavenly grace of the TM community.

The TM ashram was definitely a bubble, but it was inflated with the hot air of its arrogant, swaggering residents. I was one of them.

The hierarchy of TM social status was defined by a precise stepladder, with Maharishi above the highest rung, the International Staff and other TM officials on the highest rung, TM teachers on the middle rung, and TM mediators on the bottom. When I served on Maharishi's International Staff, from 1970 to 1976, I was perched on the highest rung. However, when I lived in Fairfield, I had slipped a few rungs down the ladder. Yet I was still perched firmly on the ladder.

One night I attended one of the frequent parties held in the homes of the inhabitants of Fairfield, Iowa. Here I encountered Rich Bell, a seeming nobody whom I pegged as a bottom feeder who crawled in the dirt below the bottom rung of the ladder.

At this party Rich Bell accosted me and attempted to convince me that he had something to teach me--a meditation technique different from TM (horror of horrors). Teach me something? Teach me anything? I know everything there is to know about meditation. Ha. With my nose high in the air, I laughed and flicked him away like a fly, with a flip of my wrist. My self-importance stopped him cold.

I believed that the TM organization was my only avenue for learning, my only path to enlightenment, and my only lifeline to God. But my mask of superiority cloaked an ominous cloud that hung on the horizon. Little did I know what was in store.

Shortly after my encounter with Rich Bell, I was stunned to receive a phone call from a member of The Executive Board--the governing body of the TM organization in Fairfield, Iowa, who summoned me to his office. To describe this as a shocker is an understatement. It was more like a knockout punch. As I hung up the phone and struggled to gasp my next breath, my heartbeat sped into overdrive and terror ripped through my bones. At once my mind concocted the worst possible punishment--my entry badge to "The Dome" (where TM practitioners meditated and levitated in large groups) being confiscated.

The Board insisted that I appear before them to explain my actions, because an informant had apparently reported me for organizing a New Age psychic fair at the VFW in town. This was an infraction of the TM organization's strict rules, since TM teachers are banned from any extracurricular activity not officially sanctioned by the organization. I had evidently been a bad, bad little girl. And the Board wanted to either slap my wrists or chop them off. Which option they might choose was entirely unknown to me.

I do not know what possessed me to phone Rich Bell. Perhaps I was seized with a terror of drowning so immediate that I grappled for the nearest flotation device. After hearing of my dilemma, Rich asked me to grab a pen and paper. Then he dictated an affirmation over the phone, and he told me to repeat the affirmation for 15 minutes right before my meeting with The Board. Frankly, I did not know what an "affirmation" was.

Right before the meeting, I was so intimidated and frightened in anticipation of appearing before the Board, that I repeated the affirmation aloud for 30 minutes solid. Amazingly, with every repetition of the affirmation, my awareness became more powerful and filled with greater inner strength. By the time the meeting hour arrived, I was brimming with energy, grounded and solid as the earth.

I entered the office with what I expected would be six intimidating, glowering men ready to pounce on me. But they transformed into puppy dogs. The entire meeting turned to my advantage. They were uncharacteristically polite, and they ended the meeting by apologizing for any inconvenience they may have caused. I floated out of the office, high on my own energy. The entire crisis simply vanished into nothingness.

I was so impressed with the power of Rich Bell's affirmation, that I asked him to teach me this new meditation practice. That is how I learned how to listen to the "still small voice" of God within.

When Rich and I finally sat down together, he guided me into a different meditation practice than I had ever experienced before. As he led me through various levels of awareness, I saw a bright white light and later a beautiful azure light, otherwise known at the "blue pearl" of Lord Krishna, and I expanded to levels of my higher self in a way that I had previously never realized. I visited realms of inner space that I had not previously seen on my radar map. These were celestial regions, the worlds of the personal God, the highways and byways of God consciousness. The "still small voice" of God spoke to me, and I received words of love, comfort, and peace.

What can you tell us about the meditation techniques of “Buddha boy” (16 year old Nepalese who meditated 6 months)?

I wish that I could, but I cannot tell you about his meditation techniques. I do not believe that he has told anyone his techniques. Some people believe he is a reincarnation of Gautama Buddha. Others say he learned his methods in the Tibetan monastery in Dehra Dun--Tumo meditation (Tibetan meditation that increases heat in the body), and in a monastery in Himachal Pradesh--the Sakya tradition of Buddhism. He seems to be living on prana, without food or water. Other yogis have done that. Giri Bala did that for 56 years. Prahladbhai Jani, who is now age 80, has not eaten or drunk anything since age 12. He was scientifically tested for 10 days straight, during which time he ingested nothing. He never passed any urine or feces. He claims to gain energy from solar gazing and from the Mother Goddess. The sun transmits energy through a hole in his throat, producing a sticky solid lump that he can redigest. This refuels the chakras in his body. From this description, this appears to be the practice of kechari mudra, a process whereby the yogi drinks soma, amrita, or nectar produced by the pineal gland. I explain this process in my new book ASCENSION.

How does a person on a spiritual path turn the self inside out so the whole universe resides on the inside?

Our subtle body already embodies the entire universe. Therefore, the entire universe is already inside. If you read my book EXPLORING CHAKRAS, you will understand deeply how the microcosm embodies the macrocosm, how the universe gets created and gets absorbed, and how the human energy field reflects all of that in its creation and absorption. By using my CD "Chakra Yoga Nidras," you can experience that universe within you with the guided meditation. Your Cosmic Self is an aspect of your higher self. It is as large and vast as the entire universe. All the galaxies and stars are within it.

Why do you sense so many people are hoping to learn more about God now?

The consciousness of the world has been lifting since the 1960s, when a great spiritual awakening began and the human potential movement was born. It is the cycle of cosmic time when spirituality is on the rise. Many enlightened masters have graced us with their presence and have begun to lift our consciousness out of the World Wars of the 20th century and the stiff, rigid, blocked mindset of that time. Now a new age is dawning, which brings greater peace and direct connection with God. The old ways are dying, People will, in time, take responsibility for their own lives rather than considering themselves victims, and they will take a direct path to God rather than going through intermediaries, such as gurus, priests, channellers, psychics, healers, astrologers, and so forth. They will realize their own self-empowerment and discover who they really are.

What advice do you offer people who struggle to focus on the present moment?

I am not sure what you mean by that question. If you mean to say that people are not focusing on the task at hand, then the practice of meditation can improve their concentration. If you mean that people are trying to "live in the now," then I would say that they are trying to make a mood of living in the now, and that they will fail. No one can make a mood of higher consciousness. You must earn it through genuine spiritual practices and through surrender to God.

Some people sense the Intuitive Age is upon us, that is, the usefulness of extended solitude no longer has the same relevance. Share your insight.

Extended solitude is not as necessary as it was in the 20th century. That is because the vibration of the planet is already on a much higher plane than before. People are now able to have spiritual experiences much quicker than before. I was a pioneer of the spiritual movement of the 1960s, and I have observed through the past 42 years how people can now attain states of deep meditation and profound experiences of God much easier. Today, through the practice of Divine Revelation, in just a few moments people can receive divine contact with God within them and hear the voice of God. When this teaching first appeared in the 1960s, people took many months to have this experience.

Where is home for you?

Home is within my heart, for that is where God resides. I have no home base on the material plane. I live in a motor home.

What additional insights would you like to share?

There is only one thing worthwhile seeking and attaining in this world--God realization. No material possession or worldly status will fulfil you. Do everything in your power to fulfil your destiny, which is to return to God.

Some of my websites:, for my books, CDs, DVDs, art prints, and other products., for my spiritual retreats and tours to sacred destinations, including Sedona in August., for my Kumbh Mela tour in the Spring of 2010., for my tours to Peru., for daily divinely revealed messages.

I encourage visitors here to explore Susan's websites and read about more of her experiences.