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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Whenever you step out of the noise of thinking, that is meditation, and a differetn state of consciousness arises." - Eckhart Tolle





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5 Ways to Manifest Whole-heartedly

Notice real alchemy is not what is widely taught.Quantum physics echoes a particle can exist in multiple states simultanesouly. Yet, applying this practice is not always straightforward.  Consider 5 ways to manifest whole-heartedly:

1. Be a conscious observer

See deeper: A captivating dance of quantum mechanics and consciousness orchestrates the manifestation of our desires. Its about sharpening perception, tuning into particle physics in practice.

2. Recognize inner power

We grow as we receognize and amplify our quantum observations, to manifest based on our vision and vibrations.  The power is not external, not based on what we can become. (These are distractions) Its about recognizing and harnessing what is always here.

3.  See emotions as energy

In this moment, as we focus energy on a future vision, this brings it into our conscious experience faster.  The mind can envision on a timeline yet on an energetic level, everything is happening now.

4. Trust intuition & act 

Inspired action is guided by our intuition, the link that brings the vision from the quantum field into tangible reality. The pace is based on us and our ability to act consciously, in harmony with soul.

5. Master time, master self

The collapse of space-time happens as we dismantle our illusions, discipline the mind. Quantum manifesation occurs as one masters fear, emotions, shadows and allows wholeheartedly. Be here now.

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