See yourself as you really are

As you go though life, you accumulate experience. Notice whether you judge it or, see it simply as experience and allow it to humble you. As you step back to quietly observe, you notice everything as a teacher inviting you to love yourself as you are. How can anyone love and accept who you are if you do not yourself? How does it feel to do so?
Everything is reflecting back a message to you. Notice what each experience tells you about compassion. It is not your job to teach others what love teaches you so much as to live by an example. You know in the heart when you are true to yourself, make choices inspired by love, and love others as you would true self. What does it feel like when you are not doing this? Open up to Self-Disclosure:Changes from Within.
"Only when we trust ourselves can we trust others, wisely." -
Reader Comments (4)
This reminds me of the old concept that others will only love us if we love ourselves. I think this is also related to your post here. This is actually a good reminder to the importance of giving value to ourselves. :)
Jiddu Krishnamurti reminds us: "Relationship is a mirror in which you can see yourself, not as you would wish to be, but as you are."
This said, noticing how people in your life treat you tells you a lot about how you treat your true self. Whether you respond to others with unconditional love or in some other way, also reveals to what degree you love yourself. Observe also how people mistreat each other. Notice whether you silently observe in apathy or intervene to empathize and show compassion. Everything is a lesson in love.
Thanks an important point to keep that reflection there to keep shining it .. Hilary