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Awaken the wizard inside

Analysis of dream submitted by Anonymous in Canada.

Dream- I stood before a man in a cloak with a long white beard and mustache. In outward appearance, he reminded me of Gandalf (from Lord of the Rings) or Albus Dumbledore (from Harry Potter). He sat in lotus position. His cloak had two golden lines that joined at a point at the area of his sternum. In the air in front of him, he focused on 4 multi-dimensional shapes floated parallel and rotated: a sphere, a cube, a star and a cone. Each shape was a solid primary color, then slowly grew transparent.

Interpretation-  (This is a glimpse of a longer analysis)

The sternum draws attention to the heart. All answers you seek are found here.  That is, "the point" or centre of all perceived worlds.  Life transitions take shape as your evolving reality appears out of thin air.  The flow of ideas and feelings inside is simply energy concentrated where you focus attention. 

Conditioned humans are "square" or limited in their thoughts.  The being is unlimited.  When your attention is filtered through the human mind, you tell yourself what is not possible unless you deliberately choose to think "outside-the-box."  As the shapes shift position, this invites yo uto appreciate multiple vantage points.  Be open to expand sensory perception.  Allow intuition to flow more freely to guide you. The presence of the lotus reminds you that the essence of being is enlightened.  No need for any 'hocus pocus.'

Primary colors invite you to get back to basics.  What the mind presumes is important is often irrelevant.  Thus, it can be easy to permit the self to get distracted on situations that evoke negative emotions. Every choice is part of a process.  You hypnotize the mind or engage in trance as you create a life.  

Magicians and wizards harness inner power effectively and prompt your growing creativity.  Messages that are confiddent, encourageing and wise remind you to listen to intuition and be open to self-mastery. As you grow self-aware and begin to hone untapped skills, stages of disillusionment present. This helps you stay humble and see different sides to a given situation. Being honest and open allows you to enter the heart of stillness and commune with life itself.  Turn inward.  Unlock the wizard within.  Glimpse real freedom.

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