Grow into a wounded healer

Liara Covert, Ph.D
Insight of the Moment
"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all." - Liara Covert
*Mastering Time
365 Paths to Love
Contact us (paperback)
Be Your Dream
Transform Your Life
Cosmic Synchronicity
What are you truly seeking? This is something you must clarify for yourself. If you do not know what you really want, the question of how to create it does not arise. Ponder four ways to transform yourself from a piece of creation to being a conscious creator, a power to reckon with:
1. Maintain a steady stream of thought
Maintain a steady stream of thought without deviation, and the thought must happen. Generate a powerful thought and let it out. Express it repeatedly. Know and feel it is happening. Generally people use faith to hide a negative thought. Trust takes your vibration to a whole new level.
2. Commit Yourself
To commit yourself whole-heartedly means you make or allow something to happen without standing in its way. There is no such thing as something is possible or not possible. The happening is a natural following. For a committed person, there is no such thing as failure.
3. Focus on this planet
Many people focus on what is happening on other planets. All the good things that you, a human being can experience, are often linked to other people, other planets, angels or heaven. This is perpetuating the illusion of separation, of human mind wanting something to happen rather than living it now. Many things can be brought into your perception. Focus on being here and knowing love is here not somewhere else. All you are is accessible when you let go of filters that tell you otherwise.
4. Address and create what you really want
All that any human being is seeking is pleasantness within himself and pleasantness around him. Health and pleasure (body) Peace and joy (mind), love and compassion (emotion), blissfulness and exstacy (energy). Today wherever you go, create a peaceful and loving world. Once your thought, mind, emotion and energy are established, organized, aligned in one direction, you activate the source of creation within. Once you access this innate power, your creative ability skyrockets and you create what you want. What finds expression in the human mind takes shape in the external world. Learning to control what arises in the mind transforms yourself and the world you perceive, which is a reflection of how you perceive yourself. Because creation exists, humans assume a separate creator exists and forget Source is within.
This is the perfect moment to step back and view your perceptions with new eyes. Reflect on four self-created myths and tips to shatter them:
Myth #1: Fear exists and must be overcome
The very belief in fear creates insecurity and holds you back from doing and being what comes naturally. Making fear-based decisions or running away from fear is action and keeps you from living your best life now.
Tip #1: Watch what happens as whatever evokes fear is viewed as an invitation to prove to yourself that fear is unfounded. (This assumes you know the difference between imagined fear and putting yourself in harm's way)
Myth #2: Material life and spiritual life are separate
All perceived separation is illusion. The idea of a choice between spiritual and material life is but an example. HUman beings exist on Earth to grow and develop spiritually. Yet, being spiritual does not require abandoning , everyday life and relationships. Growth involves applying spiritual or universal principles to daily life. In the seemingly mundane is the key to understanding the profound questions of Soul.
Tip #2: Making choices is about hesitating to make decisions. Being spontaneous and acting intuitively is seeing nothing to reconcile or no separation. This is about recalling what it is to be in the flow.
Myth #3: Disconnection alienates people
Any disconnection you feel from people or situations is simply a mirror of disconnection you feel from yourself. Similarly, any grief you feel about apparent loss is not about the perceived other but about forgetting innate wholeness which can never be taken away.
Tip#3: Recall everything is love and love knows no separation. Explore the messages that your material life brings you. Allow feeling pointers to love and blessings. This is a gentle reminder of why you choose to be here.
Myth #4: Money is lacking
Another view is money is a form of energy exchange, a social convenience which only takes on the meaning and importance you give it. Ask why you allow yourself to feel you are not enough, less than or lacking in some way. Reflect on when you feel desperate for money to manifest certain things, which emotional buttons are triggered and what unconscious issues this points to for healing.
Tip #4: Seeing everything in terms of energy flow allows shifting from a vibration of scarcity to abundance. How you view and interact with money is siply a reflection of how much you love yourself or deny self-love.
Neale Donald Walsch inspires me. His life story goes from experiences he describes as "misdirected," to being homeless and penniless. Then, he mysteriously reconnected with the creator, began writing books, and completely transformed as a spiritual soundboard. The Conversations with God movie trailer is worth watching. Also invite you to watch the film here.
The words and stories he shares are profound, yet also very simple. They invite increasing self-reflection so that you can uncover yourself by listening more closely to your inner voice, intuition, and all that lies beneath programming that begins before birth. I update this post to add Eloise King's inspiring interview entitled Conversations with Neale Donald Walsh about God and other things (2016) which I highly-recommend.
One of the subjects Neale explores in his books is the power of faith. He recognizes how hard it can seem to shift to believe in what you don't initially believe. This brings us face-to-face with our own resistance. Ask yourself when in your life you notice your own resistance, when you are willing to shift your mindset to believe something your ego resists? How do you nurture faith and trust in the unknown and unseen?
As author of many heart-warming books such as the Conversations with God Series, Neale Donald Walsch observes faith as an acquired trait but trust is innate. He feels anyone can develop faith, and apply it at will. Yet, we must develop faith in ourselves before being able to have faith in things outside or seemingly separate from ourselves. Seeing through our own self-created illusion of separation is part of the process of awakening or expanding into more of our untapped potential. Imagine how it feels to tune into unlimited being. COuld you imagine the nature of such magnificence?
We develop faith at least 3 ways:
1) By noticing you can (in passively observing others).
2) By experiencing you can (sensing it, perhaps unexpectedly).
3) By deciding you will (with conscious intent).
You can also decide developing faith in yourself, in whatever you choose to work on, is a 3-step process. You may hear about another person's miracle or apparent good fortune. You may raise your awareness of what is possible and discen you are experiencing blessings. You may also decide that you can expect good things and nothing else.
In essence, we each develop faith our own way. You may skip some of the above steps, change the order or, simply discipline yourself to believe (or not) for your own reasons.