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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in vibration (158)


Close gaps between you & you

Notice your focus of attention.  Looking for love, stability and security outside yourself creates a gap between how you view self here and who you really are.  You exist to create your own experience and contribute to streams of consciousness. Beyond the physical senses, you tap into innate nature or inner knowing. Your unwavering connection to the source energy is the dominant vibration that guides you.  Do what feels good and you allow who you are to reveal itself fully and close the gap you imagine into being. 

In essence, every choice you make enables you to remember how you create gaps in conscious awareness of the truth.  Every thought and emotion is an opportunity to tune into who you are and feel things into alignment.  You become more due to positive feelings and things you do not see. When you dream, you withdraw consciousness and you re-emerge in the non-physical realm.  This aligns you with the unlimited power to create.  The same thing occurs during meditation when you detach from everything.  Whatever happens, you never separate from who you are. Everything reveals the truth.  You choose to see or not.


In emptiness is usefulness

Align with love and reconnect to higher fields of consciousness. You are taught to focus on fear and tears. Yet, beyond conditioned limitation, you are an infinite being. Choose to stay open.  Release yourself from the prison of the left brain. Reality is not revealed by the five senses. You are unstructured, connected to everyone, everywhere.  Your point of observation is consciousness having this physical experience.

As source energy, you travel everywhere now as unconditional love. Your omnicience is unparallelled. Get beyond the logic and reason that confine you to space and linear time. Intuitive heart knowing is beyond thought. Beliefs emit low level vibrations. Intuitive knowing emits higher vibration and reminds us who we really are. To feel joy is to raise personal vibration and activate higher energy. It is through perceiving emptiness that everything is useful. Shape emptiness into form and you understand the pure state you are.


Be conscious of vibration

All that you ask for is given.  When you are not consciously aware of vibration, you do not allow those things you desire into your experience.  When you feel anything other than unconditional love and self-acceptance, you block them in favor of experiencing something else. Every reality emerges due to someone who focuses energy into being.  Whatever you give attention to is your truth.  As you grow aware of your vibration, you realize nothing emerges as your experience without your energetic invitation. 

To accept things as people tell you they are is to block what is freely available to you and to forget your perception, acceptance and resistence begins and ends within.  There are no categories.  You forget your power when you flow energy in opposing directions.  Know loving joy is your core vibration.  Be that.


Align with love

Consider why its easier to love people at a distance.  You create a vision that nutures the flow of affection and nothing gets in the way.  Feel the freedom that reveals itself as you feel love regardless of what another person is doing, regardless of where he is. This is unconditional love, that which the witness within finds compelling.  Everything you feel reflects the vibrational relationship to that which is you.  In essence, you either do what feels right to align with love or you do not. There is nothing you cannot be, do or have when you cooperate with the flow of energy in the universe.  The only thing that holds you back is you.  Savor the dreaming process.  Dream for the pure joy of it.  Do not care about the outcome and there it is.


Feel your path of least resistance

The path of least resistence is the key to everything. It enables you to see beyond what you are conditioned to see or believe.  It is the means to align with the truth of the real you beyond form.   Notice people often struggle.  How does this serve them?  How do your observations awaken you?

Be aware that inaction is a choice.  Be aware no response counts.   Be aware that going against the grain or making emotional waves are not paths of higher wisdom.  Experience how it feels to detect or resonate the vibration of a silent observer.  This evokes the peace and serenity that are the authentic you.