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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Tell it like it is

Ever ask what you need to do to sort things out where you are or to sort things out for other people? Does part of you wish to be in circumstances other than where you are? Know doing nothing is right for you.  Know that feeling good about things, finding the message or lesson of love, is what matters. Every moment reminds you this is all about allowing things to be.  Resisting or getting frustrated is not the answer.

Its not your job to change others.  The momentary glimpse of where things are or how things appear is not the truth.  What is real exists as non-physical energy.  You allow it to manifest in the physical or deny this possiblity.  To tell it like it is reveals its not about action, or appearances.  Its about feelings, emotions and atttitude.  You get precisely what you expect and invite on a vibrational level. See what you want to , feel the joy of that and it comes into being.  Is the justifying or musing about what appears to be leaving, lacking or what you seemingly do not have,  your way of allowing?  See what happens as you feel joy now.

To ask where things are repeatedly is to doubt that you have them, know them and feel them into being.  Why not accept the unlimited being you are?  When you doubt or resist this knowing, you forget you cannot suffer into another person's understanding or your own.  All of the vibration you give out in effort to control the uncontrollable is keeping you from being a vibrational match for all you are asking for.  All things line up for you to savor this moment where you are and to do those things that resonate.  Allow what you know is you to flow into your experience.  Tell it like it is and allow it to be your reality now.

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Reader Comments (4)

But I think we CAN change others. By our loving actions! If I am frustrated because the house remodeling is going on and on and on, I can take up a broom and sweep the sawdust created. Or organize Hubby's tools -- and that makes him smile. See? I've made a happy little change in him.

Feelings of resisting tell us to surrender to learn our lesson.

November 5, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJannie Funster
Jannie, to repeat those things soul knows has the power to raise your vibration and transform your experience. Leverage your true self. That is, come into alignment. You know law of attraction is a fact. Remind yourself of that. You know how it feels to direct your thoughts and feel good. You know you are worthy, talented, harmonious and loving. You close the gap when you are unconditionally loving ad truly feel you merit all that is good. When your dreams do not materialize, this says that you still emit vibrations of self doubt or unworthiness. Identify and heal that to transform your experience.
November 6, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara .. this post rings so true .. and I need to go with the flow and tell it like it is .. gently with love and compassion and doing what is necessary to let the energy flows in - .. thanks good reminder - Hilary
November 6, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
Hilary, to allow the love 'that is' to reveal itself, the key is to stop resisting. Whenever you experience another kind of emotion, the contrast is in actuality, guiding you back home. Every emotional energy is offering a message about love. Notice how and why you choose to notice or not. It all serves you.
November 6, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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