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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in truth (124)


Awaken to false interpretation

Every moment, you have infinite opportunities  to recognize you are not the mind, you never were, and never can be.  To identify with what does not exist is part of the process of awakening to false interpretation.  You are shifting energy, focus and outgrowing beliefs you are ready to let go.

You may have heard of Chuang Tzu who dreamt he was a butterfly and awoke depressed and in a quandry.  He is unsure whether he is a butterfly dreaming he is Chuang Tzu or Chuang Tzu dreaming he is a butterfly.  This story prompts you to reflect on what is real and tangible to you.

When you awaken from any dream, you are invited to increase awareness. You are invited to reach a place where thought does not exist. When the mind is quiet, thoughts do not exist. The gap between thoughts is you. Within that gap, neither Chuang Tzu nor the butterfly exist. So long as thoughts exist, the mind is present. It is a teacher but it is not you. Be alert between thoughts.  Emotions are your guide. You know what feels right.


Be conscious of vibration

All that you ask for is given.  When you are not consciously aware of vibration, you do not allow those things you desire into your experience.  When you feel anything other than unconditional love and self-acceptance, you block them in favor of experiencing something else. Every reality emerges due to someone who focuses energy into being.  Whatever you give attention to is your truth.  As you grow aware of your vibration, you realize nothing emerges as your experience without your energetic invitation. 

To accept things as people tell you they are is to block what is freely available to you and to forget your perception, acceptance and resistence begins and ends within.  There are no categories.  You forget your power when you flow energy in opposing directions.  Know loving joy is your core vibration.  Be that.


Release the barriers

You need not coerce anything or anyone into place. Let the truth and opportunities reveal themselves. Choose to feel what it means to be present in this moment. Know only good things happen. Allow the mind to ponder how all thoughts and emotions draw attention to the meaning of joy. Recognize blessings now. Sense every choice you make is the right one for you. View everything as a sign, as confirmation, you are precisely where you are meant to be. See everyone as a co-creator, empowering you to awaken to the power of compassion. Know you are loved, that you have immeasurable intrinsic value. Regardless what people say or do, this does not alter who you are. The inner judge only distracts you from limitless being.


Satisfy the soul

The mind has you believe you must do things to satisfy the soul.  What if the soul is fulfilled from the moment you align with the core state of being? The soul responds to gentleness, the receptive state of tenderness, innocence and whenever you set ego aside to access truth and beauty.  Its all here now.  Be open to it.

Soul also responds to experiences when you allow yourself to delve deeper into states of compassion and open the heart to unconditional love.  Opening to joy is a powerful way to connect with soul, connect with your dreams and embrace the love that is beyond words.

Being authentic or true to yourself takes shape in experience. Quiet the mind. Tap into your soul blueprint.  This is like spiritual DNA.  On a soul level, this reveals you chose your innate talents, key relationships, core gifts and conditions.  How you respond to these or what you do with them while in a physical body is not pre-determined. You established pre-birth soul contracts with your parents that allow you to develop beliefs and scripts.  A web of patterns, strengths and weaknesses arises to hides your gifts until you are ready to claim them.

Self-acceptance and unconditional love do not require external validation.  To feel them is to know they are their own proof.  Dare to be you and embrace higher wisdom.


Celebrate your rough edges

Ever notice perceptions of 'rough edges' or imperfections work themselves out through your experience? As you nurture patience and observe things in their basic simplicity, clarity arises.  What you outgrow or unlearn dissolves beliefs.  You move from self-doubt into realms of certainty, where you allow things to be as they are and accept self unconditionally.  You access silent inner knowing, feelings of joy and bliss.  

Notice that as awareness expands within, you begin to understand how and why you lose touch with inner knowing.  You recall you control internal shifts based on action, ripening insight, sensing living energy and grasping messages sent from within.  From the inside-out, you hold power to Transform Your Life.