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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in truth (124)


Shift your vantage point

You may forget that you experience the world through your own senses. Yet, you are conditioned to reach out into the world, to embark on physical journeys, in order to obtain or experience what you want.  Part of you feels unsatisfied. Its why you are here.

This is the stage of your journey which invites you to shift your focus.  You move from what is unfolding or could be unfolding in the physical world, to remember and recognize who you already are.  Choose to be that.  All the  fear, doubt, judgment opposition and complexity exists in the mind.  Let it go.  You decide on what level of awareness to live, whether you decide to connect with soul.

It all comes back to the base vibration within.  You may wish to heal illness, move beyond issues that no longer matter.  You manage to keep focus on what is beyond the distractions. You prepare to realize the solution to every problem you ever see.  As you recognize what truly takes place, you are the observer within, sense the misdirected action and core beauty.  Choose to Transform your Life.


Do not fix what is not broken

The reflection of your world is changing based on how you interact and experience everything.  Notice where change is possible in your life.  What do you radiate out, through you? To go within is to reconnect with the divine connection.  The truth of who you are is peering back at you.  Right now, you experience aprocess that lets you know if you are out of alignment so you choose to re-align.

Ask yourself why you are prompted to fix what is not broken, to feel that something about you requires improvement? What if you let go of thoughts, ideas and beliefs that judge you to be less than you are?  Those things you see in the mirror reflect directly about your self-esteem and degree of self-acceptance.  To assume you are too something or not enough, is a misplaced belief you can change.

From the moment you stop exerting effort to be you, you stop pushing against the current.  You realize it is not necessary to go upstream to experience peace and to reconnect with who you are.  This is effortless.  You may forget you cannot help but be you. Let go of what people tell you that you should be, of those things you are conditioned to want.  Be receptive to Cosmic Synchronicity.


What brings you closer to the truth?

The truth exists beyond any words.  Some people ask how is living according to personal truth supposed to affect their perspective and circumstances?  Thoughts and asking someone else what you are meant to feel is not listening to the self.  Insight beckons to you who is ready.

The truth of who you are is the truth of what everything else is.  As you choose to explore beliefs and mental attitudes, you open up to feel inner shifts of coinciding energy vibrations. You move from being unaware to choosing consciously every idea and experience.  The core of you feels its way through life. As you let go of beliefs you outgrow, you simply join the dots inside you.

Many people come to realize how they are unconsciously clinging onto thoughts that do not serve them. Rigid mindsets prevent you from being the flow. If you believe in serendipity (accidents), you prevent yourself from sensing the symchronicities that connect all you meet and do.   As you move to realize accidents do not exist, you see through the quagmire to ways of allowing and resisting.  The truth of why you are here seems forever changing, but is it really?

As you choose to let go of what you outgrow, you remember to feel who you are.  You also respond to impressions coming to you from all forms of life, from worlds of spirit, intuition and beyond.  You  begin to sense all you do or do not do is part of Cosmic Synchronicity.  When ready, you move beyond seeing coincidences.  You realize chance encounters do not exist.

"Truth is a deep kindness that teaches us to be content in our everyday life and share with the people the same happiness."- Kahlil Gibran


What is your true origin?

In Rule by Secrecy, author Jim Marrs quotes a particular point highlighted by the authors of Forbidden Archeology;

"There exists in the scientific community a knowledge filter that screens out unwelcome evidence.  This process of knowledge filtration has been going on well over a century and continues to present day...Realize that scientific institutions such as the Smithsonian and the National Geographic Society, are set up by the world's elite factions in the first place to either debunk, distort or simply ignore scientific data that tends to enlighten people about their true origins." 

Many views exist about origins of Humanity. Increasing information is emerging to suggest non-human intelligences are involved in our evolution and also have a hand in things now.  Read and sift through alternative sources of data. What do you feel to be right in your deepest being?

On what do you base your understanding of your origins now?


What is really going on?

At this moment, you are a human being who arrives here in search of yourself.  Nothing outside the self is relevant to this journey. The external is illusion that emerges to distract you.  When you discern what you are experiencing moment-to moment, you take nothing for granted.  What is going on?

If you repeat thoughts, they become your nature.

If you are on a spiritual quest, you are potentially divine.

If you seek a guru, you forget the meaning of fearlessness.

If you do not understand others, they do not understand you.

If you do not respect others, they do not respect you.

If you journey inward, that which cannot be said is the truth.

If you sense soul, you touch on infinity of unconditional love.

If you oppose, remember you cannot contradict nothingness.

If you wish to expand, be constant, steady and unwavering. 

If you wish to affect the future, accept the present and be.

If you seek knowledge, books only offer glimpse of inspiration.

If you want wisdom, experience on the same frequency counts.

If you are available unto yourself, consciousness absorbs you.

If you wish to get nowhere, you do so without thought.  

If you travel at the speed of light, you emerge ageless.