3 Signs is time to Re-define Success

Many people wonder how they can do what they love and get paid what they are worth. This voice may echo inside you too. Ponder three signs its time to redefine success:
1) Something is shifting inside. You do the work you do and are not actively looking for a new role and yet, a quiet discomfort or restlessness is arising. Stong feelings are bubbling up. You are noticing sensations surfacing within that you have not noticed before. This is the moment to pay more attention to what makes you tick.
2) Dialogue triggers it. You may strike up a conversation with someone you know, a group or a complete stranger. Whomever it is draws your attention to something you are unable to put into words. You do not know what you are looking for but it hits that part of you is indeed looking. Work and success do not relate at they did even moments ago. A different relationship is capturing your attention and shifting your priorities about which mountains to climb.
3) Opportunities are knocking. You may not yet get head-hunted for that dream job but emails are mysteriously showing up in your in-box. You know new opportunities are showing their heads. New postions in different fields are also crossing your radar. You even hear positions related to your own are offering higher salary than you currently earn. You feel increasingly open to offers. Why? No brainer! Something within is beginning to clarify a new version of success.