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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in success (43)


Feel your way to success

This is the moment to feel your way to success in every area of your life.  Reflect on your understanding of the term, 'success.' Many people link it with struggle, anxiety, blood, sweat and tears.  Many people are convinced they must wait or exert certain effort to experience success as a possible eventuality.  If you do not already feel successful right now, it is the perfect occasion to make a shift in how you view yourself.

Consider the perspective that success is something you are born with.  From this vantage point, it is not something to be pursued.  From this place, failure does not exist and reasons for worry fade away.  Rather than linked to a particular result, decide its a trained state of mind. Imagine how success feels in a particular project, job interview, or other circumstance.  Realize feeling good where you are influences your energy vibration and essence of being. To feel as though you lead a meaningful life is not quantifiable or measurable.  It relates to your innate self-confidence, discerning unlimited talents, disregarding external criticism and the lies echoing from the inner judge.  This is about accepting not resisting all you offer now.  Everything you want is already yours.  The way you feel is the basis of everything you experience now.


Sense clearly again

Every experience tells you about inner self.  Every way you feel and perceive worlds, is a reflection of how you see and experience the self. Do you sense anything other than perfection?  Open your senses to the truth.  Everything is sending you messages that you are ready to sense clearly again.  What does it mean to feel truly alive?

You venture to this place as you are aware of energy within as it is; all-powerful and unconditionally loving.  You are capable of being, doing and feeling anything.  This is unlimitedness.  As you recall how to align with simply being, you choose to release results of this connection.  You are invited to engage in inner work to evolve.

To sense the impulse to be unlimited in your creative expression is part of connecting with Cosmic Synchronicity.  It is your intention to be successful, to remind self to give and recive love in all things every moment.


Identify your synchronicities

Everything you sense and perceive is drawing your attention to what it means to be authentic or true to the love you are. The universe gives you opportunities to make conscious connections.  Synchronicities offer insight into deeper patterns of your true nature, into reasons why you listen and allow or resist the purpose of everything.

Humans exist at different stages of restlessness and self-acceptance.  You are the expert on you although you may temporarily forget how to access inner knowing of the being. You may feel happy about parts of your life and feel differently about others.  Every moment, your mind, body and spirit send you messages. There are no accidents. Yet, it is common for people to ignore or overlook deeper significance. 

In Self-Disclosure: Changes from Within, I invite readers on a life-changing journey.   Dialogue and exercises engage readers in uncovering the secrets of and underlying reasons for their own behaviour.  They learn how lessons present in unexpected places, what value is found in every set of conditions.  You recall how to listen to the inner voice differently, to sense and create more consciously.  Being self-aware in a given moment enables you to listen to the ever-present voice that knows what's best for you. Its all about guiding the self to discern reasons for love and fear and remembering that being open to all feelings serves your evolution.

This choose-your-own healing adventure inspires Cosmic Synchronicity.  This work invites readers to deepen the connection with their higher self, their sense of success, identity and ideals.  The deepest part of you knows lasting change only unfolds through conscious self-awareness and complete honesty with your true self.  How do you progress on your own self-disclosure? What do you gain from this process? Why is synchronicity meaningful to you right now? Join the dots.

"According to Vedanta, there are only two symptoms of enlightenment, just two indications that a transformation is taking place within you toward a higher consciousness. The first symptom is that you stop worrying. Things don't bother you anymore. You become light-hearted and full of joy. The second symptom is that you encounter more and more meaningful coincidences in your life, more and more synchronicities. And this accelerates to the point where you actually experience the miraculous." (quoted by Carol Lynn Pearson in Consider the Butterfly)―Deepak Chopra, Synchrodestiny


7 things every entrepreneur must know

If you have never been an entrepreneur and have been contemplating this path, it is helpful to recognize the process is full of wake up calls. You have opportunities to redefine freedom yet, nothing comes from nothing. Nothing ever could.

My own experience is life-transforming on many levels. This involves overcoming obstacles in different countries and gaining priceless insight into myself and what is possible. Consider seven things every entrpreneur must know;

1) Dissolve the entitlement attitude. When you work for someone, you are conditioned to believe you deserve a certain wage or salary and are paid for time and effort. Entrepreneurs learn it is necessary to invest selflessly without measuring time. You reap benefits later based on what you sow now.

2) Book writing serves you. To compile abook is a great exercise when a business model prompts you to network for content and promotion. You can compile ebooks, physical books,  pamphlets or booklets with multiple purposes in mind. You are a creator. Deliberately shift to make it conscious.

3) Everyone is an entepreneur-in-training. Regardless of your source(s) of income, all you do is basically aimed at building self-confidence. Life is an exercise in learning to get re-aquainted with the self. In order to prove to others you are capable, you must first effectively be convinced of your own self-worth and acceptance. Every effort to dialogue with soul and the external world stretches you into new territory.

4) Faith and trust come from within. You create your schedule, your mindset, your attitude and decide what, when, how and why. All of that motivates you from inside. Reconnect with your core motivation and you realize all reasons why you do what you do, are inside, waiting to be harnessed.

5) Freedom comes with responsibility.  Being your own boss, you decide what to do and when. Self-discipline helps.  People can justify anything from procrastination to workaholism.  Somewhere in this spectrum exists the healthy, peaceful Middle Way. Inkings of what to do emerge before ideas of how to it. Consciously engage in the process.

6) Doing what is right is crucial. Some people view business as an extended exercise in ethics training. A person cannot predict all scenarios, all human personalities and situations encountered. Doing what is right is not always equated with doing what is easy. Soul always guides choices that maintain a clear conscience.

7)Seen and unseensources of support exist. The game of life has no map or recipe to guarantee particular outcomes from events. What matters is to know whatever path you are on, guidance is constant and perpetual. People have taken your chosen path before you and others are on the way. Its always possible to reach out to seen and unseen sources of wisdom. How and when you sense or explain them, is up to you.


Build faith in your success

Your day evolves, moment-by-moment, not based on what you do, but on how you think and how aware you are in any kind of circumstance.  The nature of confidence and trust that you are building within yourself brings you back to the present and the reality of your success.  What do you fathom as implications?

1) Success is now.  People often convince themselves that success is a thing to work toward in the future. They forget time obscures reality and reasons to be grateful. To disregard measures of time enables you to tap into synchonicity.

2) Perception limits reality. How you think about where you are shapes how you view what you do and whether you choose to change. Your perception shifts as you consciously recognize you limit success to what is measured by your familiar senses.

3) Purpose deepens before it is grasped. Learning more about who you are is the underlying reason for everything.  Achieving what you set out to accomplish draws attention to outcomes. You uncover two, inter-related core motivations.

4) Inner alignment is expanding. As you move to focus on quality rather than quantity in experience, you begin to realize you dwell on energy that acts as the backdrop of everything.  Your field of awareness is expanding beyond self-created limits. Success loses its form and you sense loving feelings.

5) Awareness is the key focus. The nature of your journey evolves from this moment and everything you discern about it. To feel capable of linking more than one view of success is part of transformation. You reconcile mental, physical and spiritual growth and grow aware of interconnectedness.

6) Cycles reshape success. Transitions are always unfolding. Every event is created so that some new experience arises. Each stage invites learning.  You become more and then feel like less. You gain possessions, experiences, relationships and gradually lose, sell or give them all away.  Life grows and contracts and the physical body does the same. You are form now and return to formless worlds from whence you came.