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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in soul purpose (2)


10 Ways to redefine success

Something tells you it is the moment to review and refine your version of success.  This term has different meanings to different people. Ever ask yourself why this topic comes to your attention right now?  Maybe you are in transition, reflecting on the nature of your accomplishments, feel restless about professional progress or unsure of your current longer term direction.  Whatever it is, the moment is right to devote some time to what success means to you.  Observe how your own version of success is changing with you. 

1. Is success about meeting a deadline?

2. Is success about goal-setting, planning, and working toward short-term goals? 

3. Is success about giving yourself  the freedom to to help others reach their version of success?

4. Is success a moving target, always reched for but rarely if ever achieved?

5. Is success about shadowing mentors/ inspirations or drawing their qualities out of yourself?

6.  Is success a state of mind that you nurture or train inside to carry with you?

7.  Is success finding ways to be happy where you are, to love something about what you do?

8. Is success about soul-searching? Finding that perfect relationship  or situation?

9. Is success some combination of the above?

10. Is success something else? 

"My definition of success is fulfillment of your soul's purpose." -Jack Canfield


Make the world around you shift

What if you knew how make the world around you shift so the things kind of fall into place for you?This is about recalling what it is to harmonize yourself with the external world. The things you need always come to you. The path you exist to follow is already here.

Anyone can do this.  The potential exists in every person.  Creatively re-imagine the nature of your reality.  When the mind is focused on a yantra, the mental chatter ceases.  Yantra is an aid to attain union with the divine through geometric visualization.  This is an ancient method for identifying and aligning with your soul purpose. (Image below: Sri Yantra)