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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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10 Steps to take a quantum leap 

When human beings speak of quantum anything, they imply something significant, but cannot always clarify it in words. The mind-centred self wishes to move ahead. The heart senses pure love without doing. Mind is in process of aligning with the heart. Consider10 steps to take a quantum leap;

1) Establish a baseline. Know where you stand. Are you self-directed or directionless or somewhere in-between? Originally, nothing exists. You start and end here. As you open mouth and mind, everything appears. Hindrances obscure your inner view.

2) Notice self-created limits. Misperceptions grow from the invention of time. Energy is fragmented in the mind to change shape, to create doubt, fear and incompleteness.

3) Turn off the mind. It is grounded in a human-conceived past or future and all that is external. This is not where you are. Conscious cooperation is crucial to discern and break mental patterns. To awaken the heart, sense the inner body.

4) Recognize problems do not exist. Sources of any perceived discomfort are not found in the present.  Problems are views of situations that may happen, that invite attention now, or that benefit from being accepted as they are.

5) Focus on a given moment.  To deliberately focus on the now shuts off the fear and pain inthe mind. You also heal others through example and vibration. Mental discipline enables you to attune to an ongoing transformation.

6) Stop basing identity on suffering. Who you are has nothing to do with perceived suffering. You are not what you seem to have or what you falsely assume you lack. You are not attached to situations.  A timeless essence shines through.

7) Feel grateful for everything. Learn to use your senses more fully. Develop compassion for everything.  Visualize a single focal point.  All experience is meaningful. Feeling will get you closer to your authentic self than thinking.

8) De-emphasize results. When you focus on a goal, on what has yet to be done, this is attachment. The ego mind perpetuates competitiveness and restlessness. To sense relief is to be okay with doing or not doing in the moment.  View the self as always doing well, without measuring quality or quantity.

9) Strengthen inner harmony.To gain insight into the power of energy vibration, a person may chant mantras aloud. As a person advances in understanding, mantras and other toning can be done internally. Voicing words silently attracts revelant energies into core or spiritual centre. You realize what is.

10) Accept pure love is universal.  Love only seems to expand as you detach from illusions of the mind. In truth, love is everyone and everything. It does not change.  Only the degree of intensity felt or layers of vibration experienced differ based on what you allow or resist.

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Reader Comments (16)

1) Everything is a creation of the mind. The outer landscape is a reflection of the inner landscape. Our thoughts and emotions and energy that we transmit with each moment shapes and changes and influences all of the universe.

2) If you are in orbit and you are looking down upon the earth, what time is it, or what time zone are you in. You are above time, therefore, time is a creation in many ways. If we our selves stop spinning within our minds, time as we know it will stop for us too.

3) If one were to just feel the sensations that come from within, there would be no room for thought.

4) Perceived problems are based on fears which create energy blocks within and around the body. The fear causes a tension, which is a contraction of the natural flow. It clouds the mind from seeing everything with new eyes.

5) Focusing on the now can be done in an infinite amount of ways and on different levels. Tai Chi, Art, Crafts, Martial Arts, Meditation, Sports, are all good disciplines to focus on the feelings of the present moment. When one begins to do the discipline without thinking about the activity, one transcends the discipline and enters the flow of the Now.

6) Often when we believe in and attach our selves and our identity to thoughts, they take us for a ride within duality. We can use our thoughts to direct ourselves to new places of feeling without being attached to the outcome.

7) We are all feeling something and so we are all experiencing something unique based on what we accept and what we repress at any given moment. Allow for people to express that which they are cycling through.

8) One can step towards a goal through an initial intention created and directed by our thoughts. But once initatied, just go for the ride and feel the journey moment by moment. The goal will be achieved without you even trying to, and it will not even matter that you will have achieved the goal. It is the journey of feeling that counts.

9) For example, if we repeat the word love over and over again as a mantra, we will be inviting the spirit of love within us. We can step into any vibration or point of view we summon.

10) True love is unconditional. Conditions and rules of engagement creates blocks within the mind. It creates shade and doesn't allow for the sun to fully shine.
April 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBerndt
Yay! Problems don't exist.

And focusing on the moment is never a bad thing to do, indeed.
April 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJannie Funster
Bernie, advances are made in layers of consciousness simultaneously, whether or not changes all register;

1) An additional point is that all minds are interconnected. Thus, when more than one person appears to share an experience in the physical world, each person actually generates energy vibrations in conscious and unconscious response to the other’s energy vibrations. Invisible energy lines cross. You decide how energy affects you or not. Where one person chooses to express love and another person remains controlled by fear, the shared experience teaches both that life events are always working for your own good and never against you.

2) Part of all energy beings is always in orbit. This state offers a taste of infinite inner freedom that expands one's energy bubble.

3) Patterns of thought can be dissolved from the moment you decide you outgrow them.

4) Fear exists as clear or present danger and as psychological illusion based on anxiety gaps. Be aware of mental projections and you dis-identify with ego mind.

5) As you transcend a given discipline, you conclude nothing external ever actually teaches you. To realize you are listening to the self differently at stages of growth means you begin to grasp the idea of being in more than one place at once. In fact, you do it now and always have without awareness. A conduit for high energy presence, you do not yet sense all stillness enables you to hear.

6) Detaching from outcome means you free yourself from stress and expectation associated with becoming.

7) The concept of allowing is a powerful practice. The urge to exert power over others is weakness disguised as strength. Authentic power is always at your disposal inside the self.

8) Human beings do not always recognize the higher goal of a given exercise. Unseen energy is always at work behind the scenes that capture your conscious attention. As events play out, inner and outer goals are like fragments of energy that split off from your total energy field. They seem opposed and yet, are complementary. The universe reveals and aligns the truth when you are ready.

9) Love & forgiveness is another mantra with uplifting vibes. Choices are endless. Words matter less than the power of intention. Awakening souls sense core meaning.

10) Love is the secret. Every being knows this yet the human assumes it cannot be so simple. As a human being gathers experience, human and being come together to recognize the role of soul and spirit. Only spirit reveals the true nature of a physical condition.
April 23, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Jannie, some human beings detach from physical conditions of the body and mind. Mind over matter attitude influences physical, spiritual, emotional and mental healing. You are precisely what you think.
April 23, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Sometimes I feel as though I am not trying to get ahead, but trying to balance the energy that flows in and out of my life so that it feels in harmony with something deep inside me.

#7 feels wonderful, fantastic inspiration!

This entire post slides into my heart without any hesitation. Lovely
April 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTammie
Tammie, the physical world establishes itself as a place of gains and losses. On a deeper, spiritual level, the energy being within is always complete. Part of you takes a quantum leap of faith and trust and other parts of you travel through space and time. The process one experiences helps transcend the desire of becoming.
April 24, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

I like the idea of a quantum leap and your suggestions for how to take one. Usually when people give a list of things to do, I read the list and see what jumps out for me...I figure if it jumps out, then it's telling me I need to pay more attention to this area.

The ones that jumped out today were Focus on a Given Moment and De-emphasize Results. In this case, the shoe fits! On the other hand, if I do one, I should get the other. Thanks, Liara:~)
April 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSara
The universe is within us always, but we partition it off with our doubt and our blockages and contractions and tensions.

When we try to balance something, we are not being in balance. The trying creates the desire for something other than what is. We just all need to ease into the moment, and the barriers will magically vanish.
April 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBern
Sara, when something jumps out at you and you choose to notice it, then you recognize the loving side of your inner spirit. Human beings are conditioned to tone down or ignore innate spontaneity. As Leo Buscaglia puts it, "we become so ruled by what people tell us we must be that we have forgotten who we are." The willingness to take a quantum leap is to be aware that saying what you want people to think you feel is not the same thing as feeling it. As you slowly remember who you are, you attune to your own vibrations. Its a process that enables mind and soul to align so you reconnect with the core Soul self.
April 24, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Bern, many human beings do not like the idea that unhappiness and struggle can dissolve in the wink of an eye. These individuals identify with the illusion of fear and do not grasp what life would be without their sense of a past. In this sense, some people permit fear to control the mind without realizing that honouring present is the answer to experiencing wholeness. In this light, Eckhart Tolle makes a profound point: "the past cannot survive in your presence. It can only survive in yoru absence."
April 24, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Liara, I love your phrase "heal others through vibration." I'd not considered that, before. When do say "visualize a single focal point," do you mean being in a state of attunement? And, I absolutely love your last three lines. I feel them.

Bernie, your last line in #7 is such an important point for us all to remember.
April 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJulie
Julie, every human being emerges in the physical world with innate knowledge about healing, form, formless places and the energy of light. Each being is strongly connected to what is percieved as natural, and yet, in many cases, each being forgets what is truly natural. It is vibrations, like the heartbeat, that ring in the back of the mind. These constant echos remain inside even when beliefs and behaviours become projections of human fears and distract the focus of this stage of one's journey. Amidst everything, its crucial to remember those innate vibrations never leave you. They await your conscious recognition to awaken, rediscover and accept what they are. Different dimensions an levels exist to a spiritual journey. Different feelings have power to shift perspective, relationships to the self and the world temporarily assumed to be home. In truth, one is passing through new doors on a quest for a mythical Shamblaha. Is it not real?
April 25, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara .. all your points ring so true .. I need more time to move into this area .. I need to adjust my mind to this area of thinking .. it is too involved with doing things and not 'thinking' - I liked the first point: You start and end here - my base line.

Thank you
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters
April 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
Hilary, human beings are often in such a hurry to get somewhere, to achieve a result or, to otherwise rush into the future, that they forget the point of being where they are. When one does not understand a given moment, what you are learning and can still learn from it, then the future loses meaning. Experiences are not actually defined in time. They are defined by the mind. When you discern a problem, it is useful to identify appropriate tools and methods to work it out. To recognize the nature of mind simplifies everything. You gain insight into the process of why you think as you do and suddenly feel lighter, and rise to new heights. Movement is not always linear.
April 26, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara .. slow and sure - by the sound of it .. & I can only do it when I'm ready ..

All the best - Hilary
April 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
Hilary, you always experience life on levels that work for you at a given moment. What you think and feel is based on beliefs and what you choose to accept. Progress is always steady, even if you do not notice right now.
April 26, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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