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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in mindfulness (39)


5 Steps to Rise Higher

To shed ourselves of all that is not us, all that is unreal, we are each invited to systematically review and let go of versions of ourselves linked to 5 areas of our lives.  In each area, we are. invited to grow aware of ego-driven thoughts and action and shift into heartfelt state of being.  It is only by doing so that we move through different levels of initiation and consciousness to blossom into who we truly are. Step back and imagine the best version of you emerging from a clean slate with no judgement. Begin with current views on these 5 areas:

1) Money

2) Identity

3) Dreams

4) Reputation

5) Associations


Accelerate transformation

Notice encounters with familliar creatures echo accelerating periods of transformation. Each creature is a timely teacher as each reveals our innate ability to adapt and thrive in shifting environments and energy states. Increasing encounters with wild amphibians and reptiles invite us to pay closer attention to what is going on within us in relation to the bigger picture. To go through a "toad phase" is to see distinct life stages as dots to join, to be aware of veils lifting, to catch up with different versions of oursellves that exist in different timelines or dimensions. Reptiles often shed skins or shells and continue to grow after letting go. Turtles, snakes, and lizards echo the human ability to live through and between states and worlds. It may feel as if you shape-shift like a chameleon or find lots in common with amphibians. We show different versions of being to different people until we align or come into harmony with ourselves. When there is a change in consciousness, there is change in energy, form and perception. We merge with and see One Self mirrored in all things. Side effects that occur in the body and mystical experiences are incidental to what we are doing to live a more authentic life.


3 Tips to settle life's shake-ups

When life seems to get shaken up, familliar ways of living no longer work.  The tendency is to seek external reasons and find ways to settle things back into "normal."  In fact, the only way to respond to shake ups and have any lasting impact, is to address what this tells us about the state of our inner world.  As part of our coaching program, we explore this in detail as well as identify personalized ways forward.  For the purpose of this article, consider these 3 tips:

1. Identify emotional needs

This implies not only identifying needs such as belonging, autonomy, connection and acceptance, but also what prevents us from recognizing and satisfying these needs so we can release resistance.

2. Investigate links to energy anatomy

Every human being has energy anatomy.  This connects coherent mind-body and spirit functions. Each of our energy centres functions individually and together in varied ways. Blockages create congestion and block energy flow. This affects life in the physical world and what perception and experience we access. It pays to explore signs and signals in the body and how this impacts mind-body awareness.

3. Practice Mindfulness

Tuning into life's shake-ups invites practising mindfulness. As we pay closer attention to what is happening within, we begin to see the nature of our projections. To explore components of our emotions, we can practice mindful acceptance of each one.  This involves recognizing and accepting sensations, watching thoughts, labelling feelings and noticing urges as they arise.


10 Ways to Accept Personal Responsibility

The fundamental building block for creating a new life in alignment with who you are is taking personal responsibility. This is about owning your behaviour (thoughts, feelings, emotions, etc.) and consequences. Until you take responsibility for your actions, (as well as self-judgements, you do not develop self- respect or truly respect of others.

To take personal responsibilty means you don't react to external events.  You simply act. Your actions come from your true being, that which is self-directed, self- motivated, self- disciplined, and knows and resonates with harmony.

  • What does personal responsibility look like to you?
  • What are the specific steps to putting this into practice?

Consider 9 Ways to Accept Personal Responsibility:

  1. Be accountable for thoughts, feelings, words & actions
  2. Stop using words: try, can't, don't won't, shouldn't
  3. Cease complaining & blaming
  4. Take nothing personally
  5. Listen to heartfelt intuition
  6. Live in the present
  7. Use the power of intention
  8. Ground yourself in nature 
  9. Engage in mindfulness practices
  10. Accept where the will exist, a way can be found




Who do you know yourself to be?

It is one thing to describe who we are and quite another to experience it fully.  Ask yourself if your understanding of who you are only exists at the level of the mind rather than as your experiential reality.  We can "know" things or talk about them yet not experience them.  We can seek things and sometimes only briefly experience them.  A spectrum of possibilities exists.

When we describe who we are based on ideas that arise in the mind, we indicate the duality we live within. Engaging in meditation and/or eagerly focusing on the next echeduled meditation experience allows us to reconnect with a larger version of being and may also helps us 'get through' another round of unconscious physical experience.  Notice a deeper reasons for any stress or tension arising. Feel into this.  The truth is not found in the mind but felt directly.

What if breathwork practice can help uncover hidden reasons for stress, make the unconscious conscious and help us release blocked energy? What if we can deepen our Energetic knowing and manifest shifts in our life experience? The moment is right to allow ourselves to feel more alive and present. If this post resonates, explore blog search terms like; breath, breathwork.  Contact us to confirm a spot in our next breathwork workshop in Palmwoods on Tuesday, Oct 13th.

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