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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in autonomy (2)


Reach a Turning Point

Notice a turning point occurs as we truly walk fully into our own souls. The body of the moment is irrelevant. We allow our moral compass to point us in the right direction. Though the wave may at times be so powerful it flips us over, we can recall how it feels to come right-sideup, come to float or rise. The universe knows the ultimate destination. Signs of the transcendental spiritual metamorphosis surround us. Those tuned into Source heal or align with energy, light. This is felt in touch, words, and creative expression. Magic describes the cosmic science that is not yet consciously understood.

Throught the ages, conscious spiritual explorers are aware that souls are eternal and expand in wisdom through an ongoing series of incarnations in parallel dimensions and timelines. The soul will take a particular form after another, to fulfill a given purpose, and contribute to the collective spiritual evolution and the essence of existence itself. Sometimes souls exchange places, jump timelines, realities or change forms mid-stream. We eah incarnate to bring information forward in unique ways.

Life transforming revelations and shifts occur during some of the most chaotic period in Earth's trajectory. The government corruption, COVID-19, major health, economic and environmental crises, general death of old, can be reframed as stepping stones or growing pains required for rebirth. It is a period of challenging belief systems and comfort zones.

Imagine, even for a moment, that this planet is not what you are led to believe. Your physical senses are not revealing the whole truth. Opening the mind allows us to grow receptive to the broader truth that we are not alone in this universe, galaxy or moment. Gain insight into the nature and autonomy of the cosmic soul and accelerate a deeper journey of remembering.


3 Tips to settle life's shake-ups

When life seems to get shaken up, familliar ways of living no longer work.  The tendency is to seek external reasons and find ways to settle things back into "normal."  In fact, the only way to respond to shake ups and have any lasting impact, is to address what this tells us about the state of our inner world.  As part of our coaching program, we explore this in detail as well as identify personalized ways forward.  For the purpose of this article, consider these 3 tips:

1. Identify emotional needs

This implies not only identifying needs such as belonging, autonomy, connection and acceptance, but also what prevents us from recognizing and satisfying these needs so we can release resistance.

2. Investigate links to energy anatomy

Every human being has energy anatomy.  This connects coherent mind-body and spirit functions. Each of our energy centres functions individually and together in varied ways. Blockages create congestion and block energy flow. This affects life in the physical world and what perception and experience we access. It pays to explore signs and signals in the body and how this impacts mind-body awareness.

3. Practice Mindfulness

Tuning into life's shake-ups invites practising mindfulness. As we pay closer attention to what is happening within, we begin to see the nature of our projections. To explore components of our emotions, we can practice mindful acceptance of each one.  This involves recognizing and accepting sensations, watching thoughts, labelling feelings and noticing urges as they arise.