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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in mindfulness (39)


Come Full Circle

(Image by  Mareh Kohen)

Notice at a given moment, you can only ever do "your best" based on your current insight, level or stream of consciousness. A focal point of awareness knows there is never anything wrong with you or how you do anything. How and what we see is simply a matter of perspective. Purpose and circle of compassion simply change (expand or contract) based on sense of self. So long as you view yourself as a separate individual, purpose is related to time and distance imagined to reach "success," in forms of a job, life role, sense of community or experience. As you tune into the Soul, and reframe 'coming full circle,' the only purpose is to love everything and everyone equally not only in mind, but also consistently in practice. There is nowhere to go, nothing to become. As it dawns love and acceptance are here now, one's circle of compassion expands. One gently stops recognizing difference or attempting to prove oneself, stops comparing and judging. Imagined boundaries dissolve. The ego mind could never understand for it cannot comprehend unity, equality or interconnectedness. The more you notice fear and/or love speaking through you, the more you come to notice the ego comes and goes whereas true divine Being is ever-present. As timeless Being takes the helm and navigates the ship (human body-mind), then choices change and love is the ultimate purpose and motivation in every area of your life. Trust and surrender are the compass. This does not often happen instantly, but it does happen. We are each like a stone skipping across the cosmic ocean, leaving ripples, deciding what stacks up, changing vibration in due course.


Love brings clarity

Notice love invites us to remove the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we can no longer accept or live within. The path of removing our masks, requires dismantling the life we have come to think is real, tolerating pain, and seeing through our suffering. What makes the journey worth it is we long for reality more than we want to hide inside illusions of those masks. Recall the story of the Golden Buddha. The gold of this buddha was hidden for centuries under simple plaster and clay. It went unnoticed, a reminder it seems natural we develop layers of ego coverings, that we learn ways of hiding, enhancing and ignoring our True Self. When we feel really fearful, the covering gets thicker, more solid. We add layers to what is always here and do not recall the gold. We are identified with the coverings and forget the Truth of Being, our genuineness. Turns out, "real" is not how we are made. Its not our outer coverings symbolized by plaster and clay. Something more formless, intrinsic and pure is awake. As we shine the light of awareness on the plaster coverings, we bring the warmth of love, humor, acceptance to those coverings. This is what melts them so golden authenticity shines through. As we grow more mindful of our patterning (represented by the coverings), we realize the illusion of the anxious, needy, lonely self. It dawns the underlying radiance is more true to who we are than the clay coverings. Wakefulness, openness, creativity, aliveness only shine through as we allow maturity, inner wisdom to reign. The poet Rumi reminds us that is is through love that pain transforms into medicine. We are our own healers that transform into beauty and goodness with perfect timing. We know we are supposed to love ourselves into healing, to face the ego states and love ourselves through it. The most fundamental layer of conditioning is the one that does not recognize the painful coverings are illusions. We hate ourselves for the coverings. We are supposed to love the coverings, the parts of the ego that make it hard to open tour heart to ourselves. When negative emotions arise, we are taught to dislike or hate ourselves, and the master emotion, shame shows its head as if "something is wrong with me/us". Every emotion has its place and can get amplified. We are culturally- rigged with a deep fear of judgement and rejection. Whatever comes up, we come to believe we shouldn't be feeling this way. The core feeling of badness imprisons us in the mind until we are ready to let go of the covering that glues itself to all other coverings. In the stress of life, we forget the subjectivity and realness of each other. The key to being real is to remove layers of conditioning, to listen more attentively to each other. The messages of bad "other" repeat. Shame is exacerbated by cultural caste systems. We are wired to not like our own conditioning and think that is who we are. The healing comes from seeing and loving the conditioning so it can become more transparent though we have an aversion to it. The gold of loving awareness is always available, much like the sun is always here regardless of how many clouds exist in the sky. Through love, all pain and suffering dissolve. Clarity remains.


Allow Silence to guide you

Notice this is about shifting or giving attention away from "me" to immense sense of eternity, spaciousness, everylastingness which is always here. It is never absent from anything or anybody. It is not something that someone can give you. This awakeness within cannot be grasped by the mind or the form of the body. The point is what is occupying and moving through the HU-man body. You cannot get yourself out of the centre of being. Silence does this. Only in quiet can 'what is true in you' come to centre stage. The greatest obstacle are the "me"'s addictions- heroin, cocaine, alcohol, technology, trained to be addicted to approval, intensely addicted to approval, to seeking and being loved, to its ideas, its own thinking, opinions, for no particular reason. The mind pretends its something intelligent. We can give the mind things to do and soothe the ego. Love watches the withdrawl, the shifts from additction to addiction and knows no barriers.


Attain a deeper state

Notice when you are not attempting to control your experience, all that remains is for you to watch, listen and be. You may come to tune into the watching, the awareness, notice its something quite fluid and flowing from one point of awarness to another. You may notice how your body feels, sensations arising and falling. You may tune into the silence or intermittent sound. Allow awareness to go rather than where you want it to go. Deep relaxation happens as we let go of control. Even as we let go of attempts to relax, something magical happens without us. There is no effort to sustain anything; not a thought, a pleasant or unpleasant feeling, or a memory. Every sensation lasts as long as it lasts, and is allowed to dissipate. Awareness may decide to stop and rest. Notice awareness moves as it wants to, where it wants to go, no attempt to control it. No effort need be made to stop anything from happening. Instead of seeing where you can direct awareness, you await seeing where awareness can take you wherever it wants. This may be somewhere or nowhere. Be like water. Notice watching water flow freely has a way of unwinding you, your thoughts and body. Nothing is pushed away but allowed to take its natural course. Listening to the wind blow, is akin to listening to the flow of the breath and water. There is no end to allowing everything be as it is. Every instance of letting go guides you to the next opportunity to repeat this. Attaining a deep relaxed state may happen, but there is no goal to stay or move. Notice your own allowing and resistance. No need to enhance anything.


Catch up with the future

Notice at a certain point of observation, there is no more free speech or free will, but rather Mindful speech and Mindful will. Focus here. Permission is granted from a Higher Source Energy. This is aligned with frequency of expanded consciousness. What is the experience of universal cosmic consciousness? Imagine humans live forever. Linear time is obsolete. Humans function through their activated light body, consciously, telepathically & symbolically share space with different Civilisations that co-exist on different planes of existence. Mastering reincarnation brings an end to ideas of fear of death, activates ability to shapeshift, move back and forth or in any direction or to any point in "time", shift form, gender, world, at will. Energy takes on any form it wishes based on the individual choosing. Food is manifested. Craft are powered by and interface with super-consciousness. All technology is powered by supermind. Electricity is obsolete, replaced by consciousness reactors or photonic reactors. We travel via ley line maps that appear on our hands, on planetary ley line grids, intersteller ley line grids, galactic stargates. We see and interface with energy differently. Recall Gandhi echoed, "Be the change. " Catch up with the version of you that is already functioning energetically at optimum potential.