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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in humour (5)


Access Absolute Freedom

Notice as you understand the truth of who you are, you are in union with the divine. The universal rules that run the HUman ego create a structure that guides each being to ego liberation. The physical world itself plays an intrinsic role: the perceived pressures, pains, fears, risks can shake us up and awaken us to more. Ego liberation happens through discipline and surrender beyond the ego itself. Freedom arises as an impeccable action aligned with the necessity of the moment yet, it could never be allowed or predicted by any structure or institution. This implies acting beyond constraints of the character that is still identified as the person in the dream. Imagine what it is to exist in absolute spontaneity without reference to any external criteria. To be here (in this state) legitimately, you must earn it energetically -eliminate all vibes of suffering within, all impulses to take yourself seriously (i.e. ego disappears). This is a complete elimination of the tragic side of life and illusion of separation from pure divine love. One shifts into a state of perception where everything is funny. Its all joy, beauty and laughable. This can only come in the fullness of reality as divine laughter. That is, the humour cannot be at any level. To earn the right of boundless freedom of joy, we have to purge all sense of suffering and all perception of bad things happening. Only then does one have clear vision. The presence of this consciousness, that level of lightness of being, enables the Soul to transcend to be One with the divine. One must free oneself from any karmic residue, no longer have any projections on anyone and be free of any other, where one cannot be hurt and one's joy is totally contagious and liberating. This kind of humour is not a secret egoic joke, or an effort to hide one's own egoic entrapment, certain identifications or concern for the life or death of the body. Ego death is required. Realize the real now and have the right to total blissful living without any concerns for mundane limitations. Freedom happens when you free yourself from materialism and other nonsense that the ego is imprisoned by and indocrinated into, let go of all belief systems that you have been born into the physical world.
Imagine what is emerging. The new focus is shifting out of old grids and timelines to grow into a living consciousness of pure light itself ever-changing. Reclaiming sovereign power is about creating realities in alignment with divine intention. As we unlock more codes, dormant capacities are activated, gifts from paralell realities grow accessible, the knowing of how to weave energy into matter re-enters awareness. Conscious alchemy enables us to create in a whole new way.



5 Steps to more conscious living

Ever feel like a peice of wood drifting through life, not going in the direction you want to go? Is it clear to you how you got where you are today? Do you feel drawn to change anything?

Living consciously is about taking control of your life, about making deliberate decisions rather than making decisions willy-nilly without thought.  This is about consciously creating the life that we want rather than settling for the one that somebody tells us we deserve. Consider these 10 steps to more conscious living;

1.  Reflect regularly on your life

This involves reflecting on who you think you are, how your feel and behave in different situations.  It includes growing more aware of patterns playing out through your relationships and being open to change.

2. Reflect on how you spend your time

Notice whether you focus attention on what matters most to you or, whether you are working toward doing that in the future. The key is to find courage to stop doing things that do not stimulate creativity or fulfull you, to stop interacting with people who do not matter, stop spending money on stuff we do not need to impress people. What would you ideally be doing and where?

3. Nurture your sense of humor

Laughter is brings balance and recalibrates well-being. What tickles your funny bone? Laugh longer & more often. Spend time with children who giggle and animals that play spontaneously. Be open to allowing some of this to rub off on you. Allow yourself to be silly.  Be okay with it. Lose the conditioned fear of embarassment.

4. Review life goals often

Notice what you truly feel destined to do with your gifts and talents. Are you are in sync or off track? Ru moonlighting? Its useful to grow aware of the nature of distractions we create or excuses we make to hold ourselves back from doing what the heart knows fuels our spirit.

5. Reflect on your impact on the environment

This includes what you eat, how its produced, how far it travels to get to you. How do you feel when you eat? Are you being authentic, eating what feels right or making changes as your body gives you signs to do so? Which modes of transport do you use? Be mindful that everything we do affects more than us, but everything around us in some way.



Who needs self-awareness?

A common question is 'who needs self-awareness?' And another question is 'can self-awareness even be taught?'

The funny thing is, only awareness that something is good for you really prompts you to do it and you require a certain level of awarness to know it.  Humor is always indispensable, expecially when you realize certain thing you can only ever figure out for yourself or allow to happen naturally.

Being here implies being on a path of expanding awareness. This is the only reason energy like this enters your scope. After all, you co-create everything you encounter for soul lessons and do not see anything you are not ready for.

One big revelation is that sacred geometry is a language of mathematics and sound (vibration).  Exposing yourself to such imagery opens your intuitive awareness.  It also expands understanding of timeless insights about energy.


Relish every revelation

Every moment, it is possible to relish your own revelations.  Notice a shift as what initially seems important suddenly grows unimportant.  Self-created filters of judgment are dissolving.  What remains is revealing itself and defying any explanation.

Every message you give yourself reveals a common thread... you are stringing yourself along, playing life too seriously as emotions rise and fall.   Laugh more.  See the big picture from the point of view of the infinite universe.  Right now, No-thing really matters.  No-body is in control. You are always no-where.


Laugh at yourself

Notice the nature of conflict that arises within about your ideas and perceptions. Where does this opposition come from? What is the fear you feel really telling you? Notice the humour in realizing you disagree with yourself.  Emotions convey an inner dialogue.

You think you know what life and fulfillment are, and then you change your mind. You want something, yet then you realize this thing does not embody the love, happiness or solution you are after. You think you are dissatisfied about where you are and yet, upon reflection, you are really not. What happens as it grows apparent the ego mind fears getting, having and being all that it tells you to pursue? Why take life so seriously? Notice what occurs as you shift focus, take everything lightly.  Blessings smile back.