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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in intuition (81)


Grow through 12 Universal Laws

Being aware of the 12 Universal Laws and putting them into practice is part of the process of self-growth. Imagine how growing aware of each law, and putting it into practice, has different impact on your life.

1. Law of Divine Oneness

The Law of Divine Oneness highlights core interconnectness. It says that beyond our senses, every thought, action, and event is in some way connected to all else.

Imagine how this law can take shape in your experience. What if youshow more compassion and acceptance toward anything that confuses or challeges you. What would love do? How is everything you do guiding you?

2. Law of Vibration

At a base level, verything is energy in constant motion, vibrating at a specific frequency. This applies to matter. This law says that our vibrational frequency offers insights into our life evolution and direction.

For example, you may have a vision to engage in an activity but opportunities or clients appear and fall through. When thoughts, words adn deeds are not aligned, you may be undermining your own efforts unconsciously.  Many techniques exist to raise vibration, be more authentic and true to yourself.

3. Law of Correspondence

This law states that patterns repeat throughout the universe, and on a personal level, our reality is a mirror of what's happening inside us at that moment. Consider the phrase, 'As above, so below.' 

In another way, everything your experience is a projection of what is unfolding within you.  Any judgements you make about others, any discomfort you feel, is all pointing to work you are invited to do on yourself to grow more accepting and integrate your inner shadow

4. Law of Attraction

This law is often linked to manifesting. It says that like attracts like, and you get what you focus on. Not only that, but you have to believe what you're seeking is possible to obtain. It is similar to the law of vibration in this way; it's important to learn how to vibrate at a level that attracts what you're seeking.

To think you want one thing but behaviour differently, sends a confusing message to the universe.  Being consistent is the key. Using conscious intention is a mindful practice that helps.  Also growing aware of thought, words and actions is just as important as making the uncosncious, conscious so you can send a more convincing message to the universe. 

5. Law of Inspired Action

Closely related to the law of attraction, the law of inspired action is all about taking those real, actionable steps to invite what we want into our lives. Often the inspiration comes from within. 

Applying this law is all about paying closer attention, tuning in, and creating space for inner guidance. 

6. Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

This law states that on an energetic level, everything in the universe is constantly evolving or fluctuating. Every action is preceded by a thought, with thoughts themselves having the power to eventually manifest in our physical reality.

Everything you  encounter has an energy signature and is interacting with you energetically. Negative people or heavy environments may tire you out or deplete you. being around inspiring people uplifts your energy. Higher frequencies transmute lower ones when applied with intention. This in mind, as we get in touch with our own energy vibration and let go of what we outgrow, this allows us to have a more uplifting energetic impact on the whole.

7. Law of Cause and Effect

This law highlights the direct relation between actions and events. What's important to note here, according to Kumar, is we often can't see the effects right away, but they will come back around.

Another way to view this law is as the ripple effect. Everything you think, feel and do sends a ripple into the energetic universe much like aflat rock you skip on the surface of a body of water. Imagine the conscious impact you could create by recognizing that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Everything you do has consequences that play out, some you can envision, and others you may not.

8. Law of Compensation

The law of compensation relates closely to the law of attraction and the law of correspondence. "You reap what you sow" is the main take-away, with the law stating your efforts will always come back to you positively. Contributing to a goal allows the universe to work with you to achieve it.

To apply this law, meditate on service and what or where you are called to share or give back from yourself. For example, one woman decided to prioritie her physical and mental well-being and booked herself into a health retreat. She committed time, energy, money to workng on better nutrition, fitness and and therapy for mental issues. Her life outside the retreat had fallen apart. "Out of the blue" friends she had not seen in over a year learned she was there, offered to visit, and after learning of her situation, offered her new accommodation and a job for when she left.  The universe responds to energy and intention you send out.

9. Law of Relativity

This law suggests that we are inclined to compare things in our world, but in reality, everything is neutral. Relativism exists in all things, and in the end, meaning comes down to our perspective and perception.

Applying this law can help us understand challenges and see the blessing, gift or lesson they have to offer us. Step back for a moment. Close your eyes. Focus attention on some situation that bothers you. Nlotice feelings arising within you and recognize you are not these feelings.  As you change perspective, and breathing rhythm, the feelings you tune into and attitude you adopt,can change.

10. Law of Polarity

This law says that everything in life has an opposite; good and evil, love and fear, warmth and cold. The key is understanding these are all two sides of the same coin.

What if contrast brings wisdom and clarity? Imagine a situation where you gain new insight into one emotion from the experience of others.  Take note of your inner rhythms and be gentle with yourself. Listen to how you feel and change pace and focus as it dawns what brahviours or choices no longer serve your greatest good.

12. Law of Gender

The law of gender has to do with the masculine and feminine energy of all things. The western world in particular favors or rewards left-brained, patriarchal ways of doing. Reaching balance between masculine and feminine energies can help you live more authentically. 

Imagine you tune into the right hemisphere of your brain, the source of creative inspiration. Where might you be stifling its genius? What if you could engage feeling-based intuitive living and apply heart-mind based ways of living in the flow.  What would this look like? how would it take shape?


10 Ways to Accept Personal Responsibility

The fundamental building block for creating a new life in alignment with who you are is taking personal responsibility. This is about owning your behaviour (thoughts, feelings, emotions, etc.) and consequences. Until you take responsibility for your actions, (as well as self-judgements, you do not develop self- respect or truly respect of others.

To take personal responsibilty means you don't react to external events.  You simply act. Your actions come from your true being, that which is self-directed, self- motivated, self- disciplined, and knows and resonates with harmony.

  • What does personal responsibility look like to you?
  • What are the specific steps to putting this into practice?

Consider 9 Ways to Accept Personal Responsibility:

  1. Be accountable for thoughts, feelings, words & actions
  2. Stop using words: try, can't, don't won't, shouldn't
  3. Cease complaining & blaming
  4. Take nothing personally
  5. Listen to heartfelt intuition
  6. Live in the present
  7. Use the power of intention
  8. Ground yourself in nature 
  9. Engage in mindfulness practices
  10. Accept where the will exist, a way can be found




Challenge Yourself

Challenge yourself to  determine what would enable you to feel most alive and what prevents you from living this.  Breathe into your purest intentions. Identify the nature of your emotional triggers. Make a list of what stands out, which events, thoughts or actions cause you to cringe, or withdraw? Which individuals or situations evoke discomfort? To help turn things around, what would you ideally be doing or how would you ideally be functionning? What would the ideal breath look and feel like? Ask yourself to describe what affects your breath. 

What if you could come to tune into the rhythm breath and use it as a pointer to help you work through and heal these triggers? Now is the perfect moment to follow intuition...


Listen closer & feel 

When ready, it comes to our attention that we express emotions on the surface which are hiding what is really going on inside.  This is a kind of unconscious split that prevents us from living in our integrity, blocks clarity, and postpones life choices that enable us to feel harmony. Various breathing practices can be used to help us get to the bottom of what is really going on. What if its possible to tune in, raise awareness, and truly listen to the signs and signals of the body in a whole new way? What if we could shift from thinking about what happening to allowing all emotions to flow? Breathwork is one tool that allows us to get in touch with our true selves.

We are each responsible for our happiness.  We create it, manifest it or stand in our own way for reasons only we can uncover at our own pace. We are each the architect of our reality.  We choose our thoughts, our preceptions, our responses or emotional reactions to external forces.  All-the-while, we each possess all tools required to our expand consciousness, see each event  from a different point of view and transform our lives. We can shift from living unconsciously in fear to living consciously by vibrating love. At any moment, we have the power to listen closer, change how we think and feel. Reminding ourselves to follow intution can help us reframe life and death.


7 Steps to more Conscious Living 

To get into the vibration and consciously create a new normal, its helpful to ground ourselves and be more aware of where we stand. Living more cosnciously is a choice for each of us. The question is, where are we, how do we view ourselves and the world, and where do we go from here? Consider 7 Steps to shift into more conscious living:
1. Create a Conscious Living Journal
This ia a place where you write, sketch, create collages or whatever orients your journey forward. Its not a place to rant or complain. Its important to get clear on how you view yourself and a sense of what matters to you. Adding daily entries enables you to see shifts in perspectives, priorities and the blossoming for yourself.
2.  Devote time to doing what you love
At this stage, the focus may still be unclear. To help the process, respond to these questions in your journal:
a. What would I do right now if I knew I would die tomorrow ?
b. What kind of legacy do I wish to leave?  
b. What evokes heartwarming feelings and excitement to motivate me?
c. How can I love myself and the world more?
d. Which action will I take right now to share more of who I am?
3. List you fears
Fear is linked to unconscious living. It is linked to heart-brain IN-coherence.  Coscious living is linked to heart-brain COHERENCE. What If I told you that if you change your thoughts and feelings, you have power to change your brain chemistry, shift from default settings to live more consciously?  Conditioned thoughts and behaviours that evoke fear are felt in resistance, withdrawl and doubting who you are. Its helpful to take a close look at ourselves.  You are invited to explore fears, write the opposite to get comfortable with new possibilities. Imagine how it feels to face and conquer fears. What is life feeling like in the present moment? Do what you fear and feel yourself reclaiming power you unconsciously gave away. Only as we make the unconscious conscious do we empower ourselves to live a more naturally loving, enriching kind of existence.
4. List 5 blessings in your life
Being aware of what we appreciate gets us in touch with uplifting feelings of balance and wholeness. We benefit from growing more conscious of joy, pleasure, bliss. The more we focus on balanced energy, the more we invite creating more experiences that evoke similar feelings.
5.  Learn about sacred geometry
Geometric shapes are the building blocks of nature.  Everything is formed by vibration and geometry.  Geometry is the way in which universal energy manifests on the physical plane.  It communicates to and through every living thing on earth.  this, in turn, is how we communicate back, consciously and/or unconsciously.  Conscious living is about growing more aware of the power of our thoughts and feelings
6. Set an intention
The power of intention is often underestimated. Reflect on yoru sense of direction and motivation right now.  This is an evolving process. We can have personal, family, community, planetary, universal or even galactic-related intentions. As our perspectives shift and change, our sense of intention changes as well.
7. Engage in breathwork
Breathwork is one of the most effective actions you can take to make the unconscious conscious, live more in integrity, enrich the overall life balance and align with well-being. A range of breathing techniques are available to help you learn to decode and read your own breathing rhythm, as well as techniques that facilitate deeper emotional trauma release. Follow your intuition. Everything is synchronicity.