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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in inspiration (24)


The moment is here

The moment is here for a shift in perspective, frequency and way of life. No more are we able to say something may or may not happen.  No longer can we self-doubt or resist accepting and expressing our deepest truth.  Shifting energetic gears means it is impossible to tell or manifest another lie.

This is the moment from which we take full responsibility for all we create, encounter, perceive, and however we respond.  Everything is simply a different version of ourselves, testing our own resolve, helping us draw out and exercise our forgotten abilities.  This is the moment to feel revitalized and guided by the growing intensity and momentum within.

This is the moment endless courage, confidence, inspiration flow naturally and seamlessly. This is the moment to consciously design and manifest the existence only spoken or dreamed about previously. In the blink of an eye, everything required is presenting, communicating  with and through you, and details are coming together.

Step back and take a panoramic view of your life in all its ebbs and flows.  The ebbs are pointing to the flow, that everything required is already accessible. Whether its money, relationships, opportunities, contacts, direction or some other  path or solution, everything is already engaging in silent dialogue with you. Stop, probe deeper, and listen. Everything is part of an endless stream of synchronicity tuned into at will.


Let the inspiration flow

This moment is an opportunity to access and unleash more untapped energy of your true being.  Explore how it feels to let the inspiration flow. 

Look at it this way: everything you do is a kind of creative expression that begins in you but not everything you do evokes peace, tranquility and joy.  Reflect on what you think is "work", what is necessary or not and why.  Conditioned beliefs prompt making choices that do not resonate with soul.

Being aware of how you feel and allowing intuition to be your guide opens up whole new worlds of opportunities. Yet first, you have to be willing to acknowledge what does not feel right.  You have to bravely take an honest look at your life,  acknowledge  discomfort and allow related situations, relationships and communities fade from your scope of experience.

After all, everything is energy.  You are a bridge that allows energy to flow, suppresses energy or constricts its movement.  Take a moment to view everything in terms of energy and watch your perception change.


4 Steps to help find your way

Its common to be confused about what is best for you at a particular stage of your life. Mixed messages are broadcast by media, by those we love and people we do not even know. All of these are actual projections you put forward. Ponder 4 steps to help you find your way through the quagmire.

1. See through the want.

It is always helpful to grasp what it is you think you want and the real message you are sending yourself.  Upheavals in emotions and waves of discomfort and desires are pointers when you are open. Its up to you to learn to see through it.

2. Let the music guide you.

Turn on a piece of uplifting music. Instrumental often works well and you may be drawn to particular film soundtracks. Tune into the flow of energy passing through you. More is always going on than the ego registers. You are actually beginning to tune into and decode the music (frequency) of your own soul. Its a matter of letting go of what distorts it. From here, simply allow the soul to be your pilot.

3. Surrender to spontaneity.

Pick up some toys yourself or laugh and play with a child. Go to a playground and have a slide or swing or climb a tree. Engage the imagination like never before. Paint, tie-dye, do a mural on the side of a wall or fence,  go wild in a colouring book for adults. However you engage the right brain, being imaginative is actually a direct line to higher consciousness, that part of you that knows who you are and which activities nurture the soul. Be here now. Be like a dolphin and feel what it is to exist playfully, come what may.

4. Do a handstand or turn your world upside down.

Whether you love yoga or unleash the acrobat within you, turning yourself upside down shakes up the world you come to see and helps snap you out of your own self-created trance. Whether negative emotion is beginning to take over or you feel dazed and confused, even lying on the floor with your legs on a couch or chair allow blood to rush to your brain and help you shed light on your own situation. Even if inspiration does not spark yet, you instantly know why some behaviour or choice is not the best choice now and can cease that. Self-discipline and choosing love empowers you wherever you are.

Contact Dreambuilders Australia to empower you to consciously co-create on a whole new level.


What if its all here?

Notice how your sense of meaning and inspiration in life change as you begin to recognize all you ever want or need is right where you are.  Notice what the mind would have you think and believe is necessary to become, to do or have.  Watch what happens as what you think you have to do is already done.  Address yourself as if you are everything you are seeking.  Get out of the mind.  Feel through the lens of the heart. Notice the impact on your thoughts and feelings.  Allow yourself to imagine how it is to feel peaceful, accepted and loved.   Everything you undertake reaches for love. 

Notice what stands out for you at this stage of your own creative journey. Notice what you feel compelled to do and to stop doing.  Notice what loses meaning, importance and attention.


Do what comes naturally

Notice what happens as you allow what comes naturally. Sense what it feels like.  Reality does not change.  Only your perception of things evolves with awareness. Reflect on this;

1) Observe the external world calmly.  Take nothing personally.

2) Silently be aware of your thoughts.  Recognize each one is a pointer.

3) Listen closely to the body.  Nourish it.  Eliminate on cue and rest properly.

4) Detect heartfelt intuition and trust it.  Emotions are a gauge of how well you listen.

5) Love freely and laugh at the wonder of it all.