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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in inspiration (24)


Connect with your intention

Every moment, you are either connected with your deepest intentions or disconnected from them.   Call them your intentions, purpose or mission. You may ask, how do you know? If you are asking someone, what does this tell you?  It is the right moment to;

1) Let go of all doubt that you are not where you are meant to be

2) Recognize the power of reflecting without judgment

3) Meditate on appreciating something wherever you are

4) Visualize something inspiring and notice how it feels 

5) Notice what you see and experience as beauty spreads


Moving through worlds

You may go through stages of acquiring things, labels, experiences, attributes, knowlege and more.  You may also find yourself reaching a stage where priorities change, where you feel that your message, or inspiration, is shifting, not only to and through yourself, but also to the external world.  You reach a stage where you raise awareness and know when you are lying to yourself or being authentic.  This is where you a notice your focus of attention is what gives life to a vision, a story, and simple shifts in attention systematically let go of all the mind tells you that you have acquired.  This is the witness arising, moving through worlds, and revealing what it is not.     


Notice archetypes

Notice the archetypes that inspire and motivate you in stories and also those that play out in your daily life.  The traits of characters that appeal to you in movies and books relate to the experiences you draw into your physical life. The outcomes in your life cannot change until you move through the pattern and see it as it is. 

You run many energy patterns unaware in this realm.The energy you express yourself through is often in conflcit with your desire.  What you attract in relationships and sitautions always relates to your energy vibration.  Step back and observe your life impersonally.  Be honest.  Wisdom arises as you choose to know yourself. You only ever transcend what is not you as you allow clarity to shine and let go of all else.


Remember what you know

You bring things into your life not to have them, but because of the sensations you experience and the momentum of the process as it intensifies.  Something within you summons and activates vibration.  Another part of you resists.  Notice your focus.  Remember the complete force of everything flows through you.  You restrain it or unleash it. You appreciate every stage and all it offers. Its exhilarating beyond words.


Accept your cutting edge

As you deliberately focus attention on ideas and experiences, you influence the momentum and direction of your vibration, and the nature of conditions you invite into your life.  As you feel the rightness of certain choices, grow aware of what evokes good feelings inside.  Its like you gather momentum of everything that is required to make things show up in your visceral experience.  Every choice inspires you to feel more clarity about conditions and events that are bringing your dreams and what you are asking for into being.  Whatever you focus on activates a thought vibration and law of attraction responds to all of it now.

What is thought? To give your attention to anything activates the underlying energy vibration within you. To feel inspired is to validate the impulse to act. Motivation is the desire to act against or resist something. Notice your thinking tendencies. Do you imagine problems into being?, Do you self-criticize and discourage self from trusting intuition? Or, do you heed the pulses within that prompt you to feel secure confidence, that remind you of knowing you already have what you want? Recognize the power of that infallible, emotional guidance system. It always tells you where you stand between perception of 'here and there.'

Notice you realize every thought you put into motion. Notice the underlying vibrations of love and fear.  Being aware of difference and your freedom to choose means you accept you are at the cutting edge of creation.  You awaken to the journey of moving to align energetically with knowing. Every thought and feeling is a timeless teacher. You are student, teacher and energy being always transforming into more.