Everything is cyclic

As you connect with what drives you on the wheel of success, fear arises in the mind, the thought that any joy or enlightenment you glimpse can also be lost. Only as you allow yourself to explore your sense of truth and go wherever this truth guides you without resistence, do you truly surrender. Shift vantage points and see what unfolds in silence. What happens as you realize that everything, including the personal story and your dream, comes and goes without you? How does it Transform your Life?
You emerge in this body innocent and helpless and leave the body after coming full circle, returning to innocence and helplessness, and opening to degrees of inner-sight. You grow aware that motion is ceaseless and also non-existent. Suddenly, it is very apparent that everything comes and goes. Absolute acceptance of the way things are arises, including who you are, why existence is what it is. You sense how it feels to be motionless. Waiting is no more. From the moment, you abandon the wanting, stop fighting yourself, you see more clearly. Nothing matters. You no longer seek anything through experience. You are in this world but not of it. The wave of energy is being.
"All motion is cyclic. It circulates to the limits of its possibilities and then returns to its starting point." -Robert Collier, The Secret of the Ages