Re-examine ignorance

Many people define ignorance differently if they are speaking about themselves or someone else. You may view your own ignorance as innocent yet someone else is guilty of their own ignorance. Notice a difference. How do you judge or reprimand? Some people are harder on self than they are on others. What are some possible reasons for your choices?
Consider why people focus on things they believe they cannot do. In some cases, they even fight about it. You may view this as selective ignorance of potential or, you may simply notice discordant energy. Different levels of awareness affect perception of what you choose to see and feel right now.
Ask yourself how you avoid being present in the moment and what you are becoming in future. To be present is to have a mind which is empty of thought, fear, judgment, everything. Some people are convinced they are complacent if they do not find reason to feel anxious. What brings you inner peace?
Reader Comments (11)
If one lives outside the established system and does nothing to feed the system, this could be described not as ingnorance, but as total acceptance of what is. Established loops are arena's for experience. They build up and then they unwind and wither away. They are places where lessons are learned.
Some people create intentions and don't follow up on them. Therefore, they have an issue because they have the potential to complete the intention but they are purposely keeping themselves from actively walking towards their goal. They are therefore, ignoring that which they themselves have created. It will always be there until they forgive the intention or take steps to surf the waves and ripples they have generated.
What brings me inner peace? ~ To be a witness to all that is without being lost in something that I have created. Surrendering to the Moment is peaceful and allows one to flow with Spirit where one can be used to help unknot that which is stuck and ready to be released.
Inner peace is a feeling brought about from self-satisfaction, love, devotion and selfless and random acts of kindness. There is no other feeling like it. Inner peace is also the result of surrender as we glide into the uncharted regions of the soul.
What brings me peace is a good inhalation through the nose. I have learned to inhale and exhale slowly and deliberately to bring myself back to center. Sitting quietly surrounded by nature, and just the clouds if need be soothes my soul and results in a smile before too long.
As we shift our tensions and our points of view, we are actually creating our own personal song as we flow up and down the scales.
However, the collective song is currently shifting to a higher note.
Certain energies and entities come into your radar screen. They have always been, but you have not always been as open as you are becoming. Your musical analogy echoes what James' Redfield describes in his Celestial Prophecy books. They offer timeless messages about expansion and how you arrive at a space of remembering. This is where peace and beauty unfold in ways that defy words.
When I re-read what you wrote about the purpose of the physical world is to let you know what is going on in the sub-conscious mind, I liken it to re-incarnation.