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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in focus (29)


Allow energy to flow with ease

Notice what occurs to our dreams, sense of being and purpose as we refocus to navigate existence with energy awareness. Shifts in consciousness happen as we allow "light" to guide us. Although sensing energy is second nature, (only to sight), this ability usually lies below conscious awareness. It flows in the background, remains unconscious until we decide to be aware of its presence. To recall we are energy beings, existing in an energy world, helps shake us out of unconscious patterns. Ancient wisdom and modern physics both describe the sea of quantum energy in which we exist, and our body is composed of oscillating fields within a liquid crystal structure. Consciousness itself is captured within the brain’s matrix of holonomic photons. Familliar physical senses distract us from energy awareness. Intuition provides energetic information (as energy and info are inseparable) about another person’s feelings, the negative energy in a particular place, or even about food quality. Bringing this natural sensing ability into conscious focus is the key to shifting into consistent heartfelt living. Tuning into this innate sensory capacity transforms your experience. Beyond the obvious, it is key to the flow of spiritual paths. Unleashing True Nature is about moving through 3D distractions to activate the light body. This requires inner work with shifting, changing, and monitoring body energies over an extended period. We can learn to pack bioenergy into certain areas, condensing, storing, and distributing finer forces. The alchemical refinement of our subtle energy systems and purification of the five elements demand the same skills. The entire process is about awareness moving within our body field with ease. Purification is initiation to activate more advanced alchemy. The process invites tuning in to sense and contain our core energies, to-get-to-know energy on a visceral level. If it resonates, we begin to experience how emotions and thoughts all ride these energies. We grow aware of stored forces within the bones, the abdominal plexus, the gonads, and other tissues. With energy awareness, we may also begin to see, from a practical, not just moral point of view, how useless it is to waste precious energies on hatred, ill-will, jealousy and unconscious engagement. Energy awareness accelerates transformation. Without valuable preparation/ inner work, we are a priceless bioenergetic missile, possibly unique in our galaxy, ready to launch, but with no fuel or insight to power it. Growing aware of energy blockages, then accessing and fine-tuning energy within u, is the groundwork to initiate a natural process. Only then do inner flames ignite and illumination occur.


Heal illusory divisions within

Notice energy's eternal force is the Truth of Life. Only energy exists. Yet, using words to describe "Truth" inevitably distorts it. We come to know the Truth by discovering what its not. Awareness allows us to transcend all we adopt and think defines us. Rules and conditions often come to define who, what and how we Love. Awakening is about seeing nothing is ever solved by self-reprimand or blaming others. The conversations we have with ourselves are not real, yet self-talk evokes real emotions in us and what seems real turmoil in our lives. Still, emotions are not the biggest issue. Our thoughts are. Emotions echo what is going on inside us. Emotions remind us that we are not loving ourselves fully, and they let us know when we've travelled too far from the energetic Truth. This Truth may not be something you can easily put into words, but if you pay close enough attention, you can feel its resonance. Its never too late to rediscover the power of Love within us. It has nothing to do with vanity or self-importance. Love is the energy that flows within and all around us. To see everything as a message about Love or a call for Love is to validate who we are. As we recognize we are each the love of our own lives, it dawns the relationship we have with our body and self affects all relationships. Loving ourselves without conditions, heals illusory divisions within ourselves. Self love and acceptance connect us with the infinite power of source energy and allow us to consciously create new realities.


Harness your true power

Notice sometimes we get a wake up call that itself triggers shifts in consciousness. Certain events draw our attention to what can no longer be ignored or avoided within ourselves. Nightmares can get your attention to face whats buried in the unconscious, yet the same energy can be seen detected as vibration to present in form as a reminder of your true power. Changes happen within you that prompt you to make more dramatic or conscious changes in different areas of your life. It dawns its up to us to unleash our own freedom. In doing so, we increase our life energy and allow what is bursting within to emerge.


3 Ways to Clarify a New Reality

Changes are unfolding at an increasingly rapid pace.  This draws our attention to where in our lives we resist change and/or, where we are receptive or ready to respond differently to life. Consider 3 Ways to clarify and ground in a new reality.

1. Recognize where something is not working

Feeling restless implies something is not working in our lives. Each of us must clarify what 'not working' means or feels like for ourselves. When things are working, this is not necesarily about what the ego wants. What if 'not working' implies living unconsciously, using less than our full potential? We may get a funny feeling in the gut or signs in dreams that invite us to pay attention and listen differently.  We may feel imbalance, notice we are giving someone too much thought and feeling drained or exploited, expressing affection without getting reciprocity, putting too much time into work and being repeatedly overlooked for promotion or unrecognized. Our health or fitness level may be less than optimum although we put effort in. Feeling dissatisfied, ignored, or undervalued invites us to explore unconscious beliefs that create patterns. It also invites making the conscious decision to create a different reality.  Where attention goes, energy flows.

2. Explore Breathing Patterns

The rhythm of the breath is a language that echoes how true we are being to our soul. We can undertake different kinds of breathwork to get to know our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies on a whole new level.  What if the breath is the bridge to all systems, conscious and conscious, and we each have the power to engage the breath to gain new insight into ourselves?  The breath is a path to determine where we harbour blockages and also how to release them. When ready, opportunities arise to explore conscious  breathwork and decode the puzzles in our lives so we can feel better, more alive right where we are.

3. Reclaim inner power 

When we allow fear to run us, we are unconsciously giving our power away. This grows more apparent as we pay attentionto our thoughts, emotions, language, perception and life experience. Whenever we live in fear or are movated by fear, we give some of our power away.  If someone is not respecting our time, invalidating us (verbally, in writing, belittling) or generally not treating us with kindness and compassion, the moment is ripe to shift gears. Reclaiming inner power is about seeing about seeing ourselves as whole and complete, nurturing fearlessness in ourselves and others, speaking our truth, living in integrity and setting a standard for how we wish to be treated.  Living our Truth is about consciously choosing to be aware of true nature, feeling our way into life and treating everything with reverence. Anyone or anything that invites us to feel less than whole, is not belief or vision we have to adopt. We can choose to create a new reality. Recall teh 5 peopel we speand the most time with are the five people we are evolving into. take a close look at the characteristics of entourage. Is this the most desirable vision for a new reality or is it time to shift focus?



5 Tips to catapult in new directions

Every moment, you can clarify or reshape what you have to offer the world. You can boost your self- confidence or encourage others, boost your public profile, boost or reshape the image you wish to present to the world.  This may involve shifts and transitions where it helps to have some extra insight or support. Amidst life change, you choose to be angry or arrogant, a seeker or avid explorer of choices, until everything feels like smooth sailing.  Not feeling like that yet? Consider 5 tips to catapult yourself in new directions;  
1. Idenitfy a focus

Pinpoint what makes you unique.  This involves self-reflection, soul searching about what makes you feel good and what it is you would like to share with or offer others.  This could be things like creative ways to use time , share expertise or mentoring, developing and marketing a product or service. Listen to the heart.
2. Nurture self-discipline

In order to feel like you make progress,  you must be willing to channel energy and attention into your own process.  This translates making a priority and recognizing what distracts you so you do not procrastinate.  Its helpful to be aware of when you mind is wandering away from the task at hand or when you shift away for other reasons. 


You can begin with a skeleton-like focus, but you also need to add detail to run with the idea.  Where would you like this life boost to take you? It is a specific geographic location?  A particular community or professional evironment, or would you like to transplant yourself where you are in more frequent contact with like -minded people?  Whatever it is, write it down.  Draw or create a vision board.  Shre your reflections with others if it feels right. Allow details to fall into place so that this process feels more real.
4. Connect

Draft a list of who you feel would benefit from what you have to offer and how you can connect with them.  Where can you go to interact with people of similar interests, who share your passion or who could benefit from your experience? Draft a one sentence explanation of what you do. Write letters or emails. Use technology for initial contact yet strive to arrange in-person dialogue and meetings to strengthen connections and make a difference in people's lives.
4. Speak

Whether its finding confidence to speak up at a social gathering or, to contact people about doing talks about your area of expertise, the important thing is to find your words and use them aloud to make a lasting impression. Make a video, teach a skillshare course.
5. Show integrity
When you say you are ging to be somehwere at a certain time, be punctual.  If you offer to speak to a group of people on a topic of mutual interest, coem through.   Your behaviour is always painting a picture.