Step into Optimal Being

Notice you are consciousness, the energetic force that enlivens the body and gives you the ability to ground in this world and explore infinite dimensions every moment. If being omnipresent and omni-potent seems unfathomable, the ego mind may have you believe that you are less than you are, that you are unable to be, do or have something due to deficiencies, inadequacies and other lies. A most empowering revelation is that we only ever hold ourself back from our true greatness. To expand consciousness is to realize whatever is not working, blocked or not appearing in one timeline is already mastered or transcended in others. We each hold immeasurable abilities to see through self-created illusions and obstacles. In the optimal state, our endocrine system and all other energetic systems are fully activated. We are consciously communicating and interfacing with energies and beings in other realms. To allow higher vibrational realities to be dominant in our experience requires we grow conscious of all falsity, illusions, distortion and electro-magnetic interference and let it all go with love. Let the fearless Soul be your cosmic pilot. Allow imagining that every situation is a gift, catapult and opportunity for transformation into optimal being.