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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "As you shift into loving and accepting yourself fully, and no longer fear being vulnerable, you reclaim personal power." Liara Covert





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Entries in awakening (128)


Why do exist right now?

Every human being is currently experiencing a process of transformation. This is unfolding on levels you choose to see and selectively ignore. You are gradually shifting perspective, outlook, and attitude in ways that empower you to dissolve many of the assumptions that have formed the foundation of existence.  This sense of expansion is increasingly related to 2012 which is viewed as a turning point, yet, for what?

Your sense of the universe is offering new visions. Timeless perception is transforming what you expeirence and how you absorb energy vibration.  From every sunrise, you sense something different flowing through your veins. Reflect on these revelations and how they impact your self-view, current conditions and reframe the dawn of your physical life;

1) The perceived past does not create your actual identity.

2) You are not asked to mentally grasp ongoing energy shifts.

3) The future is nothing more than a selective mind projection.

4) You no longer permit perception of time to control you. 

5) Perceived threats and crises invite you to be more present.

6) Thrill-seeking & risk-taking are strategies to focus on 'Now'

7) Teaching the self to just be opens portholes to new realms.

8) What you choose to see in a moment is not all there is.

9) To grow aware of the invisible is to know you are part of it.

10) The mind does not know love and thus, cannot know you.


Reframe remote influencing power

Remote influencing is the exercise of bending reality with the mind. Every moment, you use thoughts to shape perceived physical reality. Everything you think invites certain things into your life. You create connections and disconnections with specific energies and systems. Different parts of self are engaged in different activities simultaneously. You have capacity to release systems that not longer resonate inside.

Some gurus say humans can meditate and do spiritual work to connect to the creator. As you move toward enlightenment, you develop new ways of decoding and undertanding your own material reality. You learn about attachment and detachment and even begin to grasp multiple dimensions.  Anyone can learn to move through them more consciously. In fact, you do this regularly but are unaware of your innate potential.

More specifically, you constantly interact with a higher self, the matrix of universal ideas and different levels of consciousness with different purposes. You need to reconcile these levels to create and hold the consistent perception you are part of one unique being. This triggers timeless, life-changing revelations.

The whole secret invites you to focus on the unity point, a level of mind or energy within every self. We do not need space, time or anything ego tells you. To arrive at this unity mindset means your behaviour, perspective and activities, and what you sense about the creator, transforms completely. As you read this article, you already sense conflict arising within. What will you do about that? Something or nothing? The next step is yours.

A key issue is to learn what it means in practice to use remote influencing power yourself. How do you already do it? What else could you learn? The perceptual way is to connect within. Some human beings also choose to seek out teachers or additional guidance. Do what feels right. Listen to intuition.

Some people follow a lower-vibratory energy. These beings exist in a reality and a dimension that focuses on polarisation. Their universe is about separation. Their choices promote competition, dense energy and realities. Humans do not all grasp unfolding events that create perceived crises Anything not grounded in desire to share or unite is going to fail. This result is pre-destined. Remote viewing enables one to sense it.

Other people move to a higher vibratory energy. They interact through groupings whose choices seek to unite the world. Related perceptions and trends move toward an alternate level of the mind. At the highest level of the mind, you get higher levels of inspiration, higher levels of integrative activities and the only ideas that come to you are grounded in universal and equal happiness. Love is the glue that nurtures.

Consider these ideas to help you empty conditioned misperceptions and prompt core self to energize differently;

1) Remote influencing teaches you mutliple realities exist & the soul splits based on realities you choose to focus on.

2) You already sense situations in different ways now that transcend human views of space and time.

3) Recognize no earthly tools are capable of managing global upheavals that compromise outdated social structures.

4) Free will is a perception modulated by the whole being that contains everything and everyone. 

5) Energy expansion has gone as far as it can go. Contraction has begun to realign universal energy.

6) Crises are steps that enable people to realize how interconnected they are.

7) Adjust thought patterns by choosing not to talk about or focus on issues of fear.

8) Realize you can do without many physical things ego assumes you needs to survive. Soul has all it requires now.

9) Sense empathy heals self and everything. Become everything to see how it interconnects different souls and species.

10) Know you feel compassion and unconditional acceptance for others unconsciously.


10 Revelations about 2012

The topic of 2012 is explored in other posts on this site. As it happens, I will be a guest on a Blog Talk Radio 2012 New Age on Sunday, August 2nd to discuss related topics. For the moment, I invite you to reflect on 10 revelations about 2012;

1) Recognize the source of your perceived pain now.

2) Recall you chose to experience physical density and fear.

3) Notice when and why your emotions come into play.

4) Detect how your field of awareness is expanding.

5) Sense what it means to detach from heart and soul love.

6) Know you decide when to align with an infinite perspective.

7) Accept awareness is invited and discernment is self-taught.

8) Realize soul is constantly engaged in what it will accept.

9) Intuit illusions dissolve as you reconnect with Oneness.

10) Prophetic insight and interdimensional dialogue arise naturally with spiritual surrender.


Jason Canter & Interview on Indigo & soul journeys

As part of my own multi-dimensional soul journey, I come to know Jason Canter. He offers insight into incarnation and formless experience as well as physical form. Exhanging dialogue reminds one that consciousness can manipulate physical matter. I appreciate shamanic synchronicity.

What are your soul origins?

Indigo Child ,Walk-in , Old Soul. Indigo properties are that I was born in 1972 , I have many different shades of indigo in my aura, blue eyes that have been reported by others to grow an even deeper /darker shade of blue when I speak about matters related to “spirit” or share related experiences.

Please explain your sense of "walk-ins" and reasons you resonate with 'old soul.'

Walk-in properties include an exchange of souls occurring more than one time in the same physical body or the ability of more than one soul to occupy the same body by mutual agreement. Old Soul properties are pretty self explanatory, The overwhelming feeling that I have been to certain geographical places or how to do things without formal training knowing that I had never been to those places or had any training in those skills in this incarnation. Others have recognized this in my "soul signature " as well.

When did you first grow aware of an ability to sense earthly time and space are illusions?

When I was very young, possibly as early as 3. I remember “knowing” and telling my parents they would have visitors long before their arrival. I would tell babysitters things about themselves that I couldn’t possibly know and even how the day and our time together was going to progress (what I was going to watch on television, have for lunch, etc) This phenomena has occurred on many occasions growing up and in my adult life.

How did this revelation shape your inner purpose?

I always considered my ability to see, feel ,and hear spirit to be unique. Even though I now know that everyone can develop these abilities. I have always felt that I was chosen to do these things with little or no effort. It has also caused me to feel a heightened sense of responsibility to seek out the intended recipients and pass on the messages that I receive or perceive in my “mind’s eye”.

Why did you choose to hide from what you saw within?

Emotional anguish. When others did not heed my advice due to lack of understanding, I nurtured fear, ignorance and absorbed false teachings. I understand the “law” of free will. I expressed that often during readings. Because I was the one given the vision (s) about probably outcomes or turn of events, when I see negative results I internalize that sadness or frustration.

What alters your sensibilities and self-acceptance?

My acceptance of self has altered my sensibilities. I have progr essed ,and realized that I did my “job” in passing on the messages that came to me/through me. I cannot be held nor hold myself responsible for the actions or inactions of others based upon what I perceived.

How do you know what to do with what you are given? 

It depends on how many times I “see” the situation , whether in my sleeping dreams or my lucid (wide awake/conscious) dreams. If I see situations unfold in dreams I have while sleeping and when I am awake am unable to “shake” the feelings held, I know that more attention is required and will often try to go back in to the dream and see the rest of what unfolds.

What have you learned from accepting energy flow?

I have learned that persistence pays off. I have learned not to be discouraged if at first no action is taken .It’s also a matter of presentation. Obviously the more detailed the reading , the better the results. What does not kill you brings you to a place that has potential to remind you what you are made of.

As you emerge from nothing, how do you view the mirror of your soul?

This is a tough one. People have been sent to their imprisonment and sometimes their demise based upon my testimony and urging of individuals, government and law enforcement to take a proactive stance in an effort to prevent repeat tragedies and needless loss of human lives. This weighs heavily on my conscience and I suspect has gone to a soul level. I know in my heart that I did the right thing with the tools I was given.

What are you doing to alter consciousness?

I continue to learn and incorporate new techniques in an effort to activate DNA strands, raise the vibration level and consciousness of myself and those with whom I come in contact. I teach others what I have learned based upon personal experiences. I strive to be like those examples in history (Jesus, Mother Theresa, Buddha) who are said to have raised the consciousness of others just by their very presence. Finally, empowering others by arming them with truth, encouraging them to find their own truths .

How do you use dream experience to expand awareness and open the mind to new levels of energy and learning?

I use dream experience as a powerful tool to co-create for myself and to help others to co-create. The dreaming body is where anything is possible because of the separation of the conscious and subconscious mind . We do not have the conscious mind telling us that what we are seeing, feeling , hearing isn’t possible based on logic and rational thinking. I have used it to connect with loved ones on the other side to gain closure about situations and seek guidance. Perhaps after consciously pre-programming that experience.

What do you recall about some of your past life lessons?

These examples are more educated guesses. The most powerful message I get when I “ask” about this is not to stop doing what I am doing (spiritual work) just because other people don’t accept or understand it. One example that I resonate with is a native mystical movement introduced by a Paiute shaman, Wovoka called the “Ghost Dance”.  In short, many warriors were killed for their following of Wovoka and their refusal to stop ghost dancing . The other example that I see would be of my early European ancestors being tried for witchcraft even though they were most likely just using their innate abilities to forecast.

Who do you foresee yourself becoming?

I see myself returning to the person that I was before, the enlightened one that served this world and his “tribe” (the whole of humanity) to the best of his abilities in an effort to pleasethe creator by honoring the agreements or contracts that I made before coming in to this incarnation.

Any additional things you would like to share?

I would just like to encourage others to reach within themselves to find their soul’s sole purpose on this planet. If they are in un satisfactory relationships with themselves or surroundings, I would encourage them to seek out the answers to remedy the disharmony. With the invent of the internet and a variety of books , DVD, etc. there are plenty of resources and teachers out th ere to help us to redefine and rediscover our paths. Remember we are a tiny piece of the “divine source ” that makes up this world. We need you to be here now help us to co-create that peaceful and harmonious place (heaven) that we have seen in our dreams.

Readers here are grateful for your contribution to this inter-dimensional dialogue.  Visitors who wish to connect with Jason can find him on myspace.

Thank you, Liara for the opportunity to share with you and your readers. It has been a pleasure.


Steve Nash & Interview on collective Self-Help 

Steve Nash raises awareness step-by-step on his soul journey.  Life experience prompts him to adopt and recommend the motto; "find the guru within."

His web-based information sources inspire, empower and awaken readers. You may hear of him through a variety of endeavours. I connect with him through his selfhelpcollective inititatives and am thrilled he chooses to share some down-to-earth insights here:

Why create

The truth is, I never intended to build a self-help website in Feb 2008, it just happened.

Come on, Steve, nothing just happens. What was the 'ah-ha' moment? What prompted you to go from thought to conscious creation?

I decided I was really interested, no, passionate, in self-help. I also worked out a 'spin' for my website that I thought was unique: and that spin was guru-free self-help.

So, you do not view yourself as a 'self-help guru?'

I happen to be a firm believer in the 'you are your own best guru' philosphy.  I am not a fan of 'guru knows best' which many self-help websites seem to subscribe to. I prefer the idea that the 'collective' knows best.

Who or what inspired it?

It was inspired by Site Build It!, my passion for self help, and my belief that the 'guru free' message was not being spread sufficiently. I found a site-building suite of software and 'instructions' that gets you to build a website based on your passion.  This makes for a more enjoyable web experience for visitors and webmaster!

How do such initiatives affect individual and group energy vibration?

Hmm, I'm not too sure about group energy as yet.  The 'collective' part of my website has still to be properly developed, but I have had some VERY positive responses from site visitors from all over the world. The site is starting to make a difference. This pleases me.

For example, Tracey in USA said:

"Your Web site is wonderful and I found it at a perfect time in my life. It is helping me through a transitional period like millions of being unemployed and the stress that comes with it. It has helped me along with friends, and family to balance the tension, & stress that comes with being out of work and stay positive. Instead of sleepless nights viewing news websites when I need some peace and tranquility, to calm down, I visit your site and will each day. Thank you very much!"

And Sharon from Ireland said:

"I have had low self esteem since a very young age and i have just found your site and i am going to try the tips and suggestions to improving my self esteem. You have done a wonderful thing by creating this site so that people can get advice and tips without having to admit to anyone else that they have been suffering due to their self esteem issues. Thankyou"

As you can imagine, it's great getting such positive feedback!

What do you hope visitors take away from experiencing this website?

Ultimately, I would like people to help themselves - via a self-help article or tip they read, or a comment or story.

I would like visitors to understand they know more than they realise and can help someone else in return. They can either leave a comment or personal story or other contribution to Self Help Collective, or they can reach out to people that they know and help those people instead.

I would love it if Self Help Collective could be responsible for such a virtous circle as this 'Help and be helped.'

How does the process of building and expanding the resource transform you?

This is a great question. I've created upwards of 20 of my own websites and Self Help Collective is the *only* website where I've personally experienced 'transformation'.

Initially, it happened when I was looking to find people who knew stuff on various subjects. Whomever I approached - and I would never have dreamt of approaching anyone, before this website - responded positively towards my idea.  Many contributed useful content for my site.

It made me think, pretty much for the first time that if you think you can, you can. (Sorry if it sounds corny, but experiencing this 'truth' about life is anything but corny, it's revelationary!)

Later on, I've been bouyed by the great feedback that you've already read. And much of the feedback has completely echoed my original intention for the website. I just got this feeback a few days ago (June 2009):

"According to Guru Pitka (how I love Mike Myers), Guru stands for: 'Gee, You Are You!' So, we each are our own guru... trying to recognize that myself! Thanks for creating a supportive, helpful, and fun collective- will be sure to return for more inspiration. Peace!"

And the site has started collecting real-life stories from site visitors. These often inspire, and make me realise that we really are all one - sharing the same hopes and fears, and the same trials and tribulations. This is embodied in the story of the alcoholic-in-denial who has finally started to face up to the truth (and the pain) of her life in 'Willing to be willing'

The site offers insight into happiness, confidence, affirmation, self-improvement and more. What next? 

There is a long way to go before this site achieves its full promise. I really do want it to be a source of 'help and be helped' and I also want to earn an income from the site, too. So lots of hard work still to do, and hopefully a lot more transformational moments.

Where do you sense shifts in your own awareness?

I'm definitely more aware of my moods, and I recognise much more that how I feel (in a certain situations) might not be the only way that I can feel. I also seem to notice the present moment a bit more often than I used to (and then I think about my otherwise 'not noticing' most of the time...)

Sounds like the participant and observer are awakening inside your mind. This invites reflection. When is the most appropriate moment to self-reflect?

Hah! Probably after a moment of high-conflict or when I find myself in an 'impossible to solve situation' (which is often).

Many people are encouraged to rediscover difficulties are a blessing in disguise. Would you say visitors evolve with the site?

I hope so, but it's too soon to say right now. It's difficult to track repeat visitors, and their attitudes to my site, other than via my newsletter (called The Weekly Wonder). And even then, people are usually commenting on the inspirational quotes inside the newsletter rather than on the website itself.

This is also another way that the Self Help Collective website needs to develop. (Thanks for reminding me, Liara! ;-) )

What does the process of change teach you?

Gosh, tricky. Well apart from the obvious notion of change being a constant, I think the most recent changes I've experienced continue to make me realise how little I know about my true self, and the world about me. Each new insight - I'm presuming this is 'change' - always amuses and reminds me of how foolish I can be.

For me, change is summed up by: "you can't teach life anything."

Share a personal crossroads or life turning point.

There is a situation that comes to mind. One of my being emotionally 'stuck', of seemingly being unable to begin a significant romantic relationship (after the end of two relationships, one after the other). Until, that is, I got 'involved' with someone over the period of a year and they suddenly (to me and my perspective, anyway) became unavailable - they started to see somebody else.

I experienced a very real shift in me, emotionally - and the catalyst of this change was this woman's sudden availability.

Suddenly, I was able to commit! And I did so, almost immediately, with somebody else (it didn't last, but not because of my lack of commitment).

However, I find it difficult to talk about this healing time, this turning point, as I still find myself mired in a particular romantic relationship. So the healing feels incomplete now.

Still, I now know transformational change is possible.

How do you understand love and fear?

I've just started reading Gerald Jampolsky's, Love is Letting Go of Fear (a book I find amazing, by the way). And this book believes that love is the opposite of fear. And I am happy to go with that understanding too.

I am a big fan of love. (all forms of love - for friends, colleagues, parents, children, your spouse or partner - are all part of Love.) So I am a big fan of letting go of fear. Not easy, though, but necessary.

I resonate with Jampolsky's views on love and fear.  Reading other views helps awakens your own soul. What would you like readers here to take away?

I'm just a fair-to-middling student of life who makes his fair share of mistakes and has successes too. But I remain committed to learning about life, love AND fear, and I hope to do that via the ever-developing Self Help Collective website that came into being in February 2008.

Actually, answering these questions has made me recognise just how important the Self Help Collective website, and its aims and ambitions, is to me. Thanks for giving me this opportunity, Liara, to 'have my say'.

(By the way, if anyone is interested in how, exactly, I came to conceive and create I just so happend to keep a site-building journal (or diary). You can read it here - .)

Thanks Steve.  You remind visitors that regardless of their current stage of conscious awareness or life situation and focus, resources exist to help them find bright sides and valuable lessons wherever they are. I encourage you to explore and contribute some of yoru own stories. Helping others is a way to simultaneously grow and learn too.