The biggest risk ever follow-up
Saturday, September 8, 2007 at 3:21PM
Liara Covert in Risk Taking

How you perceive risk changes.  After you take a risk and like a result, you become increasingly fearless.  You may take new risks that surpass previous limits. Your thoughts create a new frequency. Since increasing confidence enables you to feel good, as you choose to celebrate good feelings, you create conditions that keep you on track with your deepest desires.  Everything you think brings you your future.  

As it is, each decision I make about risk-taking in romance reinforces the law of attraction. The law doesn't care if you think certain conditions would be good for you or not, what you think about happens. This is a law of nature that brings you whatever you've been thinking about, in my case, that has been adventure, travel and love.  What other people would or wouldn't do in your shoes is irrelevant.

In the posting, "The biggest risk ever," I explained how the Universe brought me an opportunity for a special romance. The Universe likes speed, and I respond to instinct.  I realized my life was in my hands.  I visualized feelings I desired. I knew what was happening to me wasn't wishful thinking.  My mind was shaping my relationship at exactly the right time. I loved myself and was attracting love my way.

After my impulsive train trip through France, Switzerland and Italy, a memorable third date, anticipation continued to build. I returned to Canada and felt my thoughts were very powerful. People remarked I was different, that I seemed to glow. Inside, I wished to do what it took to sustain my incredible feelings. This invited a chain reaction that focused on a result and devalued the influence of risk.

I realized I could have fun with this. To become aware truly made me the master of my thoughts. The power of love enabled me to reframe taking risks as necessary to prove I could overcome fears.  My mind voluntarily focused on high frequencies.  By listening to what others told me was possible, I hadn't found what I sought before.   

While attending the wedding of a family friend with 200 guests, why was it in the crowd that I was drawn to a conversation involving 2 people discussing Australian hospitality? Why was it that for the pre-arranged dinner, I was seated between a couple who married in Melbourne and had their son in Melbourne? A few days later, why did I turn on the radio and hear about Australian spider collecting? Why did I watch a tv program with 3 references to 'Down Under,' including a message written on a truck: "come to Australia?" Each day, what I chose to see reinforced my belief.  I asked the Universe what I wanted and it offered me its answer.  I simply listened. 

Experience shows what we think about and focus on most becomes our life.   After the train trip, I devoted part of each day to my relationship.  Dialogue enabled us to sense we were on the same wavelength. For example, I asked him to answer 42 questions (part of a draft manuscript). He agreed.  When I received his email, I emailed my answers. Why was it most of our responses were almost identical? When he wrote a questionnaire to add to my book, we both answered it and discovered similar answers. To feel grateful for each other reduced our sense of risk. 

It came as no surprise to me that Rhonda Byrne is Australian.  The release of her best-selling book The Secret outlined a process I have been living.  We determine whether we'll accept society's view of risk.  If you believe, the greater the love you feel, the greater the power you harness, and the more rewarding the manifestation.

Within 6 months of meeting my soul mate, events unfolded that led me to move over 18,000 km. We've been together two and a half years. Each day gets better. Looking back, we both admit how our choice to believe in what we wanted justified rethinking risk and not permitting fear to control us. We're the result of our dreams.

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