7 Steps to reclaim inner power

Many people say they feel powerless, This is about shifting focus to nourish a life full of trust, patience and second chances. This journey is not just your own. Its a universal story about resilience and recovery and coming full circle. When we meet people who believe in us, support ius, this is a testament to the power of trust and the resilience of spirit. Eyes once revealing flickers of fear, can shift to reveal an air of confident acceptance. Consider 7 steps to reclaim inner power:
1. Choose to recalibrate, rather than retreat, when fear whispers.
2. Love what you are taught to hate, reject.
3. Know that your response is your power (choose love. peace).
4. Self-care is empowering when its delibrate and self-directed.
5. Be willing to admit when you are in pain and desire change.
6. Do not allow external conditions to define how you feel.
7. Recall nobody can make you feel inferior wihtout your consent.

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