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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "As you shift into loving and accepting yourself fully, and no longer fear being vulnerable, you reclaim personal power." Liara Covert





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How to make the most of now?

You could choose to see the bright side of where you are and your current circumstances. How often do you do so? Some people are the sort that bring sunny optimism with them even when its raining.  Other people seldom view anything positive in moment. What about you?

Imagine how your life feels as you detach from the drama, relinquish grudges and other hard feelings, and simply choose to see beauty and love inside self and others. What happens as you decide to sense advantages and blessings in all your choics and also to be aware of why you make them? Why focus on such intentions?  You decide whether to make the most of now and also how this translates into being.

For some people, this means cherishing every moment they are given in this lifetime, choosing to laugh off annoyance rather than allow self to get angry, doing more with less, cutting back on extraneous activities and detaching from relationships and conditions that no longer resonate with how they feel.  Be aware your choices reflect priorities.  Pursuit of material things, discrimination or complaining about where you are not or those choices that trigger continued discomfort, may lose their appeal. What happens as you make new choices?

Notice every choice you make is creating experience.  The clothes you buy, the food you eat, the people you connect with, the places you live, the physical things you use, the affiliations you create or discontinue, all of this reflects how you feel inside.  What messages about self-acceptance ordissatisfaction are you sending? How closely are you listening, hearing? Even now, you choose to Transform your life.

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Reader Comments (10)

Hi Liara - Yes, making the most of now is so important to me .. as my mother is so ill. I hope to be a bit freer and give her even more of my time in the coming weeks. Fortunately I’ve always been optimistic and as I phrase it ‘turn on my heel’ and get on with things in another direction, if one has gone pear-shaped: as today .... and I’m relaxed about it .. and I am transforming myself as the wheels turn .. – have a good rest of the week - Hilary
April 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
One way I find that really puts me in the moment, and makes it a positive moment is to reply "Wonderful" or "Fantastic" or some other positive phrasing when I am asked how I am or how my day is! Saying this brings forth a bright attitude and a smile from within me, and I realize that however the world and my situation is, *I* am still "wonderful!".
April 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBetsy
I'm sure I never listen as close as I should. I don't know if you collect them, but there is something at my place in Paradise Valley, that I hope will brighten your day
April 23, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPaige
Tuning into the silence within, letting go, has done wonders for me.
April 23, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKaushik
Hilary, an uplifting perspective is an asset in any situation. The philosopher Krishnamurti explains that his serene state of being relates to choosing not to be bothered by whatever comes into his scope of awareness. We each have opportunities to take things as they unfold, to react emotionally, respond some other way or not respond, period. Even acknowledgement on some level tells us something.
April 23, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Paige, every life experience invites ur to sharpen our own discernment and self-awareness. To be open to expansion is to be receptive to what you are unconsciously giving yourself as a timeless gift. Thanks for the invite.
April 23, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Kaushik, remembering one is always free and always free to expand cosnciousness, is a life-transforming revelation.
April 23, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Betsy, you remind people that the quickest way to alter their world is to alter their perception of themselves and how they see.
April 23, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Wonderful easy reading that every one can relate to you are a universal inspiration, Blessing to you Ms Liara.
April 23, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLouise
This is a wonderful article, filled with profound insight that I hope resonates with many.
April 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJulie

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