Consciously shift brainwaves

Hyper-gamma and lambda states of consciousness are associated with #Tummo, the ability of certain sects of Tibetan monks who can mediate in sub-zero temperatures wearing little clothing and keeping a hot #body temperature which melts the snow. The heat generated by this #frequency gives the body ability to radiate heat and melt snow. Its #synchronicity that #WimHof, nicknamed “The Iceman”, shares life-transforming #breathing techniques (#wimhofmethod ). He exhibits ability to control his core body temperature and withstand extreme freezing temperatures.
Turns out, #Epsilon waves are very low frequency brain-waves linked to wholeness and integration. They are also linked to #mystical and out of body experience. Most electro- encephalogram (#EEG) devices are not able to measure below .5 HZ. This is the #yogi state when they achieve “suspended animation”. In this state, western #physicians will no longer perceive a #heartbeat, #respiration or #pulse. The Epsilon state, like lambda state, also shows synchronizing of the left and right brain hemispheres along with feelings of #wholeness and #integration. Many groups of independent EEG #researchers have found these states to be the same, suggesting a circular link between these two extremes of brainwave activity. Upon taking a closer look at the extremely slow epsilon brain-wave patterns, researchers discover super fast hyper-gamma/lambda brainwaves “riding” within and vice versa. This helps explain why the same consciousness experiences occur with widely different brainwave types.

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