Access mind-blowing Realities

Notice the point of stillness of the mind is the origin of all space & time, the centre of the "forbidden fruit" (aka "apple" in Eden) is a simple 'physical' example of a torsion- field. Everything in the entire cosmoverse behaves like a torsion-field: a self-sustained, self-contained energy system the living aerodynamics of which always stems from its "zero-point". In Sanskrit, [“perfectly (sam)-composed/engineered (krit)”] this is called "nirvāna" and it means "coming to a stop", or "the point of stillness" or «cessation» (of the movement, turbulence or "spinning around" in this movement →∞ indicated by the infinity sign "8" on the side: which is simply the half-section of an apple; which is called "samsāra”: ="spinning around"). In mechanics and engineering this is called "rotor & stator" and it is the basics of an "engine" or "motor"—Which is by the way called "Pyramid" in Greek: pyros=raging fire (PIE paewr→"power"), mid=middle, so "fire or power in the middle"...(what our cars have!=a motor). No movement exists without a point of stillness, which IS its point of origin, or Source. This is basic quantum mechanics: that both the equation of the zero-point AND of its spinning (maths inside of which are all based on π, Phi,...) are superposed and entangled, or- simultaneous and non-exclusive. In this view, a gold mine of new openings and insights exists into this most fascinating zero-point porthole. It is key to parallel dimensions, time travel, hyperspace and accessing mind-blowing new realities.

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